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"You know, you could have just asked Greg in HR to handle all this" Mason says looking at Andrew through the rear view mirror "Nah.. It's alright" "It's not like we'll spend the entire day there anyway" Andrew says nonchalantly "Are you sure this is about welcoming the employee or it's about the employee?" Mason asks with a wide grin "What is the difference?" Andrew asks feigning innocence. "I mean, she is beautiful" Mason replies "Didn't notice" He answers while looking at the papers in his hands. "Yeah right!" Mason bursts out laughing Andrew just looks at him and back to the papers. There is no way he is admitting to Mason that he too thought Angela was beautiful. He usually never took his time looking at women as in really look. But when he heard her voice and her argument it piqued his interest. It was not everyday he saw a woman stand up to a man in such a setting. Looking in the direction where the voice was coming from he narrowed his eyes trying to focus on the girl. He could tell she was a very confident one. Having such a large crowd of mostly men did not seem to scare her even one bit. She seemed focussed on getting one thing and she was not going to let anything get in the way. To say he was impressed was an understatement. He spent a few more moments enjoying the scene before him as she attacked the councillor in full force reminding him of a lioness attacking it's prey.. And right this moment he could not wait to see her again..                                              .... She is now standing outside a massive building and Angela frowns wondering if she has the right address. The building is absolutely beautiful adding to her confusion of whether she has the right address. She was expecting a single block of offices, at least that is how most of those campaign head quarters for most parties were like. But this almost skyscraper kind of building is nothing like that. She decided to step in. At the entrance she meets who she assumes is the building's security. She goes to him to ask for directions as she can't see the reception area. The man is more than happy to show her the way. The reception, it turns out was just a bit hidden to her left. She says a quick thank you and walks over to the lady at the desk. "Good morning" Angela greets the lady who seems to be around her age. "Good morning" she greets her back with a very bright smile. "How may I help you?" "Well am here to see someone"... Just then Angela realises she didn't get his name. "Ok" the lady replies Angela bites her lips and says "uh, actually I don't know his name" "but .. the thing is there was this rally in my home town and I got offered a job, actually I don't even know what the job is. But I was given this address and to come by today." Angela runs through her story not knowing how best to explain that she actually didn't know her employer. The lady looks at her a bit confused until it seems like a moment of realisation hits her... "Does your name happen to be Mulenga?" She asks suddenly "Uh..Yes" Angela replies "Oh! so you are the girl that threatened our entire campaign?" The girl looks at her with amusement. "What?" Angela asks in confusion "Never mind, I know just the person you are here to see" "take a seat my dear. The boss is not yet in but will be any moment now" Angela walks to the sofa the lady is pointing at. All the while wondering what she meant by "threatening their campaign" She spends her time scanning the building as she waits. She mentally applauds the architect and designer of the building. It was not like any of those buildings that were just massive in size but with little or no style at all. She could tell the amount of effort that was put into putting this place together. From the paint on the walls to the tiniest ornaments put on the table in front of her she could tell some one had it all thought out before excuting it. Every detail seemed to fit flawlessly in the entire decor theme. And she had to admit she loved it. It all added to the relaxing atmosphere that she was currently enjoying.  A moment later she notices a few men dressed in black come through the main entrance. They seem to be looking around as if they were checking for something. Angela frowns wondering what is going on. And just then two huge figures come through as well. The men dressed all so smartly move with long strides as people in their way move to clear their path. She seems to recognise the one in front. She thinks she saw him at the rally. He is shielding the one behind him from her vision. They seem to be headed to the reception.  Angela watches as the lady at the desk jumps up quickly, folder in hand and steps out to meet them. She stops in front of them and they seem to exchange a few words before she points in her direction. The two men turn in her direction and Angela freezes for a moment, recognition in her eyes. They may have had a brief meeting but she could recognise him anywhere. The man who had made her heart race at an unreasonably high speed just by a handshake. "It's him" she gulps her heart speeding up automatically. Before she can recover he starts walking in her direction and stops just in front of her. Hand extended to her, he opens his mouth to speak... "Welcome to falcon industries Miss Mulenga"... Angela is more confused... isn't falcon industries like their country's biggest drug manufacturing company in their pharmaceutical industry??
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