Chapter 12

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Gabriel's POV Amaya and I stood back to back, surrounded by a circle of witches on the balcony of my penthouse. Amaya’s breath came out in labored gasps. She’d expended too much magic. The witches were too powerful for her. The plan had been for her to hold them off while I escaped with Evelina. She’d portal herself to where I had my jet waiting to take us away. It was for instances such as this that Amaya avoided using her magic. One never knew when an enemy might attack. But neither of us had counted on multiple dark witches showing up. One or two, we could handle. But this…was unprecedented. I could not leave Amaya to fend for herself when she was so clearly struggling. These were dark witches, with the ability to wield magic much more efficiently. I pulled the trigger on my silver pistol, but instead of hitting its mark, it disappeared into a whirlpool of shadows created by these stupid witches. Dark witches practiced sacrificial magic, which gave them an edge over witches like Amaya. Only those known as Earth Witches, powerful women with the power to control all four elements and pull limitless energy from the earth itself, could take these crazies head on. I didn’t have an Earth Witch, only Amaya. And I wouldn’t let my friend die. Worry for Evelina clawed at me. I hoped she possessed the good sense to run. The stench of their dark magic filled the air, making my nostrils flare in disgust. I glanced at Amaya, who was panting from overexertion of her magic but looked determined. Her eyes blazed with an intensity that matched my own. We weren’t about to go down like this. “I hate witches,” I muttered under my breath, putting the gun back into my holster. “They always dodge my bullets. Looks like we’ll have to do this the traditional way.” My hands began to transform before our enemies’ very eyes. Fingers elongated into razor-sharp claws, capable of slicing through flesh and bone with ease. My canines grew longer and sharper, ready to sink into the nearest witch’s throat. Without hesitation, I lunged forward, pouncing on the closest one and tearing into her with a ferocity that surprised even me. Blood sprayed everywhere as I ripped into her flesh with my canines, feeling the life force drain from her body. It was rather satisfying watching her die. One of them had tried to hurt Evelina. The other witches recoiled in horror, their magic faltering as they watched me practically devour the blood of one of their own. Amaya stood frozen for a moment, her eyes wide with shock at my ferocity. But then she quickly regained her composure. She raised her hands, chanting and trying to invoke her magic. Amaya reached for her pouch of herbs tied to her waist, sprinkling a handful into the air. A massive gust of wind whipped through the balcony, tossing one of the witches off the edge. She went plummeting to her death below. Amaya’s face was ghostly pale, and her breathing labored. I could tell she’d just used an immense amount of power and could no longer fight. Normal witches, like Amaya, could only store a limited amount of energy. And they relied on herbs and potions to be the spark to their magic. Dark witches fed off blood energy from their sacrifices. Amaya and I did not stand much of a chance. But maybe holding them off would buy Evelina the time she needed to escape. Inch by inch, the shadows on the floor crept closer to me. Without blinking, I jumped onto the closest witch, who was the one casting the spell. My jaws closed over her neck right when I heard Amaya scream. Looking up, I saw her on the ground, a hand raised as a warlock closed in on her. A crackling of electric black smoke danced across his fingertips. Panic surged through me. I wouldn’t make it in time to save her. But I could try. “Die b***h,” the warlock chuckled. I snapped the witch’s neck in two and lunged, only to hit a film of translucent black smoke that blocked me like a physical barrier. I tried pushing through, but it was like hitting a cement wall. A furious howl ripped through me. If our adversaries had been wolves, they would have cowered under my alpha aura. In the next moment, the bastard looming over Amaya froze, magic dying on his fingertips. Blood spilled from his mouth. I blinked, looking at Amaya to see if she’d managed a spell. She looked just as confused as I did. The hijo de puta fell forward to reveal Evelina standing behind him, a bloody knife in her hand that she’d just pulled out of his back. “How about you die, pendejo,” Evelina spat, her eyes narrowed into two slits. I don’t think I’d ever seen anything more beautiful than my