Chapter 4; Man in Black

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Sandra pov Tears finally fell from my eyes as I looked at the enraged elderly alpha. I'm still holding my cheek that I'm sure is red by now because of his strong slap. Usually it's Carla and her mother, Luna Mathilda, who punish me when I do something wrong or when they just want to trip me up. On top of that was the pain I experienced with Carla and Luna. Somehow there is still mercy in the alpha's eyes but it's different now. As if I did a serious crime to make him angry like that. "S-sir, there seems to be a misunderstanding here." The man Arlo stuttered, trying to intervene. After a while I heard Carla's loud voice from outside until the door in front of us spit her out. "YOU stipid woman! I'll make you bald! She quickly reached me and then grabbed my hair. "You're really worthless you pest! You're ruined my night! I couldn't do anything but cry because I couldn't fight. "Stop! "Carla, stop it! Alpha Austin tried to pull her away, as did Arlo who put his body to hide me in his back, but Carla was so angry that I didn't know why. She totally lost control of herself that she seemed to have forgotten that there were guests in the room. "Stop! Please." I'm not doing anything wrong." I said crying when finally her father was able to take her away from me. "Are you alright? The man named Arlo asked me worriedly. I nodded slightly even though I was embarrassed in front of them. "You deserve it! That's not even enough. I'm not done with you yet! Carla was furious. I don't know but since I came here in this pack she has always been mad at me and I don't know why. "Carla!? My eyes were on the floor but I knew Luna Mathilda had arrived and was now standing at the door. "Jack." Carla said as if her temper suddenly subsided. I raised my head and my eyes found the man she called Jack who came with Luna Mathilda to the room. I saw how Jack's eyes traveled around the room until he stopped at me and saw me looking at him. I immediately looked away and returned my gaze to the floor. I knew Luna Mathilda was with someone when she entered the room but I didn't expect it to be him until Carla mentioned his name. I frowned in surprise. I can no longer smell that scent on him. No, because that smell did not disappear from my side. Since earlier, the room has had that fragrant smell that has eased my feelings. I kept my head down but I slightly raised my eyes to where the man with Arlo was sitting. And I was surprised when I saw that man staring at me. He just watches the scene as if he doesn't care. "Carla, I've been looking for you for a while. I looked back at the floor when I heard Jack's voice. "I'm sorry, I was just taking care of something here, why do you need anything? Carla asked softly, as she gracefully walked towards the man. "Nothing, I just noticed that you suddenly disappeared so Luna Mathilda and I looked for you. Jack explained. His voice is very calm and pleasant to hear, Carla is lucky to have him because this man's behavior is the opposite of hers. "You better go back outside, the guests are definitely looking for you." "Alright dad." Carla kindly replied to Alpha. "Let's go babe." Then she led Jack out of the room. "You follow too. Luna said to Alpha Austin before following the two out. Austin didn't answer, instead he looked at the man sitting on the couch. "I'm sorry for what happened. He said to the man who then moved to stand up from his comfortable sitting position. "Why don't you join me for a drink outside so we can talk about business. "I'm sorry but I refuse. "I think, it's better if I'll just come back another day. The man answered. Honestly, I'm not interested in what they talk about. I immediately fixed my hair even though I knew that even if I did that I would still look like trash. I'll just go back to work so I then slowly walked to the side, praying that I wouldn't be noticed. "We won't stay long, we'll leave. I'm at the door and I'm just one step away. "And we'll take that girl with us." My eyes widened and I stopped moving when I heard what he said. I turned back to where they were to make sure who's the girl he's talking about. Like me, Austin's face was filled with surprise. I saw how the man's eyes turned on me even though Austin was in front of him. "What? W-Why? Austin asked in confusion. "Look, She is just a lowly servant, if she has done something wrong, I am the one who apologizes on her behalf, don't worry, I will make sure she will be punished, I promise. I don't know if I should be happy or should be afraid of the alpha's words. "You do not understand. There was a slight smirk on the side of his lips when he stepped closer to Austin. "What I have witnessed is enough. Almost in a whisper but I heard what he said when he got very close to the alpha's face. I glanced at Arlo who was behind the man, but he just shrugged his shoulders as if he answered the questions that I had not yet uttered. "Then,what are you saying? Why would you want to bring that slave with you, she will just be a burden on your pack. "She knows nothing but to make mistakes. I shed tears of self-pity as I received those words from the alpha. Despite all my hardships, I am still a lowly slave in everyone's eyes. I thought that if I do my job well and serve them in any way, I will be useful to them at least, but I was wrong. I'm still a slave and that won't change. I felt tears running down my face so I immediately wiped them away with my hands. Why am I listening to their conversation? I turned around and was ready to continue leaving the room. "Stop! My departure was interrupted when I heard that. Again I turned to them. My forehead was wrinkled when my eyes landed on the man in black jacket but I couldn't get any answer to the question "why?" which I couldn't pronounce so I looked for the answer to Arlo. He just gave me a smile and for some reason I felt relieved as if he was saying that everything was fine. "I don't need a slave in my pack. "We will take her with us because "SHE is the Luna of my pack." My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened at what I heard. I don't know how to process what I hear in my brain. Like me, Austin was also surprised by what he heard. "You heard me right. That woman is my Luna. He emphasized those words. I stared at him and waited for him to look at me so that all my questions would be answered, because I didn't know what I should feel. Yes, I thought I had found my mate, and I felt so sorry for myself when I found out that Carla was the mate of the man I thought was mine. I got devastated and totally lost my hope. As I'm staring at that man just a few steps away from me, suddenly I felt my heart pounding so hard. My longing to get out of this place was rekindled and I don't care how, as long as I get out of here. He picked up the jacket that fell on the floor earlier and then he stepped closer to me. I stared at him and followed his eyes hoping to find the answer to my questions there, but I was disappointed that he didn't even pay attention to my eyes. Instead, he put the jacket back on my shoulders which made me feel warm again. His intoxicating smell embraced me when his eyes finally landed on mine. "This woman, is my Luna."
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