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Connor's POV: My guards alerted me that they had arrived, and I moved downstairs to meet them. I knew I probably weren't going to like what they had to say. Cain walked towards me and I could see he was trembling with supressed anger, and it was focussed on me. He moved so quickly that I didn't see the punch, but I felt it though. I staggered back and I heard my fellow pack members growl at him, ready to attack, but I held out me hand. “I deserve that I know” “What the f**k were you thinking Con, kidnapping a human and bringing her to the pack house, how could you be so irresponsible, we had a plan” Kai was next “You have put this community in harms way, Con, you know that right” “Yeah, but she’s my mate, and she was about to get married, would either of you done different, plus I was careful” Neither of them answered me, but they knew I spoke the truth, neither of them would leave their mate to marry someone else. I watched as an irate Joe stormed in with both children. Shane immediately held out his arms to me and I wanted to take him from Joe but she pulled him away from me. The boy immediately started to wail. “You don’t get to play with your godson now, after what you did, kidnapping that poor girl” Shane kept wailing until Joe finally relented and handed him to me. The boy immediately stopped and smiled at me. I smiled back and started to tickle him. Kai and Cain tried to hide their smiles from Joe, but both enjoyed my and Shane’s antics. “How can you guys laugh at him after what he did” I knew they both understood know why I had to do it, but Joe would never be able to understand. Kai drew Joe closer to him “Joe, she is his mate, and she was about to get married” “Are you kidding me. We have to take her back before anyone realises, she’s gone” Kai took Camille from Joe. “We can’t, we can’t separate a wolf from his mate. I agree he went about this the wrong way, but now that she’s here we have to protect him, and if need arises help him” She stared at both of them with a flabbergasted look. “I can’t be hearing this; you guys can’t be serious” Kai walked to me “Cain, get rid of the car and any traces Con might have left. Check all cameras at the diner and the surrounding areas. Then type a note and leave it with her family” Cain walked over to me and grabbed me around the neck. He hugged me and whispered in my ear. “We’ll fix this little brother” I hugged him back. I knew they were angry with me but they were my family, my brothers and I knew they would always be there for me. I then stared at Kai. “Thanks, I couldn’t let her marry him Kai, you understand right” He nodded his head and took Shane from me “You know where to find us when you needs us and honestly I think that it is going to be soon, I just have a bad feeling about all this” Joe walked over to me “I know why you did this, but it was wrong.” She gave me a quick hug and then started to walk away “I still love you though, even if you just screwed up royally” I smiled as I watched them depart. Amy's POV: I woke up in an unfamiliar room. The lights were dim so I searched the table next the bed for a light. I found one and switched it on. I looked at the unfamiliar room, trying to figure out how I got here. I saw the glass of water and drank some of it. The glass slipped from my hand as I started to recall what I had seen. I have been kidnapped by the big guy from the diner. All these questions swirled in my mind were they some kind of cult, what did they want from me, were they going to rape me, or have they already. The door flew open, and I saw the big guy come in. He stormed in and I took a few steps back. “Are you okay?, I heard a noise, Are you okay?” the question seemed so out of place that I just stared at him, he looked and acted concerned. He came closer and saw the glass on the floor “Are you hurt?” I was overcome with a surge of power, I ran towards him and tried to get past him. He grabbed me around the waist and moved me back to the bed. I started to panic and screamed at him “Please don’t hurt me, don’t rape me” He stopped and stared at me “I am not going to hurt or rape you, your safe here” “Please let me go, I’m supposed to get married next Friday, please” I saw a flash of anger cross his face “There will be no marriage” He threw me on the bed and then started to the door, he slammed the door as he left. The experience felt so surreal that I wouldn’t have believed it if not for the women walking in. One cleaning my room and the other putting some juice and a sandwich on the table. The one who brought the food in looked at me “The Alpha wants you to eat miss” “The Alpha who the hell is that” They both left not saying anything else. I dropped onto the bed eyeing the sandwich suspiciously. I thought that the sandwich and juice could be drugged so I vowed not eat or drink anything until I could get out of here.
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