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Cassy rounded up everything at the office and told Becky to go home saying she needed to go somewhere and Becky already knew she was going to Mandy’s house. She tried to stop her and told her she didn’t need to confront them since her exhibition was a success but she wasn’t ready for that persuasion, she needed to know why she’s trying hard to ruin her company. “Where are those witches occupying this house?” She roared as she stepped in and all the maids gathered in the sitting room, they already know she’s not someone whose visit means peace and if they don’t thread softly they are in for it. They quickly gathered around with the head maid in front and all their hands were placed neatly over the other in respect with a bow. “Miss, how have you been?” The head maid smiled trying to calm her but she was not in for those mind games “I have not been fine thanks to your two bones in the throat masters” she barked but the head maid was not fazed, they must have done something to themselves again. “How about you come in, have a seat and take a drink while I get her for you?” She proposed pointing to the sofa “So I can get poisoned right?” Cassy chuckled, “don’t be ridiculous and get me your master” she barked loud and the maids shuddered in fear before Mandy came to their rescue. “What’s the cause of all these noises? Why are you causing a scene in my house this late night?” Mandy asked coming out of the room in her blue knee length gown wrapped at the waist with a shiny silver belt “What else? It’s because you gave me a reason to shout at your house by this time of the night” Cassy scoffed before proceeding into the main sitting room “So in what way did I give you a reason and what reason exactly?” Mandy asked and settled on the puddle-like sofa in the sitting room “Do you really want to ruin me that bad? You just can’t keep me off your head and thinking? Why are going to lengths to block me off?” She poured out questions after questions “I don’t understand what you mean, would you mind to elaborate and make it clearer? And also you can ask your questions without raising your voice, where is your classiness?” Mandy replied and Cassy head rang a bell “It’s nothing new, you are good at pretending, so you going to act like you didn’t try to hinder my exhibition?” She roared and Mandy frowned “oh my classiness? I threw that out years ago” She added and fumed “I never did something of such, I never hindered your exhibition, why would I do that?” she said with all seriousness but Cassy was not buying it “You never did what? I find it funny how all brands we planned to partner with were the ones you did exhibition with today too” she countered and scoffed “As a company, the team only tried their best to secure the collections of unique brands because they are competent and they got the deal, you don’t need to be bitter about it, just accept that your team is incompetent, no need to fight It or cause unnecessary scenes just because you lost to us. People listening will think we did some injustice to you and your company” Mandy replied with a shrug and Cassy’s mouth hanged open “Did you just call my team incompetent?” She thundered and stood up in fury “Yes you are, if not you wouldn’t lose a deal you’ve been trying to secure for the past six month, we only planned our exhibition three months ago and we are able to secure it due to our com-pe-tence” Flora cuts in from the door. She came in after rounding up her work at the company and met Cassy having it hard with her mom,she just couldn’t stand and watch the brawl without putting her in her place. “Did you just say competence? You? Compete….nce?” Cassy snorted before giving out a long loud laugh “You don’t get to talk about competence when all you do is rip others hard work and claim it as yours. Or is that what you call your own definition of competence?” Cassy fired to her face. “Did you forget when you stole my drawing back then just because I forgot to write my name? or my knitted clothes? It hasn’t even been that long and you’ve already forgotten, you have to stop kidding me and shut your trap spitting trash, saying the word competence doesn’t suit you” Cassy added walking to her and pointed in her face. “Try all you want, you will never win, I will make sure all these you are enjoying will crumble in a day. You will never stay in this position forever, so don’t ever forget that and enjoy all you can because I won’t hesitate to clear you out when the time comes” Cassy threatened before taking her leave. “She’s a bone in the throat, a painful one!” Mandy muttered and place her hand on her forehead to show how stressed she is “Get me some wine and bring it to my room” she commanded and heads for her room. “Go wash up, eat and get some rest, don’t mind her rants. You have a long day ahead tomorrow” she said to Flora before leaving the room. TWO WEEKS LATER Cassy has been trying hard to know