mate with a bloody knife in her hand after she’d just killed an enemy. Wearing my shirt no less so that my scent was all over her. But in that next moment, horror surged through me. “RUN!” I growled out angrily. She was putting herself in danger! But instead of listening to me, she reached out a hand to help Amaya up. “BEHIND YOU!” I roared frantically, watching as another witch approached them. Evelina turned just in time to hold up the broadside of the knife and deflect a ball of black fire meant to burn her head off. It bounced right back,faster than the speed of light, burning the witch who’d sent it. I blinked, momentarily taken aback. How did she—? “Duck!” Evelina screamed, sending the knife flying straight at me. I didn’t need telling twice. The knife missed me by a mere hairsbreadth and went straight into the chest of the witch who’d been controlling the wall of damned smoke to hold me captive. She fell faster than an addict to their first hit. My eyes went to Evelina in surprise. So she could fight. And by sheer luck, her knife had made it through the barrier of smoke. How was it possible? But there was no time to further think. Evelina might be able to defend herself, but not enough to ward off the multiple witches now portalling onto the balcony to help their fallen comrades. “We need to get out of here,” I growled, making my way to them. As we stood on the balcony, we could distinctly see inky black portals opening up inside my penthouse. They were effectively blocking our escape. “Do you have the smoke bombs most witches use?” Evelina queried, eyes on Amaya. Amaya nodded, reaching into her pockets with shaking hands. The woman had spent too much of her magic. “But they’re not enough to do any damage. I’m too weak to use any more power,” Amaya pointed out feebly. Evelina’s eyes went towards the railing off the balcony. I could see the wheels in her head turning. Her tia was a powerful witch. Coven Head Melanie was an Earth Witch and an oracle. Evelina must have learned a thing or two from her. “Allright, all you need is something to channel your energy from. Use me.” Evelina extended her hand. “And once you throw those bombs, I want you to use your powers to ignite them. This place is going BOOM.” I c****d my head to the side. Boom? Not sure I liked the sound of that, but Amaya quickly agreed. As soon as the bombs were airborne, Amaya focused her powers, one hand gripping Evelina’s as she conjured flames to follow them. Within moments, multiple explosions rocked the inside of my billion dollar penthouse. The witches inside let out screams of terror, realizing too late that they were the ones now trapped. An inferno of fire now blazed inside, burning every single thing in its wake. Amaya looked at me with wide eyes, her breathing finally stabilizing as she channeled her magic through Evelina’s hand. The color on her face was returning too. I looked to make sure Evelina was all right. I had never heard of a witch taking power from a human. “You have enough, Amaya?” my mate asked, her voice eerily calm despite the situation. Amaya nodded, her face one of surprise. “I actually feel…completely recharged,” Amaya admitted, looking at Evelina in awe. “Then we’re ready,” Evelina said, her gaze scanning the balcony. Without warning, she stepped forward and let go of Amaya’s hand, her body tensing. Amaya’s eyes widened in confusion, mine in alarm. What the—! A fierce explosion rocked the entire penthouse at the same time that Evelina yelled, “JUMP!” “OH s**t!” Amaya screamed, grabbing my arm and pulling me along so that we wouldn’t get caught in the explosion burning a path straight towards us. So jump we did, amidst the backdrop of splintering glass and crumbling concrete. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as we leaped over the balcony. I looked behind to see the entire penthouse lit up, flames reaching towards the ceiling. Orange and red flames blended together in a chaotic dance behind us, the heat searing into my back as I concentrated on grabbing Evelina’s arm in a bid to somehow protect her. As if I could somehow stop her from falling. I wish I could have. The city skyline and street lights below blurred as we fell ever faster. Turning sharply, I screamed at Amaya to hurry. Amaya’s hair whipped wildly around her face as she focused intently on opening a portal so we didn’t plummet 40 floors down to our deaths. A/N: See I told you they weren't getting any sleep tonight. :)Please remember, Evie was kidnapped THIS morning in the book. An entire night hasn't even passed by despite the action-packed chapter.
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