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A month has passed and all entries Cassy sent to join the famous designers upcoming collections were all turned down saying she doesn’t have enough talents no matter how she tried and modified it. She was expecting the final feedback that afternoon and if it turns negative then she’s giving up with collaborating with designers since no one seems to want her. She sat down in her office with her computer designing different styles and erasing them multiple times for perfection before Becky showed up with her tab in hand, the result she was waiting for must be here “Is that the feedback?” Cassy blinked her eyes repeatedly and Becky nodded No need for her to show it, she already failed, it’s obvious on her secretary’s face but it doesn’t hurt to hear the feedback right? She thought Maybe…..just maybe, it might be a positive one this time “Do you want to hear it?” Becky asked erupting tension in the air “Announce it and get over it” Cassy barked trying to look cool to hide her nervousness “I’m sorry but you were rejected also this time” Becky announced sadly and disappointment was evident on her boss face even though she was trying her best to hide it. “I guess I’m really talentless, that must be why no one wants me” she muttered and waved her hand to dismiss her secretary Becky bowed before heading for the door while checking on Cassy constantly. She was about opening the door when she dipped her hand into her blouse’s pocket and marched back to her boss’ table “If I’m not crossing my boundary, I will suggest you go abroad to study. I heard this school of fashion is really good, if you can learn more, graduate and apply again, I’m sure you will get picked” Becky said cautiously dropped the card in front of Cassy and hurried out before she yell at her. Cassy didn’t touch the card and just closed her system, picked her bag and told Becky she was going to the club and no call whatsoever should be made to her phone since she’s bent on having fun that night. She made her way to the club and heads straight to the bar to down some alcohol and dance her sorrow away through the night. She sat down on the stool and requested for Belvedere vodka from the bartender. She was on her fifth glass in a row and she is not showing any sign of stopping, she was just getting started and she is going to drink away her sorrow today. Today is one of the days she feels shitty and at her lowest, the worse part was she doesn’t have any friend to talk it out to, she would just drink her tears away and dance all night till her bones break apart like always. She was already on her seventh glass when she felt a presence beside her at the counter. “Hey pretty! You shouldn’t drink vodka alone, it doesn’t taste better that way” the voice said sweetly and she turned her head to see who was talking beside her. “Am I supposed to call the whole of Florida to come drink Vodka with me then so it would taste better?” She scoffed before shifting her attention to the dance floor to see various people rocking to the beat blasting from the loud speakers. “Do you want to drink with me then?” The voice asked and she faced him sharply with a frown “Are you trying to flirt with me? If yes, you’ve gotten the wrong person. I can’t do anything right what makes you think I can flirt with you? I will just ruin the fun so it’s better you look for someone else to flirt with” she muttered but the voice was persistent “If you do things wrongly, maybe try finding a way to do it right then” he said and signaled to the bartender to give him the same vodka as hers. She dropped down the stool and swayed to his side, leaning closer to his ear and grabbing it “I got turned down by eight designers, they said I’m not competent enough hehe. What else can I do right if I can’t be successful with my company’s work?” she whispered and gave out a weird drunk laugh “Eight? That’s absurd! You really can’t do things right!” He shouted and shined his eyeballs “Shush! I’m only telling you because it’s you, don’t loud it” she warned putting her hand on her lips to signify silence “Oh I see, have your seat! Let me tell you a secret too so we can be even” he said gently guiding her to her seat before drawing his closer to her “If you fail because you are not competent, you just have to prove yourself competent. The only way you can do that is think if you really want to do this, after thinking long and hard if the answer is still yes then you will have to find an excellent avenue for learning, learn a lot, research, inquire and go all out then you will be able to bring out your unique style” he advised and Cassy listened with rapt attention “Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! That was cool, so cool!” She clapped and gave a faint drunk smile “What is your name? I like you” she murmured closer to his ears “I’m telling you my name because you will not remember anyways” he replied and Cassy scoffed “You don’t know how good my memory is, I remember every single thing that has happened in my life” she argued and the guy smiled before leaning closer to her ear “My name is Hades” he dropped with a smile and winked “What an absurd name” she muttered before stretching her hand for a dance “it’s really weird right? That’s why you won’t be able to remember” he replied and folded his arms “wanna dance?” “Sure! why not? I love to dance so much” he replied grabbing her hand and they headed to the dance floor.   CASSY’S POV I woke up with all the apartments in my head playing different sounds of their own. My head was thumping hard and throbbing at the same time. I held my head in my palm as if to keep it in place as I saw lines of clothes scattered everywhere in my room, I must have dropped them everywhere when I came in last night and yanked my clothes off. I slid down the huge bed and head to the bathroom to get a good shower to cool down my hot head and get rid of the alcohol stench that was everywhere on my body. I must have had tons of fun or did crazy things yesterday for my head to throb like this, whoever splitting wood with an axe in my head would have to please stop because I feel like my head would open any moment from now. I washed up and came to the room to pick a small outfit for the day and since I didn’t plan to go out, I just picked a bum short and yellow tank top to match before crashing back on the bed. I discovered the sheet has been changed to one with a light pink with embroidery on them, it must have been when I was in the shower. I picked my phone and scrolled through unread messages before Becky came in “How are you feeling? Is your head throbbing hard?” she asked with her hands in akimbo “If you’ve come here to nag, please do not try it because my head is doing the nagging already” I said cutting her off before she starts, I know Becky, she will nag and nag about me going out and getting drunk without picking her calls and I’m not ready for that lesson, at least not now. “Your food is ready, come out and eat some” she announced and left for the door It was then I realized something has been growling for a while, it was my stomach. I got off the bed and walked to the door when I stomped my smallest toe on the dressing mirror stand beside the door “OH MY GOD!” I groaned and whimpered in pain, sat down quickly on the stool in front of it to grab it properly and just as I placed my head downward an alarm suddenly rang through my head. All the scenes of the club played in my head and I grabbed my head in pain. I remembered talking to an unknown figure but I couldn’t recognize the face neither the name, I tried as much as possible but all to no avail. I remembered receiving a note before leaving the club from this unknown guy and quickly rushed to my bag to fish it out, lo and behold, a note was lying in my bag. I opened it and it says; “Don’t hold back, go for it and show your competence! I will be rooting for your success from here” was what was written with an insanely beautiful handwriting on the paper. I remembered all I had told him in the club and what his reply was as Becky burst in to ask why I was not coming out already “I’m going to Paris” I declared and she became confused “You are doing what?” She asked to be sure of what she heard “I’m going to Paris, I must learn more and show my competence. I can only show that I’m competent if I try more and gain more knowledge” I screamed into the air with my fist leaving Becky confused as to why I’m suddenly agreeing to follow her advice without banters.    
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