Chapter 6

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Thea doesn't want to bite back, she tries not to engage in the airhead's antics. There was a time that she felt sorry for Becka, because to her, what would be worse than not finding a fated mate, is to find one and have him use her like that. Thea always felt sorry for Becka and the situation she is in. She felt bad for how the woman had to watch the parade of women through her fated mate's room, having to watch her fated make all his plans around this age-old loophole instead of accepting her. Becka has to watch Trey’s desperate possession of Thea, and his unwavering need to mate with Thea instead of accepting Becka. There was a time that Thea used to feel this way, but as time wears on it is hard to keep the same view because Becka always acts like Thea is the enemy. Instead of hating her mate for what he is doing, Becka always attacks Thea like she is the culprit in all this. Thea doesn't want Trey's attention. She didn't ask for it and if she could she would happily give it away. There is nothing she would love more than if Trey marked Becka because it would mean she is free of that obligation. "F*ck you sk*nk, the luna position is mine" Thea sighs, she is the beta, all she wants to be is to be is the beta. The luna position means nothing to her. Others may see it as a promotion, she sees it as a demotion. Thea looks at the crazed woman in front of her. Becka was such a natural beauty before, but now the hate has twisted her so much, she tries so hard to be someone else, someone that Trey will want that she has lost all that made her individual. She has lost all sense of self and, in Thea’s opinion, all sense of purpose. Trying so hard to get a man who has no interest is setting herself up for a life of misery. There was a time, long ago, that Thea and Becka were friends. It all should have been perfect. Becka could be the Luna and have her friend in the beta position. It should have been smooth, but it didn't turn out that way. Now there is no sign of that friendship anymore, there is no sign that they have ever been on civil terms, there is just a she wolf who is so enraged that she is nearly foaming at the mouth and Thea, who looks back at her with a blank look, like none of it is her problem. Thea’s heart is sealed against the whole situation. "You always attack me. I haven’t done any of this, I did not create this situation and I have done everything in my power to change it. I don't want the luna position, I don't want to be mated to Trey. If you have the ability, then take it. I will be forever thankful. Don't come yapping at me like a mad dog. I am not your enemy" In the shadows stands Trey. He clenches his fists before walking off. Trey never used to be so bad. When he was young he used to annoy Thea, just wanting to be in everything the beautiful and strong woman was in, just wanting to be around her. But he was never so bad, it all changed when he got his wolf. He went straight to Thea. He couldn’t smell anything different. That was when he smelled Becka, who was standing near. He smelled that change in scent, that fabled mate scent. He knew that Becka would become his mate and Thea was never destined to become his. Looking at Becka, who is a beautiful girl by herself, once she stands next to Thea, she might as well be a speck of dust. Becka had an innocent sort of beauty about her, she was sweet, nurturing, homely. She was the exact opposite to the captivating, outspoken, strong Thea. That changed Trey, twisted him into what he is now. He didn’t want what fate had in store for him. He wanted more, he wanted Thea. He knows that there is no one more deserving of the shewolf than himself, there is no one that can control the shewolf more than him. He set everything in motion to make sure that the rules remained that if the alpha can’t find a suitable mate that the beta family needs to provide him with one, that rule has never been used. It will be soon. He has been waiting long enough. Becka hates it. Once she got her wolf and realised she was Trey's mate and she was destined to be Luna, she was so happy, but reality hit her hard when she realized Trey had no intention of marking her, all his attention was fixed on Thea. He knew the whole time and just ignored it all, ensuring his future with Thea instead of accepting the bond. Becka was hit with a very harsh reality, knowing that Trey knew who she was and what she was meant to be to him and, instead of the words of love that she was expecting, the first word out of Trey’s mouth was about a rejection. Like the words had been sitting in his mouth the whole time and it was a relief to finally spit them out. Becka worked it all out, the rule that Trey was so focused on was publicized around the pack. Trey knew that she was his mate and then proceeded to spend so much time setting up a marriage without once considering her. Slowly, over time, she has become so bitter and twisted. Becka has become the joke, the woman desperate to hang onto the man that doesn't want her, but it is her fate. It is so unfair. Since Becka can't blame Trey, she can only target her hatred at Thea. The reason. Thea doesn't wait for an answer before turning and walking back to her room. She wants to feel safe, she wants to be away from these disgusting people and their drama. In truth, she just wants to be caring for the large grey wolf. At least there she feels like she has a purpose, that she is required. Here she feels like she makes everything worse, but going out on her own would be a near death sentence. She doesn’t think that she could survive as a rogue for long, shewolves in that position would face worse than what she faced in the bedroom just then and on an increased frequency. She has thought about living as a human but she couldn’t do it, she can’t hide herself so well. Trey would never allow her to move to another pack, she knows because she has tried and a single question asked with the only response given was for her to be tied to the punishment pole for a week. Becka snarls at Thea’s leaving figure, Becka’s gaze is so hateful that it is nearly glowing red. If looks could kill, then Thea would be six feet under years ago. Thea's perfect figure just makes Becka want to tear her to bits, her hatred burns so brightly and it is never directed at the right location. In Becka’s deeply buried logical mind, she knows that Thea doesn’t want this, but that is what makes it so much worse, because Becka wants it so much that it hurts. Thea has a shower, having the water as hot as she can handle, scorching the events of the last hour off her body, scrubbing Trey's disgusting touch off her skin, washing his scent away with it. She sighs in resignation before getting dressed and hiding under the covers. Nothing will save her from her reality. She has a serious decision to make and time is running out to make it. Trey walks in without knocking, sitting down on the bed beside her, he gently removes the covers from Thea’s head, and a finger tucks her hair behind her ear. "I am sorry baby, you know how jealous I get when you don't come home" Thea hates when Trey is vicious, but she hates this gentle manipulation more, but it is the only time she can have a proper conversation with him. "Trey I am my own person. You can't just command me all the time, on pack affairs absolutely, but personally no, it is so wrong, you can’t understand what it is like to be commanded to lay there through that" Thea’s words make Trey seethe, she acts like being around him is the most torturous thing in the world, but he didn’t come in here to start a fight, he came in to smooth things over so all he can do is suppress it all and speak civilly. "I am sorry baby" Thea follows Trey’s lead and takes a less aggressive approach, her voice soft and coaxing, the same voice that she spoke to Sam with when she wasn’t sure whether he was going to rip her to shreds and Trey is similar, he is so volatile. "Why don't you just accept Becka, she is your fated mate, your gift from the goddess, your other half, is there anything more precious than that?" "Thea, I will accept nothing less than you in this life" Thea sighs, knowing that saying more will only anger him. Trey kisses her on the forehead, what would usually be a sweet gesture seems near aggressive from Trey, it is full of warning, so full of possession. Trey stands up before walking to her door. "Baby, you will be all mine in three weeks. At that time, it doesn't matter how much you beg or cry, I will take you down, the bond will do what you have been fighting. You may not love me, but you will want me. If you are smart, you will learn to love me. It will be better in the long run. If you give me a chance, you can live a good life. I will be better"
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