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Amy’s POV: First trip outside The next day, I was going to make it outside. I had been here for over 4 days and not once have I seen the sun. As they brought in my breakfast, I stopped one of the girls. “I want to see the boss guy, Connor right” They gave me an unsure stare and then nodded their heads. 10 minutes later he appeared. “How can I help you, Amy?” “You promised me that I would be able to go outside and that’s what I want, now” He smiled at me and for some inexplicable reason my heart started hammering in my chest. I got so angry at myself that I stamped my foot on the floor. “I need to go out, today” He stood with his long legs and muscular frame against wall, I watched as he folded his arms. A slow lazy smile appeared on his face. “Fine, let’s go” I folded my arms in front of me, emulating his stance. “No, I want to go alone” He stared at me for a long time, I watched his dimpled chin as he rubbed his fingers over it and for some reason I was mesmerised. “Okay, if you promise not to run” I gave myself a mental shake and then nodded my head. He led me out of a huge house, there was a lot of people on the inside and they were all having breakfast together. They all nodded their heads at Connor as we moved past them. The mannerism was truly strange. It was like he was a god or something. My first steps out of the house were a culture shock. I thought that the house was the only building on the property, but there were lots of houses, smaller than the big house, on the property and each of them had a small garden. Everywhere I looked was clean and well taken care of and everyone seemed extremely happy. “Who lives in these houses?” “The pack members and their families” “Pack members?” he cleared his throat, and I could swear I heard a small “dammit” pass his mouth. “Yeah, members of our community” “What type of community?” “Likeminded people” “Likeminded like how?” He ignored my question and I decided to let it go. We passed and area, and there were huge hothouses “What’s in there?” “Our crops” I then saw an area which had cattle and other animals in. “And that?” “We are self-sufficient, if we need something we trade with other communities” “How do you get money?” “We have multiple stocks and bonds, which pays out huge dividends each month, most of those stocks were set up a very long time ago” “Oh” I was stunned the whole area was so well set up that I was shocked. I could actually see myself and my sister living in a community like this. He took me to an open field, and I could hear a water stream somewhere close by. I pointed in a westerly direction. “What is that way?” He smiled obviously knowing I was looking for a place to run to “My land stretches about 10 miles in each direction. If you should pass my land, and keep in that direction, you would walk straight into my brother, Cain’s land. If you decide to go North, you will reach Kai’s land and South Calib’s. There really is no running from here” I scrunched up my nose “So nothing to the east then” He started to laugh loudly and shook his head as he started to walk away “You are a feisty one Amy, I can see why…..” he immediately stopped what he was about to say and started walking back in the direction we came. “I’ll be back in about an hour” I sat on the yellowing long grass, trying to work out my next move. I walked toward the sound I could hear the water coming from. As I got there, I saw a humongous wolf drinking water. I scooted behind a rock not needing to be noticed and eaten. The animal saw me but didn’t move in my direction. I studied him from afar. He was huge, I had never seen a wolf that big. He was a very dark brown with yellowy, green eyes. He was magnificent and for some reason I felt drawn to him. I sat behind the rock I was hiding behind, trying to not be noticed, but I knew he was aware of my presence. He went to lie down and just stared in my direction. He seemed okay with me there. I gathered all my courage and slowly moved closer to the water. The wolf just lifted his head, but he didn’t move or get up. He stayed where he was. I moved painstakingly slow, I wanted to see if I could get closer. I was about 200 meters away from him when my courage faded, and I turned back to the clearing. I sat between the grass watching all the movement and hustle and bustle of the farm around me. I heard movement behind me a froze thinking the wolf made its way to me. “You enjoy you time out” I felt relieved when I heard it was Connor. “Yes thank, can I come back tomorrow.?” “If you are willing to work with me?” “What do you mean work, I am not having s*x with you” He laughed again and I felt a little insulted “No I was wondering if you would like to work in the kitchens, help the girls there prepare the meals for the rest of the community” “Fine, I accept that. But I also want to phone my fiancé” He frowned “Not going to happen” “Why not?” We had reached the big house and we started to climb the stairs to go up to my room “Because I said so” “But Why not?” We reach my room and he looked annoyed and frustrated before his answered “I am not willing to discuss that particular point with you” I grabbed hold of the door and slammed in once again in his face shouting toward him “Fine, but I won’t be happy when I prepare those meals” I heard him laugh as he continued his way back the way we came.
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