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Celeste POV I always wonder why other people have it easy while I am always on the verge of giving up. "I already told you so many times that you should find Ava's father, Celeste, instead of shouldering all the responsibilities on your own," my aunt uttered lecturing me on things that I should do as if I haven't thought about that matter. "I already told you multiple times also that I didn't see his face all I can remember is the tattoo on his chest, that is all," I responded almost losing my patience. My aunt looked at me in disbelief then after a while she let out a deep breath. "You are an i***t Celeste just like your mother," she uttered then walked out of the room. I can't blame my aunt for saying all those things because she is right I am an i***t for giving myself to a stranger. I palmed my face and then sat on the couch. I massaged my temple and then immediately wipe the tears that fell from my eyes. "Mommy are you crying?" when I heard Ava's voice I lifted my head and then looked at her with a smile flashed on my face. I stood up and then walked towards her. I sat on the chair beside her bed then reached for her hand and kissed it. "No baby I am not," I lied but it wasn't effective. She stared at my face intently then reached for my face using her free hand. "Mommy I'm sorry," she uttered weekly and hearing her words felt like someone stabbed me with a knife. "No don't say that," I uttered then held her other hand and planted a gentle kiss on it. "I'm sorry Mommy for being sick," she uttered. I immediately shook my head and then smiled at her. "Please stop saying that," I pleaded then kissed her hands nonstop. "Am I making things hard for you Mommy?" she asked and it pains me to hear that question in my five-year-old daughter's mouth. It hurts knowing that at such a young age she is already exposed to this kind of hardship. "No Ava, not at all. You make Mommy's life better. You are the reason why Mommy is smiling so don't take that away from me, don't leave Mommy okay?" I asked then raised my pinky finger and waited for her to seal our promise. When Ava intertwined her small pinky finger with mine I smiled and pulled her into a tight hug. "I love you, Ava," I whispered in her heart as I hug her tightly. "I love you too Mommy," she responded. Ava is diagnosed to have congenital heart disease so when she was born hospital became our second home. I put Ava to sleep before leaving the room to look for Aunt Elizabeth. Even though we always argue she never leaves my side and she is always there when I needed someone to look after Ava. "You are leaving?" she asked when we met in the hallway. I nod my head then my eyes land on the fruit she is holding after that I brought my eyes back to her face. "Can you look after Ava while I am gone?" I asked and without any hesitation, she nod her head. Aunt Elizabeth took me when my parents died in an accident when I was still in high school. I was a rebel back then. I am always seen at the club but she never gave up on me when she found out that I am impregnated by a stranger she almost disowned me but when she saw Ava her mind changed. Aunt Elizabeth gave me another chance so I changed my life and devoted my days as Ava's mother. I work three jobs just to support Ava's medication and I sometimes admit that there are times when I think of ending my life but I am always reminded that I have a daughter who depends on me and that gave me the strength to keep on going. It is already eight in the evening so I headed towards the bar where I am working as a waitress. "Celeste!" Andrea called me when I entered the bar. She has a huge smile plastered on her face. "I have a job for you," she uttered with excitement in her voice and upon hearing the word job I became interested in whatever she is going to say. "Someone is looking for an escort, the offer is good Celeste so if I were you I would take it. If I didn't sign a contract with Mr. Arevallo I would accept the job in a heartbeat," she uttered. I simply shook my head, Andrea. I would rather die working as a waitress than sell myself. I am not degrading those people who chose that kind of job since I know they have their reasons but I don't want to be one of them. I am a mother and I have to protect my dignity for the sake of my child. I don't want Ava to look at me differently. "I am not interested Andrea," I responded and smiled at her before continuing my work. "Just tell me if you change your mind," she uttered before leaving. A few minutes when Andrea walked away my phone rang and upon looking at my phone screen I saw Aunt Elizabeth's name so I immediately answered the call. "Celeste, Ava had an attack again. Her doctor told me that she should have her operation as soon as possible," tears cascaded down my face. "I'll be there in a few," I responded then dropped the call and headed towards the hospital. Theodore's POV Loud music filled the whole club but here I am grieving for the woman who left me without any explanation. I stared at Stella's picture intently and without even noticing a tear escaped from my eyes. "s**t bro just forgets that woman," Grey, my best friend suggested. If only it was that easy. I immediately wiped the tears from my face and then turn off my phone. "I'm over Stella," I lied even though my actions contradicts my words. I heard a heartfelt laugh from Grey then after that, he tapped my shoulder and sat beside me. "I'm already looking for a woman who can fill the gap in your chest," he shared which made my forehead crease. "Woman?" I asked confused. "I ask someone to look for an escort for you so you can heal your broken heart or maybe broken libido?" he responded then took a sip from his glass. "I don't need a woman Grey," I seriously responded. "Oh come on Theodore we have our needs don't act like a f*****g Saint here," he uttered trying his best to make me agree with his suggestion. I don't want to prolong this conversation so I simply nod my head. Grey looked at me proudly and then clapped his hands as if I have done something to be proud of. "That's my friend," he uttered and I simply shook my head slowly losing my patience with him. I don't know what I got myself into but I am now walking in a dark hallway finding the room where the escort that Grey hired is currently staying. When I found the right room I slowly open the door and there I saw a woman sitting in front of a vanity mirror. She is wearing a mask that covers her eyes that hinders her from telling how she looks. The woman saw my reflection in the vanity mirror which made her flinch but after a while, she turned around then and smiled at me. After a while, the woman stood up and then walked closer. "Celeste," she uttered then extended her hand. "Theodore," I introduced myself as well then take her delicate hands. "Nice meeting you Theo," she responded giving me a nickname. The only person who calls me Theo is Stella and I hate it when someone calls me by that nickname because it reminded me of her. "I prefer Theodore," I told her so she nod my head. "Theodore then," she sounded confident but I can feel her hands shaking. "Take off your mask," I commanded and she obliged. With her shaking hands, Celeste slowly removed her mask and I can't help but admit that she looks like a Greek God. When her brown eyes met mine I can't help but be drawn to her. Their something about her eyes that pulls me closer and made me lose my inhibition. Celeste smiled at me again then snaked her arms around my neck. She stared at my face for a couple of seconds then slowly moved her face closer to mine. When our lips were a few inches away I spoke. "Your hands are cold," I pointed out so she immediately let off my nape and then hide her hands behind her back. "The room is cold as well, that's why," she reasoned but I didn't believe her. I took a few steps closer and when she stepped back a smirk rose from my lips. "How long have you been doing this?" I asked then take another step until she is cornered. "T-This is my first-time S-Sir," she responded stuttering. I nod my head and then held her child so our eyes would meet but she kept on looking at the floor. "Look at me Celeste," I commanded. Celeste took a deep breath before locking our gaze. "I'm not here for s*x," I confessed. "I'm here to have a tight sleep, if you can make me fall asleep then I would pay you," I uttered then took out a contract. "Sign this, to avoid problems in this setup," I added then let go of her chin and walked away from her. I sat on the couch and then placed the documents on the table. Celeste sat across me and then stared at the documents. "I have my conditions. First, this setup should be private. Second, don't approach me or greet me in public. Lastly, don't fall in love with me." I uttered and without any hesitation, she nod her head. "How about you do you have any condition?" I asked. "Pay me on time and don't ask questions about my personal life," she uttered so I nod my head as well and signed the contract. Celeste did the same and we sealed the deal like a piece of cake.
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