Crescent Moon

1011 Words
Connor’s POV: A couple of miles down the road, I saw a wooden handmade sign pointing to a garage with a small convenience store. I put my foot on the accelerator relieved to have finally found somewhere to stop. I turned off the road and followed the signs. As I came closer, I sensed them, and I smiled. This wasn’t a normal station, this one was run by Rogue’s, I call smell their putrid scent, but I knew I could handle them. They probably used this method to rob people, so I knew there wasn’t going to be any cameras. As I drove in, I knew they must have sensed me. Four of them were waiting for me, I noticed another two between the trees in wolf form, trying to hide. I bent over and locked Amy’s door, I got out and smiled at them. The biggest one moved forward, holding up some sort of silver pipe, swinging it around. “A little of the beaten track for an Alpha with a human” “It is, but I find myself in need of fuel and something to eat and drink” He looked back at his friends and laughed “Well we need that car and that woman, and also all the money you have on you” I growled loudly, they had threatened Amy and I could feel myself start to transform. “That is not going to happen fellows, what will happen is you will die here tonight, if you persist with this course of action. So let me take my fuel and food and I will get out of your greasy hair” The big one looked at me “It looks to me, like we have the numbers here” “I promise you will lose” I saw doubt in their eyes but only for a second. They looked at each other and then the biggest one attacked, his two friends behind me jumped from behind the trees, hoping to catch me of guard. I was waiting for them. I jumped up and summersaulted over the big guys head. I brought my nails down, sticking them into his flesh, opening his whole chest area. The other two tried to stumble back but I quickly slashed my nails through their throats, killing both instantly. I then turned to the three stunned friends left. “Take what you want, we’ll leave” they threw down their pipes and started to run. I heard a noise from the car and swore softly. Amy must have seen the whole seen because she was shocked, he mouth hung open and those big blue orbs looked terrified. Her eyes slowly roamed over me and then they closed, I could hear her heart, she had passed out, because of me, because I scared her. Hopefully she would think that this was all a dream. I got back into the car and moved closer to the gas tanks. I filled up the tank and grabbed some of the snacks and drinks inside. At least they tried to stay authentic. I got back in the car and checked Amy’s pulse, it was still strong though a little fast. I touched her hand and I could feel her start to relax. The mate bond always had a way of calming you, it was undeniable. She might hate me but her body would always want me. I started the car and started the drive toward Crescent Moon. Hours later I drove in the Crescent Moon border, I sighed with relief, I was home and safe. Amy hadn’t woken up again and I was glad about that, I didn’t want to explain what happened to her. I mind linked my Beta, Chris, and he was waiting for me in front of the pack house, when I arrived. He carefully watched me as I drove up, he had become a friend and a valuable Beta since I took over at Crescent Moon, ensuring most of the warriors and pack alliance. As I walked up to the house carrying an unconscious Amy, he said nothing even though I could see he wanted to ask “Alpha” he bowed his head as I walked closer. “Get me a room, the closest one to mine” He nodded his head and I saw Omega’s start to disperse. By the time I reached my room, her room was already ready. Chris was still standing behind me. “I want guards placed at her door, no one comes in and no one leaves. Do you understand?” He nodded again and I watched as his eyes faded away. I walked to the bed and placed Amy on the big king size bed. I stroked her cheek not wanting to break the contact yet. I heard Chris clear his throat and I turned to him. “Make sure they leave her food and water” I watched as all my orders were followed and I walked over to her sleeping form. I touched her cheek and felt those familiar sparks. I couldn’t help but smile at her. I looked up and Chris stared at me questioningly. “She’s my mate” “Oh” the way he said it made me look up. I knew he had more questions. “I stole her from the place I found her at, she had a fiancé, so yeah, you can assume that there will be some consequences” Understanding dawned on him and he nodded his head “I would have done the same” “I doubt that my brother and Kai will see it that way” “I will ready our warriors” “I will not fight my family, they will come around, but thank you for your loyalty” I closed the door behind my as I left her to sleep. I moved to my room and waited for them, I was expecting Cain and Kai any second now and they were not going to be happy with me.
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