The Phone Call

1263 Words
Connor’s POV: I wanted to go in, but I couldn’t I was too afraid, she was just a girl, but she was my mate and that mattered, I wanted her to like me, no I needed her to like me. It had been three days since her arrival, and she was still not eating. She just drank some water from her ensuite bathroom. I opened the door and a flying lamp struck above my head. She stood their bristling, but she faced me head on, I had to admire her strength “I want to go home, now. Why are you even keeping me here?” I planted my feet with my hands held in front of me, indicating that I came in peace “I said I want to go home” I stopped not going any closer “I know you do, but you can’t, not yet anyway” She walked closer to me “So at some point I will?” “Yes of course but not yet” “Look my sister is probably stressed beyond belief, she has a 1 year old daughter and that’s it, she needs me” she said this last statement almost beggingly. “My brother went to inform her of you situation, don’t worry” She got angry with me “I hope to God that he is not hurting her, I’ll kill you all if she or my niece is not in perfect condition when I get back” “My brother would never hurt her or the baby, I promise you” She walked back and then turned around quickly “And just how is my sister supposed to make any money, I am the only one working, you know” “Yes, I know, my brother has informed me, he is also given her enough food and rent money for the next three months. He has also decided to keep an eye on her to make sure that she is safe” She started walking towards the bed “She better be!” she stopped and then looked back at me “Why would she be in danger?” I wasn’t sure why he was still there “Not danger, just safe” She gave me a shrewd look “So you’re using my sister to ensure that I co-operate” “NO, no of course not.” I stopped and tried to give my most earnest look “I promise you, you and your sister are safe” She took a seat on the bed, “We better be” I couldn’t believe she was threatening me and she was the one in being held captive. I smiled as I walked closer. I took a cocky stance before her, crossing my arms as I stood in front of her “You know you haven’t once asked about you fiancé?” “Oh, yes of course” she immediately got angry again and then stared at me “Did you hurt him?” “No, he’s fine, he just had a little headache, that’s it” She stared at me with anger in her eyes “So why exactly am I here?” I didn’t know what to say “You’ll find out soon enough” My eyes turned concerned as I heard her stomach growl “But in the meantime could you please eat your food” “No, it’s probably drugged” I walked over to her plate and started eating some of the sandwiches, I then downed a glass of orange juice “I can assure you, it’s not” She gave me a sceptical stare “Yeah, those ones aren’t, but the next ones might be” “I give you my word they won’t be.” She sneered at me “The word of a kidnapper, great” I walked a little closer “Look if you eat your food, you can phone home and you can have 1 hour a day outside, alone” She grabbed the plate from me and ate the rest of her food. I phoned the kitchen and ordered another tuna mayo sandwich with 2 glasses of orange juice. When they brought her other sandwiches, she finished that in record time and drank all her orange juice as she finished, she slammed down the glass and stared at me expectantly. “Can I phone her now?” I nodded my head, on one condition “You don’t tell her anything about this arrangement” “Are you kidding me, arrangement, I was kidnapped, but I get what you want, I won’t mention this situation” she gestured between us, but I saw the lift of her eyebrow, her indication that she was a captive. She followed me downstairs into my office area, as we passed the pack members, they all smiled at her and greeted her “Luna” We stepped into the office, and I closed the door behind me, “Why do they all call me Luna? That was kind of weird.” I didn’t want to answer so I just made up something “You’re an honoured guest” She didn’t ask any other questions which I was grateful for, she just nodded her head and uttered one word with that same raised eyebrow “Guest” When she saw the phone, she ran to the phone and stared at it “Can I phone her now” I put the phone on speaker phone and dialled the number, the phone was answered almost immediately. “Hallo, Jenna speaking” “Jenna it’s me Amy, how are you?” “Jesus, Amy where are you, John has been looking for you everywhere, are you okay?” “I’m fine, just needed a small break” “You’re supposed to get married next week, will you be back for that” She stared at me, looking for an answer “I don’t know, Jenna. How is Claire?” We both heard her sister laugh “She is great, she is currently trying to charm Cain into giving her more chocolate” She stared at me “Cain?” “Yeah, Connor’s brother” I pointed at myself, and she comprehended immediately “Oh, is he looking after you?” She lowered her voice “He is Amy, I really like him, he’s a really great guy” I saw panic in her eyes before she answered “Okay, I am glad. Jen look after yourself and Claire” “I will, I promise” They ended the call and then Amy turned on me. “Are you kidding me, you sent your brother there to charm my sister and what get her in bed and maybe leave her with another baby” “Whoa, no, he was only supposed to drop some money of their and tell her not to worry, that’s it. He stayed because he wanted to and to be honest with you, he doesn’t have anything to do with this” She looked at me spitting fire “He better not f*****g hurt her” I smiled at her “You were so sweet at the diner what happened?” “You happened asshole, you happened” She stormed out of the room with tears in her eyes, running straight back to her room. I knew I put her in a difficult position, but I still didn’t feel like I had a choice. She slammed the door shut and I knew I wasn’t welcome anymore.
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