Chapter 8

1540 Words
Time passes quickly and before they know it, suddenly two weeks is up. One gray wolf and one brown wolf run at full speed through the trees, faster and faster. Sam is in peak condition again, maybe even better than he has ever been. He has never been cared for in such a way. Thea feels like her speed has actually increased thanks to Sam. He is so fast that she pushes herself harder and harder. The trees are a blur as they run fast, swerving skillfully through the trees, Sam’s green eyes always looking back to make sure that Thea is fine and keeping up. It's not that he is particularly faster than her, he is just bigger with longer legs, his stride being larger makes him seem faster. He has never had more fun than he has had with Thea. Thea just loves runs and just follows happily, keeping pace, loving the wind blowing through her fur, the freedom, the immense speed. Sam allows her to catch up sometimes and she brushes against him, indicating they should get back. She is aware of the distance travelled, no amount of fun will erase the risk that Trey poses. Further and further they travel. Thea's eyes narrow as she missteps, something is wrong, something is very, very wrong. Sam doesn't look back as Thea pulls up to a stop. Sam slows but continues moving forward. Thea can hear voices, she can pick up scents, she knows that she has just crossed another packs border. Passing a border is forbidden and they can be killed on sight. She tries to motion Sam back, but he doesn't turn to look at her again. She moves cautiously forward, trying to get his attention. There are voices so close so she can't make noise. Sam seems to be walking straight toward them. He has to hear them. Why won't he stop moving? How is he not afraid? Thea let's out a small yelp. Sam still doesn't look back, but it works to attract the attention of the people he is moving towards. Thea wants to move forward and stop him, but she has to look after herself as well. Every instinct is telling her to go back, but she is worried about Sam, so just keeps pressing forward against her better judgement, trying to get his attention, but he is so close. "Just stop, I felt someone cross the border" A man's voice is so clear Thea's heart is in her throat, but she just keeps pressing forward. Following the gray wolf's tail as he walks straight toward danger. Finally, Thea hides behind a tree as the gray wolf walks straight towards the two people. A beautiful woman with a red dress, fiery red lips, blonde hair and blue eyes stares at the wolf in front of her in surprise. "Blake?" The gray wolf bounces back on two paws as he disappears, replaced by a stunningly handsome man, his stunning face looking slightly haggard with dirt and is well overdue for a shave, his green eyes look at the woman in front of him in surprise, a large tanned hand runs through his dark gray hair as he pulls it, trying to work out what is happening. As if the movement will activate his brain, which seems to be drawing a blank. "Indi, what are you doing out here?" "What do you mean Blake? You have been missing for two weeks" Blake frowns as he scratches his forehead, his mind is a mess, his emerald eyes look at the woman in front of him, his voice is scratchy and uncertain. "Two weeks?" Indi runs and jumps on Blake, wrapping her arms and legs around him. "I have missed you so much Blake" Blake kisses his mate, holding her tight to him. A man with black hair and deep brown eyes stands off to the side, his brow slightly furrowed as he looks at the scene. His large arms crossed over his chest, his bulging biceps are stretching the material of his shirt to the limits. His nostrils flare and his dark bottomless eyes flick to the right. He catches a set of silver eyes looking at the scene in shock. "Rogue" That single word does not manage to snap Thea out of her shock. Her head is still a mess but her body seems to move on its own, turning tail and running as fast as possible. The man beside the couple disappears as a black wolf bursts forth, clothes tearing around him. The alpha wolf gives chase to the trespasser on his land. Indi watches the black wolf run off. Blake turns to see a brown wolf leaving at an astonishing pace. His eyebrows furrow and his eyes flicker, a small sense of recognition. Something is wrong. "Not a rogue" Blake's voice is so small that Indi can barely hear it, she takes one last look at the black wolf before turning her attention to her mate. "What was that babe?" "I think…. I don't know…… I don't think that is a rogue" Indi snorts plastering her lipsticked lips to Blake’s lips. "Of course it is baby. Why else would it be in our packlands?” "I....I don't know" Blake breaks from the kiss and looks at the empty space where the two wolves disappeared. They are long gone and he has the strange desire to give chase. He has no idea why he wants to do that, it is not like Vance can’t handle one wolf. He can’t help feeling slightly uncomfortable in his heart. His head is hurting, it feels like someone has taken an axe to his brain and then mixed it, turning it into a pile of mush. Two weeks? How can he not remember that? He remembers being at training…then what? No matter how hard he thinks, all he can think of is walking in this clearing only moments before. Blake has never had any missed time incidents before. He can’t remember sustaining any type of injury that would cause it. Truth be told, he feels good, feeling far from injured. He closes his eyes tightly and tries to work out what is happening. He turns his head back to his stunning mate, catching her blue eyes. He closes his eyes again. Why does she not seem quite as beautiful today? Something is off. She is missing something, something big, he can't quite put a finger on it, something is wrong with her…No, maybe there is something is wrong with him. Indi is just as perfect as she always is. "I have missed you so much baby" Indi rotates her hips against him, and bites his lower lip so hard that she draws blood. He watches as his thick, rich, red blood mixes with the fiery red lipstick and runs slowly down her chin. She looks seductive as hell. But what is she missing? It suddenly occurs to him. Innocence. She is missing innocence. Blake shakes his head. What an odd thought. He has never had that thought about her. They have been mated for years, he didn’t care about her past when they got together, so why would he have that thought six years later? Indi looks at her mate. He looks even more handsome with a rough haggard look. His unique coloured hair and eyes make him so much more, he is what you would call exquisite. The definition of handsome. The Moon goddess really rewarded her……. If only. "Indi, did you say two weeks?" Blake tries to push back the odd thoughts about his mate as he tries to think of his missing time, but all he can think of is a set of silver eyes. "Yep, we were so worried about you baby" Indi buries her small beautiful face into the nape of his neck and takes a deep breath in. He smells slightly different, there is something else, something extra, but she can't quite put her finger on it. Blake looks at Indi, who looks as beautiful as always with makeup, hair beautifully styled, immaculately dressed. Something seems off, shouldn't she be slightly more worried, at least slightly stressed……. "Where have you been baby?" Indi pouts slightly pulling Blake's hair, completely breaking Blake's train of thought as his brain starts hurting again. Blake's handsome face scrunched up in pain. "I don't know" Indi kisses his lips. "Baby are you okay? You seem a little off. It is okay baby, I will make you feel better" Blake nods slowly even though he is sure at this point that nothing could make him feel better. His brain and his heart is hurting. He carries his mate back to the pack house, even though his body feels shattered, everything hurts, his leg has an odd phantom pain. Indi just keeps kissing his neck and jaw but he can't seem to focus, he can't find the pleasure in it that he would usually feel, there is something swirling in his stomach. What is wrong with him? How could he disappear for two weeks and have no recollection? Why does he feel so off? There is something big missing and he just can't put his finger on it.
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