Chapter 11

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Evelina's POV Lying in bed, I turned my back towards the bathroom door where I could hear Gabriel running the water. The bed was large, enough to keep a decent space between us, yet I couldn’t help but speculate if he had different intentions for the night. Suddenly, I heard the door open to the bathroom and him moving about the room. My heart jumped in my chest. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat as I imagined what he planned to do. He had made it clear that he wanted me as his mate to help him become powerful. The thought sent shivers down my spine. He was going to try to force me to mate with him. I had to be ready to defend myself. The mattress shifted suddenly with his weight when he climbed into bed on the other side, and I practically jumped in a bid to move farther away from him. He gave an exasperated sigh into the dark room; the sound echoing off the walls. Gabriel shifted again, and I hauled ass, scooting further back. I felt him turn and my body responded in kind, inching closer to the edge of the bed to get away from him. I promptly fell off the bed with a thud. “s**t!” My ass hit the hard floor while my arm contorted painfully at an awkward angle due to still being handcuffed to the bedpost. “For goddess sake Evelina, I’m not going to rape you!” Gabriel snapped out. My mouth dropped open. “But you want me as your mate,” I managed to gasp out. An exasperated sigh filled the air, and I quickly tried to get up. “Mark my words Evelina.” Gabriel’s voice grew dark and menacing. “We will mate...but not until you’re begging me for it.” “As If I’d ever beg you,” I scoffed, sitting primly down on the soft mattress. Before I could even blink, Gabriel’s hands clamped over my upper arms. He ripped the bangle away from my arm, the mate sparks immediately sprang to life between us. In one deft move, I found myself under him, his hard virile body pinning me beneath, my one arm effectively pinned over my head thanks to the handcuff digging into my wrist. Gabriel leaned over me, his lips so close to mine that I could drink him in if I wished. His eyes flash dangerously, grinding his hips into mine, electric tingles sizzling between us like wildfire. His hot breath was heavy against my lips. A surge of energy crackled between us. Gabriel wanted to dominate me. I didn’t want to submit. I struggled to free myself from his grip, but it was futile. The more I struggled, the harder his hold became. It wasn’t unpleasant. It made me want to keep struggling to see how far I could push him. His thumb caressed the soft skin of my thigh while his other hand gently traced circles over the fabric of his shirt covering my hip. His touch was arousing. Because he was my mate. My body was screaming for release, for satisfaction, but my mind screamed even louder for freedom. “I won’t let you use me for your own gain!” He smirked cruelly, before bending his head to brush his lips against my ear. I held my breath, hating my traitorous body for the way it was responding to his every touch. I could feel the desperation in my heart, the fear of losing myself to this dark, powerful man. “Oh, but Evelina,” he whispered. “You’re mine, whether you like it or not.” I arched my back, attempting to dislodge him, my desperate breaths ragged against his chest. Each time I struggled, the mate sparks that linked our bodies flared up like wildfire, their intensity only fueling the heated battle between us. His lips brushed against my neck, a soft, taunting touch that sent shivers down my spine. “Trust me,” he murmured against the crook of my neck, the warmth of his breath sending fire through my veins. “You will sooner, rather than later, want this…and you will beg.” I swallowed hard, feeling the truth of his words. The mate sparks between us were like a raging fire, consuming everything in their path. I knew that if we did mate, it would be explosive. It would be unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. And I’d be trapped forever. I could feel his breath on my neck, warm and seductive. “Vos sabes que lo queréis tanto como yo (you know you want it as much as I do),” he whispered, lips running up and down the column of my throat. “Let it happen, Evelina. Let go of your fear. There is a reason you are my mate. I complete a part of you…the part of you that enjoyed seeing me rip a man’s hand off for trying to touch you.” I blinked up at him. He was crazy. But I couldn’t deny the fire licking at my belly or the sparks that shot all the way to my core, making me wet. I noticed the way his nostrils flared. He had already picked up on the faint traces of my arousal. His hot, wet breath tickled my skin as he nuzzled his nose against the side of my neck, tracing a trail of fire to right behind my ear. “You’re aroused... and wearing my shirt.” I trembled in want and hated my traitorous body for it. His hips rocked into mine, his hand on my hip slowly pushing his shirt further