1733 Words

Cassy started to prepare for her departure as the day drew nearer, she couldn’t contain her excitement which no one knew the source. She is not the type to yield to the advice Becky gave her and seeing her not only taking it but so happy is suspicious and worrisome that Becky had no choice than to ask. “Are you really sure about you going to Paris?” Becky asked carefully as she came to drop a file for her “What? Does it seem like I’m joking?” Cassy asked looking up to her face “I’m not saying you are joking but you being happy about it seems… how do I put it? Weird! Yes weird” Becky answered “Does it look that weird? I’m really serious and happy about going though” She pouted “Normally you are not someone who would heed to that advice, I don’t know the miracle that happened but what

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