Chapter 7

1465 Words
Trey shuts the door behind him as he leaves. Thea shuts her eyes tightly and grimaces, rubbing the place where he kissed her, the residual heat is just like acid on her skin. No matter how hard she rubs the mark, it is scorched there, feeding its putrid energy into her. She can't possibly understand how she could be better than a goddess given fated mate, than a girl hand picked to be luna. At one point, she thought it was because she fought too hard, that he liked a challenge, so she lowered her defenses. It was the same, but just with a sense of victory, he didn’t tire of the chase, he didn’t lose interest. Thea rolls over and gets out of bed, she has work to do, she has been away for so long she has to play catch up, lying in bed isn’t going to make her duties go away. After all, she is technically the beta. A role she takes very seriously. Her family is the only beta blood in the pack. After they had her, her mother lost the ability to have kids, hence the neglectful parents, as if hating her will magically give them a son. They care little about how strong and capable she is, as long as she doesn't have a p*nis she is worthless in their eyes. Thea takes her role of beta very seriously and can measure up to any male beta in the surrounding packs. Thea works until late and then swiftly jumps out the window with her supplies in her backpack and runs, losing her scent along the way, making it impossible for Trey to follow. She is a talented tracker, which makes her a master of stealth. She knows all the points to hide. Usually a once a day check-in is enough for Trey, but he has been getting increasingly more vigilant the closer it gets to their wedding. He is only three weeks off having her in the palm of his hand, but Thea assumes that he will leave her alone after the fiasco of the day. In the small cabin Sam has sensed her arrival from a long way away. His green eyes trained on the door. Finally, Thea opens the door and Sam is relieved. His heart that has been torn can find a bit of peace. He was worried about her. Thea walks straight up and pulls out a flashlight and inspects his wounds carefully. "The skin is nearly healed, the fur just needs to grow back and you will be back to your handsome self" Thea pats his head and turns to walk to the kitchen. Sam's big wet nose touches her arm as he sniffs her. Thea's silver eyes search him before she realizes what he's doing. "Do you smell the alpha?" Sam nods. There is not much in his world, just rank, love and violence. "Don't worry. He won't be coming here, he should leave me alone for a little bit" Sam tilts his head with a questioning look. He is not good with mood or voices but it somehow sounds wrong, is Thea sad? Thea laughs as she notices Sam’s concern. "Now is not the time for my problems. You have enough of your own. We need to work out why you can't shift" Sam drops his head and closes his eyes, that….that is what he never wants to think about. Thea notices his discomfort and doesn't want to push him too much. "Okay, that is a problem for another day. Don't worry, I am sure we can make it happen" Thea pats his head again, she can’t stop touching him, she rarely ever touches a wolf except in a training environment, but Sam’s coat is so soft, its unique color draws her in. Sam leans into her caress. Maybe there has been such a long time in between being able to simply touch another that she is just playing on the fact. Thea lays down on the bed. The bed offers only a quarter of the comfort of the one in the packhouse, but out here she feels safe, she feels safe with Sam, she doesn’t understand him or even truly know him, but she can sense that he has no cruel intentions toward her and that is a lot more than she can say about anyone at the packhouse. "I hope you’re fine on the floor. I will take the bed. I know it isn’t very generous of me, but this mattress is old. I am not sure the springs can handle your weight" Sam just tilts his head as he watches the woman who likes to talk to herself. She likes speaking and he likes listening. Thea lies her exhausted body down and falls asleep very quickly. Sam can see in the dark very well. He silently stands and walks to the edge of the bed, one large paw in front of the other. There is no longer any pain when he walks, he thought he was near death. But this woman managed to save him in such a way. The large wolf stands at the edge of the bed, in the darkness, staring at the delicate woman. If he hadn't felt her strength he would think that she is in need of protection. She is so petite, but she is very strong, her hunting is extremely fast and precise, she moves silently and quickly. That is something that even someone with a lifetime of training may not be able to master. She has good beta bloodlines, he can smell it, he can smell her strength. She is not on guard against him at all, the vicious predator standing over her and she doesn’t rouse. He tilts his head, taking in the strange woman. Maybe he doesn’t know humans well enough, but Thea seems like an anomaly. Sam jumps slightly as Thea starts to move around on the bed. "No Cade, don't protect me, save yourself, you run, leave me ahhhhhh" The blood curdling scream nearly deafens Sam. Sam watches as the human writhes on the bed, her limbs flailing against the unknown assailant. He is curious, he has never seen such a thing, sweat beading on her head and tears falling from her eyes. He narrows his eyes slightly as he studies her. One large paw steps onto the bed. He pins her chest with his large head and lays down beside her trying to offer comfort in the only way he knows how. As soon as he touches her, she instantly settles down, embracing his large neck. Sam stiffens slightly. This is a kill position and it takes everything he has not to throw her off. He can’t be so defensive against a woman who saved him, but anyone else would not be so lucky. He is going against his pure animal instinct. Somehow, he understands that she needs him. Days pass quickly. Sam is completely healed and they spend most of the days hunting and playing. Sam is in a good condition, his fur has recovered, Thea has washed him in the lake, he is as glossy as ever, looking as majestic as any wolf Thea has ever seen, his appetite increasing with his mood. The large wolf discovering his playful side. Thea goes back to the pack to work and shows her face to Trey and sneaks out again at night and spends the night with Sam. She seems to sleep a lot better in his presence, the nightmares dulling a tiny bit. Sam still shows no sign of shifting. Thea doesn’t push him, knowing that he will do it when he is ready, there is no way he can stay his wolf form forever. Thea is in no rush, she has enjoyed the time in the unorthodox friendship, the girl and the wolf. Being around someone that can’t say stupid or cruel things. She can just talk with a set of beautiful emerald eyes on her at all times. A tilt or a nod or a shake of an excessively large head is the only response she ever gets, but she doesn’t even mind, even though she is the only one talking, she doesn’t feel like this is a one-sided friendship. Her only concern is Trey finding out about Sam. She knows her reality enough to know that it is dangerous to keep Sam around and she needs to find out where he belongs and get him back to safety. Safety is well away from her. She knows that. She is not willing to lose another that she cares about. The friendship has been fun but she knows she has to find a way to help Sam. She can’t keep the friendship for selfish reasons.
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