up past my thighs. I bit my lip to keep my moan of pleasure at bay. Oh, but the way he moved against me, creating ripples of pleasure that pulsed through my being, made me want to tilt my hips up and open myself to him. He continued to move in a way that sent wave upon wave of desire roaring through me. “No Muneca…I want to hear how you like it.” His rough dark voice, as intoxicating as sin, further pulled me under this haze of desire he’d created. A lone thumb grazed my bottom lip, pulling it free from between my teeth. His hips gyrated against mine in a steady rhythm, rubbing the evidence of his own arousal against the most intimate part of me. How can a man have me so hot and bothered without even taking off his pants? I couldn’t help it when my legs fell open of their own accord, giving him access and enjoying the feel of him. I was so f****d, I realized deliriously, with his shirt bunched up to my stomach now and him dry humping me with my wrist still handcuffed to the bed. But the metal digging into my wrist wasn’t annoying anymore. The pain was slowly mixing with the pleasure, sending me into an inferno of euphoric desire. “Let go Muneca…let me hear you moan for me,“ he whispered seductively. I let out a yelp when his hand wrapped around my hair and tugged, hard. f**k that felt good. But why? I didn’t know what to make of this except to let myself drown. He was making me feel things that I shouldn’t feel. I shouldn’t enjoy this pain or this show of dominance. But I do. I moaned. It was a low and breathy sound. My hips bucked up to meet his, my body craving the release that he promised. I felt like I was being torn apart by two powerful forces — the need for his touch and the fear of losing myself to him. “And you better believe that when I f**k you for the first time,” he groaned into my ear. “It’s not going to be when you’re wearing another man’s ring.” And just like that, he reared up and moved away from me, leaving me wanting and breathless, still brokenly gyrating against air, body crying out for the release it was teetering on the precipice of. I blinked, completely thrown off-kilter and ashamed at how wantonly I’d acted. “Hijo de puta!” I cursed, frustration coating my tone. “You want to come…I know you do,” he murmured in his deep baritone voice and delicious accent that made me think of s*x and sin. “I won’t mate with you until you’re ready. But there are other ways I can help you find your release.” He licked his lips as if he was about to have his favorite meal. I gulped, my traitorous mind already thinking of all the ways he could put that tongue to use on my body. "Take it off and I’ll take you there." His eyes narrowed in on my ring finger. It took me a minute to realise he meant my ring. My engagement ring. Fuck no. That was all I had left of Robert. How could he expect me too… My eyes widened in realization. That ring was just another symbol to him that showed he didn’t possess me. Not completely. My eyes narrowed in on Gabriel as I sat up, pulling his shirt down to my thighs. A mixture of anger and lust coursed through my veins. I couldn’t deny the effect Gabriel had on me, but I also didn’t want to fall under his spell. “You can have my body, Gabriel,” I spat vindictively. “But you can never have my heart.” He tensed, and part of me wanted him to stride across the room and lay claim to me. To help me find the release I was yearning for. I couldn’t understand why I was so drawn to him, despite everything he had done to me. Despite everything he had done in general. He was not a good man. Nothing like my kind, sweet Robert. “You killed the man I loved,” I stated angrily. “I can never ever forgive you for that.” He was immediately by my side again, his hands on my thighs, looming over me like an angel of death. “And yet you’re here, wet for me. His killer.” I stilled, feeling his hands moving upward, skimming my thighs and running his fingers along the delicate curve of my waist. His lips gently brushed over the crook of my neck, pausing over the spot where I know for a fact that male werewolves marked their female mates. I shifted a little, feeling more moisture gather in my underwear. Soft lips rubbed fleetingly against the sensitive marking spot, his hands defly slipped under my shirt. I let out a gasp of pleasure as the heat of his touch against my cool skin made my blood sing. His hands inched higher, his tongue darted out to lave over my skin. And then he bit down lightly. I couldn’t help the onslaught of pleasure, or the way I squirmed against him, seeking a release only he could give me. Fingers ghosted over my upper thighs, going nowhere near between my legs. I'd never been so wet before in my entire life. It took a concerted effort to keep from asking him to do it. To put his fingers inside me. My body swayed towards his of its own accord. My forehead resting against his shoulder as he basked in the feel of his lips and teeth on my neck. I was powerless in this game of seduction. Gabriel’s body