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Angela takes another look at her suit made up of a jacket and a short pleated skirt. It's in a beige colour and it fits her perfectly. Only she can not decide whether she should dress formally or go all casual. She is not sure what kind of job this is and so she can't decide what is the appropriate outfit. Her mind wonders to the time at the rally when this job was offered to her. "What if I am?" Was his question. Angela knew she had been put on the spot. She couldn't very well say no to an opportunity to better her community. And that in front of all her people who were looking at her expectantly. But then again there is no way she was going to bow to him even though she knew she needed a job. "He was a politician for crying out loud. He can't be trusted" she had reasoned. "Then I would say you are insane" she replied. A smile tugging at her lips mischievously. She was hoping to give herself a moment to get herself out of this. "Well let's say am insane Miss or is it Mrs?..." Her eyes widen as she sees him extend his hand for a handshake. She knows what he is playing at. The moment she takes it, it means she had said yes to the offer. He looked at her smirking.. She had no choice with all the eyes focused on her. She sighed extending her own.. "It's Miss Mulenga" she replied The moment she touches his hands a warmth covers her entire body. She reacts in a way she had never reacted before. "How could a simple handshake make her heart flutter so much?" She looks at her small hands which fit so perfectly in his. She couldn't ignore the manliness of his hand. She shifts her eyes from the handshake to his face and immediately gets lost in his eyes trying to see the man hidden behind them. Everything seems to fade around her as it is just him and her. His eyes showing his sincerity, looking at her intently. She had promised herself that she would never allow herself to be swept off her feet by any man and yet here she was not even trying to fight to stay on the ground. The guy looked so much like the guy her mind usually pictured whenever she thought of her perfect mate. She took her time studying him now that he was standing just in front of her. His dark skin looking so flawless she almost reached out to touch it wondering if it felt as good as it looks. She hears him clear his throat bringing her back to her senses. He smiles at her which leaves her dazed. "Okay" she says without thinking. "Is that a yes?" The man asks her. "Oh damn!" Her eyes widen at the realisation that she just agreed so easily to his offer. "I guess " she replies not sounding happy about it And just then her people break out with shouts and claps. Angela groans inside. How did she get to agreeing to work with a politician from just attending a rally. She finally settles on just putting on a casual outfit. After all it's not like she wanted this job in the first place. She will just go there and see what is involved and if she doesn't like it she will politely decline and then think of how to explain it to her mother and people. She never once pictured herself working with politicians ever. Her mother on the other hand was ecstatic. It was as if her daughter had become the president of the land, well their town. She laughs at that thought and heads out                                               .... "So...when did we start offering jobs on the campaign trail?" Mason asks as he drops a folder on Andrew's table. Andrew groans as he feels a headache coming on..  They are in his office at state house. The President insisted he moves into one of the offices in his private wing since he was now handling "national affairs". Andrew however thought he was exaggerating a little. Sure what he was doing was important but his father made it sound like he was the one at the helm and was holding the entire country from collapsing. The man has so much faith in him making Andrew want to work harder at his task. He looks up at Mason who is eyeing him with amusement. "Since she opened her mouth and threatened our entire campaign?" Andrew's answer coming out more like a question. They burst out into fits of laughter at that. Andrew is usually calm and not rash when handling anything but that day listening to her made all his reasoning fly out the window making him panic. And a job offer was the first thing he could think of. But now he was not so sure... "Well cheer up mate, at least you are coming from the same field" Mason says Andrew looks at him questioningly. "What is that supposed to mean?" "Medicine " Mason answers while shrugging his shoulders Andrew quickly picks up the folder Mason came with when realisation of what he is saying hits him. Going through it a smile tugs at his lips. "What are the olds?" he thinks to himself. He had asked Mason to look into the woman he offered a job at the rally the week before. And looking at the info he has in his hands, he is even more intrigued with her. "Beauty with brains" he smiles to himself. A paediatric nurse, top of her class despite where she grew up from. Plenty of accolades to her name. "Impressive!" He thinks to himself He wonders though why she chose nursing. With this kind of performance she could have been a doctor in any field. Maybe he will ask her about it some time. He mentally slaps himself "now why would she tell him that?" "If you are quite done wishing she was that folder you are holding, we shud get a move on" Mason teases him. Andrew just rolls his eyes at him as he gets up. "What time are we done with this meeting?" "Shouldn't go beyond 2 hours" Mason replies "Ok great." Let Jane tell the team that we will pass through HQ later on" "What on earth for?" Mason frowns "We have an employee to welcome dummy" Andrew says as he puts on his jacket and heads out of the office.
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