Chapter 5

1735 Words
*Trigger warning- s*xual violence* "You had better not have touched anyone, you know the consequences" "Yes Trey, I know the consequences" Thea says flatly while her heart is tearing. Back before she had her wolf, she had a boyfriend. He was the sweetest, most caring boyfriend in the world. He treated Thea like a princess and gave her all the love she could ever want, in her world filled with her parents indifference and Trey's constant advances. Cade was the light in Thea's life. One fateful day, they decided to sleep together. After the deed was done, Trey discovered the fact and he went insane. Trey being five years older, already well and truly had his wolf, he tore Cade to shreds, literally. Thea just laid beside Cade as he died in such a way, she was there to witness it all, there was nothing she could do, there was no way to stop the maniacal alpha, all she could do was get bathed in Cade’s blood. Too shocked to move, too heartbroken to scream, Cade’s corpse wasn’t enough for Trey, he didn’t stop until there was nothing left. Cade was just gone like that, her light snuffed out, her love, her happiness taken. Cade died like that and she was locked in a cell for two weeks. She had to catch rats to survive, no one came down to feed her, she had no food, no water. No one came down to check on her. She was so close to death. After that time, she never dared to have another boyfriend, she never dared to even look at a man twice, she definitely didn’t have s*x again, she never wants another to lose their life because of her, she doesn’t dare to ever have feelings for anyone ever again because the first loss was enough, she never wants to feel that again. The only way she can get out of the marriage on her birthday is if she finds her fated mate. Even then, it will be unknown if Trey will kill him anyway. Thea has long lost hope of finding her fated mate. She can only assume that it was Cade and he died before they could know. There was a connection there even if they were too young to recognize it. Maybe it is better this way. If she had to watch her fated mate die, it would be a fate worse than death, it is better not to bring anyone else into this sh*t show she calls her life. If Trey killed her mate too, it would be the end of everything. Her mate is better off without her. Trey drags Thea upstairs and straight into his room. She knows it is pointless to resist. He throws her on the bed and shreds her clothes. Thea desperately covers her body. "What the hell are you doing Trey?" "I am sick of just looking. I want a taste" "F*ck you, don't you f*cking touch me". "You will be my wife soon" Thea resists the urge to punch Trey in the face, knowing that it will only anger him further. Using that as an excuse for what he is doing is just putrid, it is a forced marriage, there is no love, there is nothing. "Soon, but not now. It is still three weeks away" Trey doesn't listen, continuing to remove her clothes in a rough way. Thea no longer cares about enraging the man as she struggles heavily, her logical mind gone. Her brain is in a state of panic. She kicks, she punches, she bites, anything that she can do to get him away from her. "Your alpha commands you to lay still" Thea lays dead still, all her fight gone, her wolf will not allow her to go against an alpha command and she can’t fight it. Thea doesn’t even look at Trey as she suppresses the tears at her hopeless situation. She hates being controlled. "If you do this, I will hate you" "You already hate me Thea. What does it matter if it is a little more?" His blue eyes look at the stunning woman in front of him, she is so divine, utter perfection, every inch is beautiful, his rough and large hands caress her waist before running up in a rude fashion and cupping her ample breasts and squeezing. "You feel so good baby" "Don't do this, Trey please" Tears fall down her cheek as she pleads with the man, she can no longer keep them at bay, she feels like her dignity has been ripped away. Trey pauses his movements as he looks at the girl in front of him. Her innocent eyes look up at him, filled with tears, filled with such devastating grievance that his heart is swayed for a moment. Her tears giving her eyes a slightly hazy effect, making them even more beautiful. As much as he wants her, his hard heart slightly softens at the look of her tears. He has never forced a woman and even in his anger he can't help but take a moment. He throws her off the bed in an aggressive way. He doesn’t want to cave to her at all, the fact that he folded only causes to increase his anger. The door of his room