vibrated in a silent, self-satisfied chuckle before he pulled away. “Your place is my by my side. Your body knows it. The sooner you accept it, the better. I can't be near you right now if you're not going to let me touch you how I know we both want me too. Your scent...” he inhaled deeply for emphasis. "...I am a man. Not a saint." With those last words, he left. The resounding thud of a door shutting didn’t drown out the roaring lust inside me. Judging from his words, he was close to losing control. And I wanted him too. My cheeks were flushed with desire and humiliation. For a brief moment, I wanted to touch myself to thoughts of Gabriel f*****g me on this very bed. Dammit. Lost in my thoughts, a sudden chill ran down my spine. Something was off, something was wrong. I couldn’t put my finger on it. Slowly… lifting my head, straining my eyes to see through the darkness, I spotted a flicker of movement in the corner of the room. Without thinking twice, I created a ball of light in the palm of my hand. My magic might have been rusty, but using it was like second nature to me. What I saw made my blood chill. A shadow of a woman stared at me, her eyes dark and sinister. “We’ve found you, our queen.” Now what the f**k did she mean by that? “Born of Sybl’s line…you are the promised one…” her voice was a haunting melody and I almost felt as if I was being hypnotized. “Come. Embrace….your destiny,” she crooned. The darkness in the room began to surge with ominous energy as the shadowy figure of the woman floated closer. The surrounding shadows seemed to grow more dense, more…malevolent. I could feel the familiar hum of my innate magic begging to be let out. Protect yourself, it screamed at me. I took a deep breath and steeled myself. With a flick of my wrist, the ball of light in my hand spun and grew, casting an ethereal glow on the room, illuminating the evil that lurked within. The shadowy figure did not shy away from the light, but instead, her body glowed with an eerie black radiance. Glowing red eyes never left mine, and gleamed with an ominous hunger. I could feel her malicious intent like a tangible wave washing over me. “You can either come willingly, Or I must take you by force.” Her words set off a fury in me like no other. What the hell was up with everyone thinking they can just kidnap me and drag me wherever they wanted? “f**k this s**t,” I muttered. With a snap of my fingers, the handcuff tying me to the bed flew open and I stood, ready to face this b***h. Using whatever power I could muster on such short notice, I hurled my radiant yellow ball towards her, commanding it to burst into a dazzling display of light. The room filled with a blinding flash, and I shielded my eyes against the intense glare. I heard her scream. A sudden violent ‘BOOM’! reverberated across the entire apartment, nearly sending me to my knees. When my vision cleared, she was no longer visible. The darkness of the room had retreated to its corners. But I could feel the presence of her magic clinging to the room, like the residue of a dangerous poison. “We have come for you,” her voice echoed around me. “f**k NO!” I screamed, and prepared to create another ball of light. I took a deep breath, channeling the energy of my magic, my fingers extended like the weapon they truly were. The room zinged with magical energy, the air thickened with anticipation. Her form was slowly accumulating again, black smoke clinging together to form the silhouette of a woman. In the next moment, another blast echoed through the penthouse, sending me off my feet. The door flew open and Gabriel stormed in. His glowing yellow eyes rested on the woman cloaked in shadows standing mere feet away from me and he pounced without blinking an eye. The shadow disappeared, Gabriel's extended claws sliced through air as the woman’s malevolent laughter echoed in the room. I quickly rose to my feet. Finally, my nose picked up the smell of something burning. “Are you O.K.?” Gabriel grunted out, striding to me. His hands touched my body, quickly taking stock of any potential injuries. I nodded mutely, still trying to process what just happened. “What the hell was that?” “f*****g dark witches. I guess they didn’t like the little present I left for them in the caves,” Gabriel grunted. “I left their warlock alive. Yet seems they still want revenge.” He quickly made his way to the bedside where my arm bangle lay and slapped it on me. “I can’t f*****g think when my wolf is whining in my head,” he muttered, grabbing my hand and pulling me out into the hallway. “We have to get out of here. Amaya’s going to hold them off—” Just as he spoke, Amaya’s scream from the balcony punctured his words. It did not look like Amaya was doing a good job of holding the dark witches off. Gabriel cursed. “Stay here,” he barked out and ran to help. But I knew I couldn’t stay back. A/N: Please join Ruby's Reading Room for paperback release party of my first book!
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