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Angela gets up early to get ready for today's rally. Not that she is that excited about it but she doesn't want her mother to keep complaining sighting her as the reason she missed the front spots at the rally. Her mother never liked being late for anything. She puts her afro into a puff and putting some light make up on she glances at herself in the mirror and she is satisfied. She decides to put on her track suit as it is a bit cold this morning. "Who decides to put a rally in the morning?" she scoffs. This brown colour suits her. It blends well with her flawless melanin. She is glad she inherited her mother's complexion and smooth skin. Putting her trainers on she heads to the kitchen to have breakfast. She finds her mother in their tiny kitchen all ready and eating. "Hi mum " "Good morning is the proper way to greet your elders" Florence tells her daughter as she frowns. Angela rolls her eyes, but obviously not to her mother's face. The older woman would have a fit if she saw her do that. "Good morning mum, sleep well?" She asks her mother almost sarcastically "Sit and eat" is all her mother says. "What? Not even a reply to my greeting?" Angela exclaims at her mother. "I can see you are fine, now eat up quickly or we are going to be late" Florence tells her daughter Angela's gapes at her mother not knowing what to say. "What's with her and this rally anyway?" She wonders... They walk to the town's square all the while her mother keeps on greeting every person they meet. She claims they are her neighbours or friends or just acquaintances. Angela can't keep herself from rolling her eyes. She knows her mother believes it's good luck to greet every one she meets on her way. She would have been fine with it if only she didn't insist on introducing her as well. She was never one to stop and chat with the town's people like her mother. "At this rate we are going to find all the spots in front are finished mum " Angela warned her mother That was enough to get the old lady moving. They got to the town's square just as the rally was about to start. They squeezed through to the front and found themselves a good spot where they could see and hear everything. They were just in time to listen to the councillor boast about all the party intended to do for the residents. Angela scoffs at that. She remembers they always make promises just like this every time it's election time. The people where cheering every time they were told what they wanted to hear when they asked questions. Angela got upset about that and decided to speak up. She didn't intend to speak but all the lies coming from those people really upset her. So she raised her hand. "Yes miss" she got pointed at since she was in front. "Here goes nothing" she thought. "What about the promises you made before?" She asks confidently The councillor frowns and says "excuse me?" "I said what about the promises you made before?" Angela repeats herself. The councillor gapes at her wondering who she is. No one would dare question them in this community. He knew they just had to play music, buy some beers for the locals and make speeches full of promises and all the votes would be theirs. So who is this woman who dares to question them and that in front of every one. In front of the president's son. And there is no way he can stop her now as he sees the president's son look in her direction with interest. The silence that has fallen makes it worse as every one is now paying attention waiting for his answer. He bites his lips wondering what to say. "Well miss we are worki-"... "Because forgive me if i don't believe in all these lies" she cuts him off. "We hear the same speeches every time you want our votes" "where are the roads?" "The hospitals?" "Schools that you keep on talking about and promising?" There were murmurs in the crowd as the councillor started sweating wondering what his answer could be to that. He knew money was given to the community for all those things but it was never used in the community. He was looking down shamefully. Angela kept on firing questions which she wasn't getting answers to but she didn't care. She was too upset to care. Finally she said "don't waste our time and votes if you can't keep your promises" and with that she turned to leave as the town's people followed her because they knew she was right. "Then join us" Angela froze as she heard a deep manly voice. It was so mesmerizing she wondered who it belonged to... "Excuse me?" She turned questioningly "Join us " he stated as he straightened up on the stage. And let's just say Angela had never seen a better sight. His smart casual outfit fits him perfectly. She can tell there are only toned muscles under that outfit. His hair is nicely trimmed. He has a clean shaven beard with just the right amount of hair left though nicely styled. She couldn't help shift her eyes to his lips that were the most perfect lips she had ever laid her eyes on. He was tall, well built and looked all manly. His posture was intimidating. The guy was oozing authority, yet looked so gentle. She almost wanted to turn and run but she knew politicians preyed on people's weaknesses. And so she spoke. "Am sorry, am not a politician" she said and turned to leave not wanting to be in his presence a second longer. "Then you are no different from us who you say are making empty promises" the handsome guy said. She stopped yet again but this time in anger "You don't know me" she sneered "In that you are right, I don't know you" " but I can tell you have a heart for your people " The people murmured in agreement with the stranger. "Traitors" she thought "So join us and help us keep our promises" she heard him say. She looked at him with a smirk "are you offering me a job?"
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