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Andrew yawned as they were on their way to the rally at that small town's square.  He has never been there before, though he knows its on the outskirts of the capital. Many of those towns might be small but they had quite a population. If these rallys were a success they could get a satisfactory amount of votes in the upcoming election.  They were now in one of the presidential cars that his father insisted on them taking. His father knows how Andrew hates all the attention he gets when he moves in any of his father's government vehicles. Worse more having a motorcade escort him anywhere. They had argued yet again about it. His father insisted he should be protected and Andrew tried to explain to him that the poor people he was going to see would not appreciate them arriving with all the pomp and splendour when they were going to ask for their votes in the upcoming election. In the end they settled for one bullet proof car and one bodyguard "Mason". His father agreed only because he knew Mason was like a one man army and his son would be safe.. "I feel like today will be a very eventful day." Mason says as he looks at Andrew from the rear view mirror. Andrew just sighs, hating the fact that he didn't get to rest at all before his father threw him in the mix of things. He would have loved to be in the comfort of his bed right this moment instead of heading to this damn rally. "And who plans a rally in the morning?" he face palms himself. He turns his attention to the fading buildings outside the car. Before long the scenery changes. It's a wonder how different the capital is from this place. He almost feels guilty that they are even campaigning here. He can clearly tell how poor this community is. And if it wasn't for the people they were passing by he would have thought no one lives here. He never wanted to involve himself in politics. But he couldn't say no to his father. And now he is starting to think maybe it is for the best. As a doctor he always wanted to help people. Maybe this is one way he can make a difference also.  They turn into a dusty road, no doubt they have arrived looking at the small houses lining the streets. He wonders what his father's government has done for these people. The place seems even more run down as they progress further. A handful of children come up to the vehicle smiling and waving. He waves at them as the car passes them by. Up ahead he sees the town's square. It seems the people woke up early to have every thing ready. He hears one of the local tracks playing over the speakers. It's one of the famous rhumba songs, the typical one you would hear at any rally. It's what would be used to entertain and energize the crowds. Promises would be made and the people would vote and after elections are won they are forgotten till the next election. He would like to change that. Since his father has been pushing him to politics he hopes he can make a difference in the people's lives that cast their vote. They get to the venue and he is greeted by the party officials. They ask if he was going to give a speech but he declines informing them that he is only there to observe today. He doesn't want to be in the spotlight just yet. His father had argued that everyone needs to know that he is a full time politician already but he had told him to wait a little longer. He just wanted to observe for now. And obviously he wanted to know which things needed changing. And besides he knew how those old people in the party hated change so he needed to have a good case to convince them. Before long the town's people fill up the square. And the rally is in motion. Andrew finds it hard to concentrate as he has quite a hard time believing what the party officials are telling the people. He takes note to speak to his father about it. Once he gets tired of listening to the councillor who keeps on wooing the people he turns to his cell phone to check on his emails. Just as he is about to open his first email, his attention shifts to a female voice that has brought silence at the rally. She seems to be questioning the councillor about promises they made before. He frowns as he notices that the councillor doesn't seem to have answers to her questions. He wonders what has been happening to all the funds given to this town. Because he is aware each year every town received a community developmental fund. "don't waste our time and votes if you can't keep your promises" he heard her say as she turned to leave. He noticed that all the people were following her. He knew this was a disaster, one that he won't allow to happen on his watch. He had to think fast.. "Then join us" he hears himself say. He sees her freeze on her spot as she turns to see who just said that. "Join us" Andrew repeats himself as he gets up revealing himself. He sees her eyes widen at the sight of him but she quickly masks it. She is putting on a brown track suit. Her hair bunched in a puff. He couldn't help notice her flawless brown skin. It was just the right tone. She only had minimal make up on but her beauty was undeniable. She appeared a little different from this town's people almost like she didn't fit here. But she spoke so passionately about what this town needed and he knew that even if she seemed different she was indeed part of them.. he couldn't take his eyes off her when she had been speaking. "Am sorry am not a politician" he hears her say. He knows they need such an ally here with a passion she had just shown. He couldn't just let her leave "Then you are no better than us who you say are making empty promises" He answers her. She turns to him eyes blazing in anger "You don't know me" she sneered Andrew won't let this go, he won't hear the end of it if this rally fails. So he goes on.. "In that you are right, I don't know you" " but I can tell you have a heart for your people " Andrew hears the people murmur in agreement with him. That gives him a little hope.  "So join us and help us keep our promises" he says again hoping she will say yes.  He waits for her answer as he sees her smirk at him... "Are you offering me a job?" She asks him with her arms folded on her chest. Andrew rakes his head for an answer to that. He knows he just can't offer anyone a job like this and he knows his father will have his head, well not literally but he will have many things to say over the matter. But he thought he could handle that later and so without a second thought he says  "What if I am?"
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