the people that came to deliver her clothes the other day but all to no avail, she tried hard to use her connection in the fashion industry but no one claimed to know them. “Don’t you think it’s weird? These people should be reputable personalities in fashion if they were able to land their hands on the latest collections and even bring it in for exhibitions, how come no one knows them?” Cassy asked to Becky who is as clueless as her “I asked all my friends in the industry but none of them knew them, it’s very strange and odd” she replied and Cassy lets out a tired sigh. “Everything about my life has been odd though” Cassy stated and closed her eyes Ever since the exhibition, she has been getting calls from different designers that they want the men who wore jacket and Kimono in her exhibition picture as a model and they would readily send her a partnering contract if she can get them on board but the problem now is she doesn’t even know them. She had tried all her best but nothing fruitful seems to be coming out of her search.   “Ah this is why I don’t like to dress up and be in the spotlight, now I’m being wanted for a model everywhere by every fashion companies” Hades remarked proudly as he stroll up the news with his picture alongside Copper. News outlet have been interviewing big designers and they’ve voiced their interest of wanting to work with them although they are finding it hard to locate them “The beginning of turn around and new birth of fashion can be seen on these young men who have all the requirement to take it to another level, even their pose screams “I am fashion”, walking on the runway will open a brand new world to unquestionable fashion” – Coco Chanel” “Ah wow, did you see this killer statement about us?” Hade asked shoving his phone into Copper’s face but he was not ready for all that, he was busy building a shoe and he’s not even interested in Fashion not to talk of wanting to be a model. All those noises Hades was making in his ears were not his concern since he personally doesn’t like to be in the spotlight. “Don’t you think this is a good job? I mean you just sit here making shoes daily, why not just walk down a few meters and earn cool money? Go out and have fun with people! Shoes are not everything you block headed introverted” Hades pressed but Copper didn’t even open his mouth, he just focused on the work at hand. “You are so frustrating, you were the one that dragged me into this and you are not even taking any responsibility” Hades whined and again no response from Copper. “Did you see my cool pose here? Oh my God, I should consider fashion as my side job, it will be the end for the previous models” he blabbered and tries to redo the pose in the picture and still didn’t get any attention from Copper. “I know you are mean but I just discovered that you’ve graduated to another level of being mean, how can you not blink or open your mouth to reply all I have been saying? I’m off before you ruin my mood further” Hades stated and left for the door. “I’m going to her office now, I will just present myself to her” he said and grabbed his keys but Copper quickly stood up and blocked his way “Wow, so you remembered you can fly when I said I was going to meet her? I thought you didn’t hear me all day, why are you suddenly listening to me?” Hades eyed him and folded his arms “Meet her and tell her what?” Copper asked with his arms in akimbo “Tell her I’m ready to become a model” Hades shrugged “Do you want me to beat some senses into you? We can’t get involved with humans, don’t you know?” He roared but Hades was not having it, he will frustrate him as much as he did few minutes ago “That’s not your business, let me and those in heaven sort that out. Just continue to ignore me like you did all these time” he replied and stuck out his tongue before going out through the glass door He opened the door to his car to get in and Copper flew right in front of it holding the door tight “It’s been awhile you used your powers, you are really trying hard to stop me and it’s really fun to see you agitated” Hades smirked and flicked the door closed flinging Copper off. He raced out from the shop but Copper wasn’t done with him, he flicked his fingers and boom! His tyre burst with a loud noise making the car screech before coming to a halt. “Are you trying to kill me?” Hades barked as he comes down from the car “Kill you? What nonsense! You are death itself, why would you die?” Copper hissed and entered the building while Hades ran up to him to give him a knock out but Copper is a skilled fighter, he dodged it cleanly and held Hades by the arm before twisting it making him wince in pain “There they go again, bickering like kids” Mart commented and shook his head while looking at their banter from his desk “I love their dramas though, it’s fun to watch” Rein commented and Mart gave him a weird look while Rein shrugged.  
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