Chapter 3; Trembling

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Sandra pov That smell put my mind at ease. I feel that all the pain and fatigue of my body has healed. I was able to take a break even for a while and to escape the jobs I was supposed to be doing. I passed out because of exhaustion and hunger, I wish I had stayed like this forever, I wish I wouldn't wake up anymore. Because the moment I open my eyes, hell is definitely waiting for me. Just thinking about my situation in the coming days in this place, I feel like I'm being killed little by little. A total torture. If that's the case, then it's better to end everything now. I felt tears creeping from my eyes. I just can't help it but feel sorry for myself. The man,my mate that I've waited for so long, who I expected to take me out of this place like hell, he rejected me. Although he didn't say it in words in my face, that's what happened. I got depressed the moment he held Carla's hand, and yes I was freaking jealous of that woman. She got everything that every woman wishes for themselves. After my parents died, I have never been eager to get something for myself except for one thing. That the time would come for me to meet my mate. But there is nothing left for me now. I have no reason to live if all I get is misery while I'm still breathing. "I hope I just die. for all this to be over." I turned over to the side of the bed without even opening my eyes. I just want to keep my eyes closed, I don't care what awaits me after this. I feel down and I just want to release all my tears even though I know there is no ending. I don't even know whose room this is and whose bed I'm lying on now, because I'm sure it's not mine. I don't think there's anything more stinky than my cell-like room, and I don't have a soft bed in that room, I only have patches of cardboard on the floor to sleep on. I spent a few more minutes on that side of the bed until I felt that the pillow was wet from tears. Just as I was about to turn to the other side, I heard the creak sound from the door opening. My intestine churns in a surge of anxiety and I don't know what to do, should I pretend to be asleep or should I stand up before they drag me out of the room. But before I could think of what I should do, I was blank and my eyes suddenly opened. "Oh ,she's awake!" My face automatically turned towards the door where the two men entered. "Which one of them? Whose smell is that coming from? A man wearing a white shirt and tattered jeans approached my bed while the other man sat on the sofa. He was wearing a black leather jacket, black denim jeans and a navy blue undershirt. "How are you? You passed out earlier, how are you feeling now? The man in the white shirt asked me curiously, but with a tinged of concern. His hair was shade brown and deliberately in a messy hairstyle. He looks kind and trustworthy, but that smell doesn't come from him. So I turned my gaze to the man who sat on the couch. And to my surprise, his neck bent to the side to see me too. I gasped in shock. He's not doing anything yet, I can't even hear his voice but I'm terrified in his presence. Even though he was wearing a jacket, I knew his body was moldy, he was tall, his long black hair tied behind his head. His pair of eyebrows are angry and thick and his sharp nose is perfectly molded. His eyes are sharp, but I just don't like men with beards and mustaches. I don't want to lead but this man is scary and he gives shivers to my bones. I did my best to get up from the bed. Even if I want to stay and rest for a longer time, I don't think it's right for me to do that in front of these strangers. "Oh, why? Do you need anything? I can ask Alpha Austin to send a servant to bring that to this room. "But I was the servant." "Alpha Austin? I looked up at the man in the white shirt who spoke. So, I'm still here in this hellish pack. I immediately removed the blanket that was wrapped around half of my body. "What am I thinking? I will surely be punished." But it seems that my body is against my action as I suddenly felt dizzy and felt a hit of pain in my head. Even my vision is blurry. "Don't force yourself." I looked at the man in black. His voice is as manly as his appearance. He was as powerful and authoritative. He was staring at me but I couldn't read any emotion on his face as far as I knew, I had to follow him because that was his order. But I don't know him. Alpha Austin might think I'm playing pitiful in front of these guests. I am sure that a terrible punishment is waiting for me when they leave. That's why I chose to follow my instinct. I can't expect anything now but myself. If I apologize to Alpha Austin and be kind to this pack, my life will definitely be easier. After all, I've endured my situation here for a few years, so I'm sure I can handle a few more years of suffering. I completely removed the blanket and put down my bare feet on the cold marble floor to stand up and go back to the work I had left. "S-sorry f-for the t-trouble, but I have to get back to work." I said politely while my eyes were fixed on the floor because it was rude to stare into the eyes of the guests, because it was obvious that they were not ordinary wolf blood like me. A lowly slave. I was able to rest but it was not enough for my body to have strength because until this moment my stomach was empty. "Are you sure? You're so weak, why don't you just rest? The man in white said,who even blocked my way to stop me. I don't know this man but I can feel his concern. I frowned as I looked at him in confusion. He seems kind, but that's not enough of a reason for me to do what he says, especially when I'm the only one who will be in trouble in the end. I gasped weakly. "I-I'm fine, s-sir, I really need to get back to work now, excuse me." I said and he didn't do anything when I avoided him. Instead he turned to look at the man in black sitting on the couch who had been watching us for a while. "Alpha?" I stopped when I heard that. It seems that he is coercing the man to stop me because he has nothing else to do. "Arlo, send Alpha Austin here." I turned to where he was sitting when I heard that. So that man in white named Arlo but that's not what's important now. My chest started pounding when the door closed as Arlo went out. "Why is it? I don't remember doing anything wrong to them." I could feel my knees shaking and I felt a chill crawling through my body. I crossed my arms over my chest to hug myself as if it can help relieve the cold that enveloped me . It was too late when I noticed that he was standing in front of me. It was as if a wind blew in my face carrying a very fragrant smell. I looked up at his face. He is very tall and his emerald green eyes are scary. But the feeling that his smell gives me is the opposite. He was staring into my eyes but there was no emotion at all. "That smell coming from him? He took off his jacket while I was just looking at his face, waiting for any emotion from him. I just felt the heat touching my body when he covered me with his jacket. Is it just because I'm hungry or so tired that I can't react or object to what's happening around me. His scent is on this jacket. I clung to it, wondering if it was okay for me to take advantage of the warmth it gave off? I looked up at him again and his head slightly moved to the side as if he was asking why I am looking at him. I immediately bowed down out of shame that touched my face. After a while we both turned to the door when it opened. A man named Arlo and Alpha Austin entered. As soon as the alpha's eyes hit me, a terrible frown immediately grew on his forehead. His gaze seemed to be judging me and even though I bent down my neck to avoid his eyes, I could feel the fear brought by his presence. "Alpha Austin, we would like to talk to you about this girl, she's-" "PLACKKK!!! What Arlo was going to say didn't go through because Alpha Austin's "SLAPPED" me on my cheek and it was heard throughout the room. The black jacket fell to the floor. The coldness and shame, even the pain from being slapped, I don't even know anymore what should I feel first. "YOU SHAMELESS w***e! How dare you seduce my guest?! A ting sound blocked the noises around me as my face flew into the air. I immediately held my face which was hot because of the strong slap that the alpha gave me. Tears immediately filled my eyes due to mixed emotions. Wondering what my fault was, pain from his slap and embarrassment in front of strangers. I held my cheek as I looked back at the fury alpha. "Alpha A-Austin. W-what did I do? I asked weakly in a trembling voice.
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