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"Where is he?!" Andrew hears a very familiar voice. He smiles as he is covered in warmth at the sound of her voice. "It's been 2 years sinc-... my baby!!! Marian exclaims as Andrew appears in front of her. She opens her arms to him and he runs to her like he was a two year old all over again. "Hi mum" he says as they embrace each other. He covers her petite frame in his arms and she holds on to him tightly. He remembers how much she cried the day he was leaving for his studies. She held on just as tightly not wanting to let go. She didn't want to let her baby boy out of her sight. Even though he was all grown up and even ready to marry, his mother still thought of him as her baby. When she looks up to him he sees her tears and moves to wipe them. "And what are these tears for hmmm?" She just laughs and hugs him again. When she is done she steps back and has a look at her son and breaks out in a wide grin. "You are huge!! what have you been eating?!" Marian exclaims. "Oh mum, stop exaggerating " Andrew scoffs at her. "Am so happy to see you" he says as he gives her another big hug. "How is it that you never age? Beautiful as ever" he compliments her. "Oh stop with your charm already" she says amusingly as she bumps his chest. That's his mum. Ever down to earth. Many women in her position would want every one to bow to her but not her. She always treated every one with respect. She never let her husband's position get to her head. She was beautiful inside out. Sometimes he hopes his future wife could have even half of his mother's heart. His mind drifts to his ex. He was sure Chloe was it for him. She reminded him of his mother in some ways.... "Earth to Andrew" he hears his mother's voice. "Do you miss school already?" She asks him with a raised eyebrow "Oh sorry about that mum" he gives her another big hug to keep her from asking any more questions. "I just missed you so much" "So how are you?" "How have you been?" Andrew asks his mother as she looks at him with teary eyes. "Good sweetheart" " I can't believe you are home" she smiles at him. "Of course I knew you were coming, but seeing you right now makes me so happy" she clings to him again. He rubs her back as she keeps holding on to him. He drags her to one of their sofas where they sit and chat. He had missed all the talks he used to have with her. He used to call her from time to time when he was in school but it wasn't just the same as when they sat down like this. Chatting away sometimes on the most boring topics but he still enjoyed it. "Where is dad?" Andrew asks noticing that the president was nowhere to be seen. "He has been waiting for you in his office" Marian says. Andrew's rolls his eyes "It's always business with him" "Oh shut it" his mother laughs "It's true" Andrew retorts "You would think a man would miss his only son after being gone for so long" "You know how he is" she says patting his back "Yeah" he looks at her knowingly "Well, Catch you later mum" "its now or never" he winks at her and with that he heads to his father's office. He walks down the hallway admiring all the photos hanging on the walls. It's like he is seeing them for the first time. They remind him of the views and things he has missed about his homeland. He stands in front of his father's office. The two huge mukwa doors standing tall with elephant designs covering them. Taking a deep breath he gets ready for his conversation with his father. He steps forward and knocks. A firm voice says come in. His father oozing authority even behind closed doors. He steps in, a smile on his face. Immediately his father looks up and smiles too, getting up from his sit to welcome his son.. The older version of Andrew walks to him and embraces him. The salt and pepper in his hair showing how good the years have been to him. "Hi dad" "Welcome home son ...." "ready to make me win this election?" "Dad..." he looks at the energetic man "I have not even had a moment to sit and you are already talking elections?" "Am sorry" "it's just that you have come at the right time and can't help but fill you in on your schedule" "You made a schedule for me already?" Andrew exclaims "Yep!" Andrew sighs.. "so much for thinking he could have a moment of peace after all that studying" His father had won the country's general elections 4 years earlier. The day he had told the family he was going to run for the elections everyone had been surprised except for his mother of course. Andrew never saw that coming. At that time Andrew was doing his final year of his medical degree. He had been looking forward to practicing but the moment he heard the news he knew his life was going to change. He however had no idea just how much change he was in for.. "Fire away" Andrew says with a chuckle "So we have a rally on monday and I need you to be there" his father starts "So soon?" "You won't let me breathe huh?" He looks at his father "Time waits for no one boy" "I thought you would have learnt that by now" his father smirks at him "Come sit with me and show me what you have filled your head with for the past two years. Andrew shakes his head at him but moves to sit with him anyway. He has missed this side of his dad. The man knows how to get things done. And he has always tried to teach Andrew to be the same. He never puts off anything that can be done today. He is efficient like that. 
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