
1111 Words
Connor's POV: I left her for the rest of the day, but it was getting harder, my wolf and I needed to be close to her. I longed to be with her, to mark her. My body hardened because of my next thought, to touch her. I exhaled a deep breath and groaned loudly. I was in need of a cold shower. I jumped up and started toward the shower. I let the cold water spray on my already hot flesh. It wasn’t long before I started thinking of Amy again. I got out of the shower and got dressed, even more frustrated. Her haunting eyes constantly floating before me. I wanted her to feel what I feel, I was desperate for her to feel what I feel. I ran down the steps and heard conversation in the kitchen. I had instructed the Omega’s who worked in the kitchen to wake her the next morning at 5 am and then to let her help them in the kitchens. I walked closer to the kitchen, not wanting to disturb them, I wanted to grab a juice and then on to start with the training. The warrior’s and I would then be back at 8 to eat breakfast. I stopped when I heard the laughter in the kitchen. I heard Amy’s melodic voice sound above all the others and I could feel myself quiver “No really, he dropped the burger on the floor and before anyone noticed he threw it back on her plate” I heard all the girls giggle “Come on Amy that can’t be true” “No, I swear, for the rest of that year she came in every Tuesday requesting the same burger, the same exact burger” I heard them laugh louder “You can’t be serious” “And guess what she got” The Omega’s all shouted back at Amy “The same exact burger, floor and all” They laughed and I decided to listen more, enjoying this side of Amy. “So how did you meet the Alpha?” I heard Amy’s voice “What Alpha, who are you talking about” The girl answered again “MMm sorry I mean Connor, how did you meet Connor” The room went quiet and I waited for Amy’s answer “I saw him the first time about 6 maybe 7 months ago. He came in with his sister and brother. He was sick at the time and I thought he was so cute, but he never spoke to me. Forward to last week, I see him again and he literally kidnaps me” One of the Omega’s laughed “Come on, I would love to be kidnapped by him. He’s so freaking hot. With those brown curly hair and those blue eyes and that dimpled chin, he was made to sin with, and he is not at all like the previous…” The others tried to quiet her, they all shooshed her. But seconds later I was glad I stayed for Amy’s answer “He is quiet hot” my heart soared and then she went on “And then he opens that mouth of his and I just want to slap him, hard and of course there is the whole kidnapping thing.” After her last comment I was filled with frustration again. The girls started laughing again and I decided to leave. I walked to the training field feeling irritated with what was said. As I got closer I mind-linked my Beta ‘Chris pair everyone off, but I need to train as well so leave four of five warriors for me. ‘ I thought about it for a second ‘Nope on second thought leave them all for me, I need to get rid of some frustrations’ As the field came into view, I started sprinting towards it. I ran faster the closer I got. As I entered the field, I jumped up and changed into a wolf in mid-air. I landed in the middle of the warriors. I mind linked them ‘Attack’ They all ran towards me in either human or wolf form. They attacked and I ducked. I fought them off, even hurting some. After about 45 minutes of being attacked by 100 warriors, from all different sides, I signalled them to stop. I changed back to human, and I was dripping with blood, I had scratches and bites all over my body, and so did they. Some of them looked even worse. Chris threw me a sweatpants and I laughed as I put it on. “This was the best work out I had in months” Chris called over a medic’s and I sent them away “Tend to the warriors first” “What got you so worked up Alpha?” I grabbed a towel and wiped away most of the blood and sweat “A Woman” “Yeah, makes sense, your mate is a bit of fighter” I laughed as he said that “She is also human, which makes all this a lot harder and I have only dealt with she wolves, so I guess the mother has a sense of humour” He laughed “You’ll get it right I know” “I hope so. Let’s go get some breakfast, I am starved” As we walked into the dining hall, I was assaulted with Amy’s sent. I looked around for her and I found her, she was helping the other Omega’s carry trays loaded with food. I grabbed two plates and went over to where she was standing. “Care to join me for some breakfast” She looked at my scrapes and cuts but didn’t say anything. She grabbed the plate from me and started throwing egg’s bacon and toast on. She handed my plate back to me but I started to fill my plate with more food, I watched as her eyes grew wide “Are you gonna seriously eat all that food” “Yeah, to start with” She looked me up and down and I could feel myself grow hard, her eyes on me felt like they were searing me “How do you stay in shape” “Lots of exercise” “Yeah okay, then don’t tell me” She took a seat at the end of a bench, and I sat next to her. “So can I go back to the clearing after breakfast” “Sure, if that is what you want” “It is” “Then eat up and I will take you.
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