Chapter 7 - Meet With Justin Again

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Justin stared at Jesse's face in the strip club parking lot, and after a moment of contemplation, he said, "Do you remember the pretty lady we saw earlier when we were leaving the estate today?" Jesse smiled and replied, "Yes, you mean the young lady who ran away from you when you tried to approach her?" Justin glared at Jesse, but Jesse laughed and apologized, "Forgive me, boss." Justin yelled, "Justin! How many times do I have to remind you to stop calling me 'boss'?" Justin never liked it when Jesse insisted on maintaining a master-servant relationship between them. Jesse apologized, "I'm sorry, Justin, but you know your father would be angry with me if he found out I was being friends with you and calling you by your name." Justin replied, "I know, and that’s why I want you to call me by my name, especially when we’re not at home or in public places like this. It will reduce the scrutiny from others." Jesse agreed, "Okay, Justin." Justin sighed in frustration and said, "I just seem to like that young lady. I’ve been seeing her around, and I don’t know how I will approach her again." Jesse replied, "I think you need to man up and approach her nicely. Most young ladies like her would think you only want to sleep with them and then dump them, as she looks so innocent." Justin agreed, "Hmm, but she doesn’t even want to hear me out. This is the fourteenth time I’ve seen her passing by and trying to approach her for the first time." Justin was standing beside his car, and Jesse's eyes widened in shock upon hearing Justin mention "fourteen times." Justin didn’t mind that night had fallen and that his mother was calling his phone, but he refused to pick up. Jesse asked, "Fourteen times? Wow, Justin! I only just saw her for the first time today." Justin replied, "Yes, that’s because you can’t see how beautiful and naturally endowed she is. You have your eyes focused on the road, so leave her for me to admire." Jesse smiled at Justin's words and asked, "Can we go back home now, Justin? It’s already getting late; it's past 10 p.m." Jesse glanced at the other cars driving into the strip club parking lot. He wasn’t just hired as a driver for Justin; he was also a trained bodyguard, ready to deal with anyone who dared to cross boundaries or harass Justin. Justin sighed and replied, "Fine. It’s okay." Justin frowned, knowing he had no other option than to follow Jesse home. It was already late, so he entered the passenger seat while Jesse got into the driver’s seat, started the car engine, and drove out of the strip club parking lot. --- Upon arriving at the estate gate, the red car drove down the slightly dark estate road, illuminated only by streetlights shining brightly along the way. The estate security men welcomed Justin after checking the car and allowed Jesse to drive into the estate, knowing that Justin's father was the real owner. They still had to do their job for the security of other homeowners by inspecting Justin’s vehicle. Justin kept his eyes on the road, staring out through the slightly opened window beside him at the beautiful estate streets leading down to his father’s grand mansion. Just then, a pretty young lady in a light blue gown rushed up to his car as if she were being chased. She reached the side of his car and screamed, "Excuse me, sir! Please wait!!" Olima's voice cracked, startling Justin, who quickly sat up straight and looked back at her as Jesse drove past. The surroundings had turned dark, with streetlights casting dim light over the deserted street. Justin couldn’t see the lady’s face, and Jesse cursed, “s**t! Who was that i***t?” Jesse immediately navigated the steering wheel, driving past Olima, not wanting to stop the car as he didn’t know if the young lady was a setup to make them stop for their attackers to ambush them. Jesse attempted to speed up and drive off entirely, but Justin’s voice stopped him. “Stop the car first!” Jesse was taken aback by Justin’s outburst as he slowed the car down and looked back at his young boss. Before Jesse could ask, "Justin, do you want me to stop the car here? We can’t trust that lady. What if she’s a witch or—" Justin had already pushed his side door open and stepped out of the car, rushing to meet the young lady. Jesse gasped, "Boss!" Justin ran ahead to meet the young lady, prompting Jesse to curse, "s**t! Who the hell is that lady?" Jesse drove the car backward to stay close to Justin instead of stepping out and parking ahead. He followed Justin who ran to meet the young lady in her light blue dress. --- Olima saw the red car that had sped past her now stopped ahead, making her hopeful that the driver had heard her voice. She hoped the car owner would help her get to the estate gate on time to meet the security men, as it was already very late. But she recognized the familiar figure approaching her from the car—it was the same young man who had tried to stop her during the day. Olima immediately took to her heels again, running away as she saw Justin approaching her. Justin shouted, "Wait! Where are you running off to again?" Olima didn’t stop; she remembered how Justin's black eyes shamelessly raked over her body from her chest down to her waist, and the way he had smiled at her earlier with desire clearly written on his face. She knew what he wanted and thought he was worse than the two men who had tried to stop her earlier, as she hadn’t seen those two men again. Olima ran faster to reach the estate gate by herself, but she stumbled and fell to the ground, allowing Justin to catch up with her as he approached her, breathing heavily, and stared down at her lying on the sandy floor. He said, "Wow, that was an intense warm-up exercise tonight, miss." Olima was breathing heavily as she lay on the floor, staring up at Justin’s face as she met his dark, handsome gaze. He rested both hands on his knees, bent down, and stared at her while trying to catch his breath. Olima was extremely scared as she saw the young man crouching in front of her. She thought he looked breathtakingly handsome, more so than any other young men she had seen. Even though it was already night, he still looked neat in his red shirt and suit trousers, and his short black hair was cut and styled perfectly to highlight his face. Justin was still trying to catch his breath when he asked, "What are you doing out here on the road at this late hour?" Justin stared at Olima's face as she lay on the ground, looking helpless. She had run away from him earlier and had ended up falling on the ground in her almost transparent nightwear. Olima begged, shivering, "Please… stay away from me." Olima was scared that Justin might harm her, but he replied, "I won’t hurt you, okay? Come with me. It’s very late to be out here alone." Justin extended his right hand to Olima to help her stand up, and despite her fear, she accepted his hand and stood up from the floor. Justin felt a jolt of electricity the moment he touched Olima's left hand and helped her stand from the sandy ground, holding her hand close to him to prevent her from running away again. Olima was breathing heavily, and Justin's eyes roamed over her body as he saw Jesse finally approach them with the car. Justin's fists clenched upon seeing that Olima looked hurt, and he asked her sternly, "What happened to you?" Justin couldn’t believe his eyes as he saw that Olima's face was red and swollen. The last time he had seen her, her smooth, delicate face was unmarked. Now she looked like someone who had been beaten or abused. He asked, "Tell me. What's wrong? Who slapped you?" Justin wanted to take revenge on Olima's behalf, and she finally broke down in tears in his presence.
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