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Over the weeks Cassy would always marveled at the shoes on her shoe rack and how it was fixed perfectly, by who and where? she kept trying to remember but all she remembered was taking a cab and after that she couldn’t remember anything no matter how she tried.  She paced up and down the room for hours one evening trying to connect dots together but she arrived at a block point as usual before Becky came in to give her updates about her upcoming exhibition. “Any news?" she asked and finally took a seat in hours “We’ve received positive feedback from all brands except Christian” “Christian? Why? They are the most important brand for the day, what exactly is the reason why they are not giving us positive reply? Are they rejecting the offer?” “Nothing specifically, let's wait a bit" Becky replied biting her lips “No they just can’t turn us down without a reason, they have to give us a reason, at least a valuable one” she countered “I will get back to them and see what we can do about that before the day and I'll finalize the talks with other brands" Becky concluded before exiting the room “Nothing works right for me, absolutely nothing” Cassy sighed before hitting her back on the bed. **** Different people flowed into Cassy’s company to view the latest fashion exhibition and feed their eyes with different styles and handwork of different fashion designers but none of them were on the VVIP list. It was getting late into the afternoon and all invited guests were not in the hall as they should be.  Becky was getting agitated and confused about what was happening, she had personally called every one of them the previous day to remind them of the event in case they’ve forgotten the event was scheduled to take place that day and they all assured her of coming to the event but the hall is only filled with people who knows nothing about fashion and its craft, only tourists and students who are just curious were walking around. “What is happening? Where are our important guests?” Becky asked to the closest employee and she shook her head in confusion Cassy arrived at the exhibition after quickly running home to dress up because she stayed over at the company the previous night to set up and finalize everything needed for a smooth exhibition. S She got down and was informed that she has been stabbed in the back by all the VVIPs and Saint Laurent’s Winter Jackets that were supposed to arrive early that morning wasn’t sent too. “Who do you think is behind this?” She fumed as she was briefed the news “I can’t say precisely but it should be who we all think it is” Becky replied walking hard to match Cassy’s furious footsteps “I made sure to contact them myself and even was promised to come in person but they did this to me? What were they offered? If I lay my hands on those peasants, I will make sure I crush them into bulbs then ground them into fine powder and blow them scattered over the ocean, those disgusting piece of money hungry Leopards” Cassy cursed as she made her hands into a tight fist.  Just then one of the employees ran in to announce to them that Jones and Burg is holding an exhibition that early morning and they are exhibiting clothes of the same designers as theirs “I smelt it right” Cassy cackled with pain obvious on her brows as they furrowed in frustration. “They just won’t stop messing with me, I will make sure they all pay for their sins today, they are all dead” she spits out and stood up, grabbed her bag and head for the door even though Becky was trying to calm her down but she failed to. She raced down to the lobby as fast as she could to get into her car while fuming from all holes in her body. She grabbed the door’s handle and was about entering her car when the presence of some men caught her attention.  The four men exited from the newest Hyundai Palisade in town and were looking gorgeous and heavily dressed. Fashion aura was coming strongly from them with one dressing in all white shirt and trouser, a Gucci embroider tiger print silk Kimono and a white hat to match. The other in black leather pant, turtle neck and Double-breasted smoking jacket each followed by men dressed in suits and sunglasses. The two men following them were holding shopping bags in their hands as they march towards her company. “To whom do I owe this visit?” She asked politely as they approach her at the entrance she was standing with her mouth wide opened. “Hello Miss, are you Cassy Jones?” Hades asked with the sweetest voice ever Gosh! He's so sexy “Uhm yes, I am” she answered trying to compose herself “We were sent by the companies you sent invitation to, these are the requested items and we were asked to tell you not be too mad at them, it was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances” Hades informed her with his hands doing the demonstration of each words he uttered “What? Why are they just coming in at this time? You all nearly ruined the event!” She yelled. She couldn’t believe her ears, she had thought the event will be ruined since they weren’t able to display the items for the exhibition and here heavens is helping her miraculously but she felt it was a little late. “Come in sirs, we have been waiting for you” Becky said from the back and signaled to the employee standing behind her to get the bags and display the items accordingly with speed “No need to come in, we will be heading back to our destination since we've delivered them to you, although we are sorry it came late” Copper said and turned to go but Hades pulled him back by the hat on his head “Where do you think you are going?” He whispered into his ear and gave him a weird look “We are here to deliver the items, why should we stay back for any other thing?” He countered and Hades pinched him on his shoulder “Did you think I dressed you up like this to just drop an item off? We will the VVIPs for today's event” he added and pulled him forward “The company said to help with the exhibition to give it a smooth ride as a compensation for sending it late" Hades smiled and Cassy nodded in appreciation although she was still mad that they came late and almost drove her mad but they being here is the most important since the event wouldn't be ruined like she thought “Please take care of them and make them feel comfortable” she said beckoning to Becky who ushered them into the waiting room and served them tea and snacks before the exhibition begins. The employees rushed to display the items and found out that they were even of the latest collections which they were previously told they wouldn't be able to give up for exhibitions. They were worn beautifully on the mannequins and quickly set them in place for the event which is slated to start in less than thirty minutes time. Meanwhile Cassy dragged Becky into her office to get the explanation where these miracles was coming from because she was sure Chairwoman Mandy did stop the company from bringing them over and that was why the clothes came in late but Becky also has no idea where they came from, how they brought them and who sent them, she was confused just like her boss,  “I believe the heaven is helping us because I also don't understand this but all I can say is we are saved for now and that's a relief" Becky remarked and smiled “Now let’s focus on making the exhibition successful and do all necessary things, I will serve those witches their tea later” she smirked and they all rushed out to get the event started. The event went well with the help of Hades who was able to explain and give deep insights about all the designs that were exhibited, something the designer’s company employee should have done but since they decided to disappoint Cassy, Hades took the lead and helped them out leading to a successful event. “What about dinner? You’ve really helped me today and I mustn’t let you go without giving you the best service” Cassy said to them in the waiting room but Copper refused flatly and said they have to catch their flight while signaling to others to get up or else he will make them disappear in her presence leaving them no choice but to stand up. ***** Chairwoman Mandy was taking wine to Celebrate the success of the exhibition while also waiting for her daughter, Flora to come join her when her secretary came in to inform her about the exhibition at Cassy's company “What? They held their exhibition successfully?” Mandy asked again to confirm she was hearing well “Yes ma’am” her secretary replied “Who brought them the collections and exhibited it on their behalf?” She yelled “I called the company and they said they never sent them any collections or anyone to help them with the exhibition” he replied “Just what is happening? How did they do that? Who helped them?” She asked with a confused look before she heard Cassy’s voice in the sitting room and stood up from the room to see what she has to say even though she knew she was obviously here to throw a fit.
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