is always open. "Who is around?" Trey bellows in the direction of the door while keeping his eyes on Thea, a small face comes around the corner almost instantly and looks in the doorway at the scene. She looks at Thea who is completely naked, desperately trying to cover herself, with a look of disgust, before looking back at Trey with a look of infatuation. Wherever he is, she is not far behind. "I am here alpha" Trey looks around her, hoping that another appears behind her. "Is there anyone else around?" "Just me" Trey frowns, thinking it through seriously before sighing and motioning her over. "You will do" Becka smiles happily, it was worth sending the other girls far away. She starts stripping doing a seductive dance in the process, but Trey doesn't even look at her. Still staring at Thea's naked body, drinking it all in. Becka glares viciously at Thea, her biggest rival. Her quest for attention only getting more wild, but she still can't gain the mans attention. Becka finishes undressing before cautiously walking forward and touching Trey's naked back, throwing her head back with a moan as tingles shoot through her arm. Trey finally looks at her. "Don't touch me more than necessary, you know the rules" Becka nods obediently before Trey grabs her and throws her on the bed, entering her hard in one movement. "Thea you stand up now" Thea clenches her first and stands to her feet covering her body with her hands. "Your alpha commands you, drop your hands" Thea drops her hands, Trey just enters Becka harder and harder as he stares at Thea's naked body. Thea's eyes are shut tight, she doesn’t want to see it, hearing it is bad enough, she feels nauseous. "Your alpha commands you to open your eyes" Silver eyes open as she looks at the scene indifferently, all her feelings buried deep. She just pretends that she is anywhere else in the world. Her empty eyes look at the scene but she doesn't see anything. Her mind traveling to the cabin in the woods, to the large gray wolf. "Look what you do to me baby" Becka smiles with a gloating look at Thea, her sickly sweet voice is so overly seductive that it makes Thea cringe. "I am glad you……" "Not you, you f*cking peasant, shut the f*ck up" Thea meets Trey's eyes, finally focusing, a look of pure disgust dancing in her eyes, he sneers and grabs a big handful of Becka’s hair, ripping back her head in a violent way, entering her harder and harder. Becka can not even pretend that it is pleasurable anymore, she is squealing like a pig, but she would never tell him to stop. Thea just watches the fated pair, it makes her nauseous, she just wants to throw up. Trey's eyes burning holes into her body as he releases his load inside Becka. "Both of you get the f*ck out" Thea walks out of the room, like nothing happened, gathering her torn clothes on the way out. No one can see the slight shake in her step, that was too close, way too close, the fear still lingering in her heart. Becka limps out, she has a vicious look on her face but doesn’t forget to throw a wink back at Trey that he ignores. He is already walking toward the bathroom. Becka knows in her heart that it is to wash her mate's scent off, but her extreme sense of denial doesn’t allow her to accept the fact because she may just break to pieces. Trey has tried to reject her many times before, but she refuses the fact. She will hang onto the position for as long as she can, she will never lose hope that one day he will see her value. As soon as Becka closes the door behind her, all the traces of sweetness that she had when looking at Trey disappear and a malicious look replaces it. "Hey you, Thea" Becka’s voice is so venomous that she nearly spits the words. Thea turns around, slowly pressing the tattered clothing to her body. She would like to get dressed, she would like the barrier of clothing, the safety that a piece of material can provide. Unfortunately, the clothing is no longer wearable and the need is not as strong as needing to get as far away from this situation as fast she can. The last thing that Thea wants to deal with right now is Becka’s vicious tongue and hateful words, all of which she has heard so many times before. "What is it?" "You think you are something special, all you are is a pretty face, you have nothing else to offer, all you are is eye candy, just a wh*re” Thea scoffs. Becka hasn’t come up with new insults in years, just recycling the same ones over and over again. They have never hurt Thea, yet their repetition just frustrates her to no end. "If I am a wh*re, what are you? A blow-up doll?"
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