Chapter 6 - Olima Begging

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Nathan dragged Olima out from the mansion as she sobbed heavily and begged him, "Please sir, don't throw me out, I don't have anywhere to go to, Please Nathan.." Olima cried. "I'm sorry small madam, but I cannot help you. You have to leave this house now," Nathan said frustratedly, as he also didn't know what Olima did. He had seen her when she ran back speedily into the house upon her return, and now she was sobbing heavily and crying. "Please don't throw me out, this is my father's house. I don't have anywhere else to go to," Olima cried, as she begged Nathan. He let go of her hands and raked his short black hair on his head, scratching his head. He was a dark-skinned man with black hair and of average height. "Nathan!! Is that witch still there?!" Mrs. Gina stormed out from the house, glaring at Nathan and Olima while Nathan immediately pulled the gate open. "No, madam," Nathan replied, not ready to lose his job yet. Mrs. Gina and Mia both stepped out from the mansion. "Then who am I seeing standing at the gate there with you?? I said throw her out!!" Mrs. Gina roared, stepping down from the mansion's frontage and rushing out to Olima and Nathan at the gate. She used both hands to push Olima out from the house. "Get out!! And don't let me see you here again, Else I will kill you myself for daring to poison my daughter and me," Mrs. Gina warned, while Nathan frustratedly stood in silence and watched them. Tears flooded from Olima's eyes as she knelt and begged her stepmother. "Please ma, I don't have anywhere else to go to. You cannot throw me out this night. It's late..." Olima cried, even as the estate was heavily guarded with security men, she was scared of the bad boys lurking around not to defile her privacy. "And how is that my concern? Why didn't you think of the bad boys when you dared to poison my daughter and me, Nathan!!" Mrs. Gina shouted again. "Yes, madam!" Nathan immediately appeared by her side. "Lock this gate and if I see Olima inside this compound again, I will arrest you both and jail you for attempting to kill my daughter and me, Lock this gate now!" Mrs. Gina commanded. "Okay, madam," Nathan immediately shut the gate on Olima, and Olima stood up from the floor as she rushed to the gate to bang heavily on it. "Open the gates!! Please.. don't lock me out!! No!!" Olima sobbed as she banged heavily on the gate, but Nathan had already locked it from within. "Nonsense! And don't ever open this gate for her again, or let Olima into this compound again! Is that understood?" Mrs. Gina questioned Nathan, passing her warning to him. "Understood, madam!" Nathan replied, trembling as well. Nathan was a 40-year-old black man who needed his gateman job to take care of his family and new wife at home. He couldn't risk losing his job, even though he pitied Olima. He had a pregnant wife with two kids at home. Nathan sighed and walked back to his gatehouse, while Mrs. Gina and Mia walked back into the mansion. "Mom, what are we going to eat now?" Mia asked, knowing she was the one who had added too much salt to the delicious soup. She knew her mother wouldn't question her if what Olima stated was true, as her mother had always taken her side and flogged Olima mercilessly. "Why did you spoil the soup? I know Olima didn't add too much salt to that soup? Do you know how much the soup ingredients cost in the market?" Mrs. Gina finally glared at her daughter, who frowned, as Mia hadn't expected her mother to scold her. "You will be the one cooking from today onwards as your punishment. Now follow me into the kitchen. You won't waste all the meat that Olima bought and added to that soup. After you've finished removing all the meats one by one, then you will wash it out and recook it. Silly girl," Mrs. Gina stated, and Mia frowned as she followed her mother back into the kitchen. Upon entering the kitchen, Mrs. Gina was slightly nervous about throwing Olima outside as it was already past 10 pm. She knew the estate security agents would question her once they saw Olima and saw that she indeed threw Olima out. "Remove the meats quickly!" Mrs. Gina yelled at her fourteen-year-old daughter, and Mia shuddered in fear as she started removing the meat from the pot, having washed her hands earlier when she entered the kitchen with her mother. Mrs. Gina stood aside, watching as Mia carefully took out all the meats from the pot of soup. Olima cried and banged heavily on her late father's gate, but Nathan didn't pull the gate open for her. She was still in her light blue gown that she had worn since morning, and she shivered as the night wind blew against her smooth delicate skin, sending shivers down her spine. Olima's eyes were already flooded with tears, and she thought to walk up to the estate security gate to report her stepmother to them. Olima knew that even though she reported her stepmother to the estate security men, that wouldn't make her stepmother change. So, she wrapped her arms around her chest as she walked up towards the gate. "Hey pretty, what's up?" Olima saw two men walking along the other side of the road calling after her. As she stared at them, she saw them crossing the road. Olima immediately took to her heels and ran as fast as her legs could carry her. "Wait, pretty! Where are you running to?" One of the two guys screamed out to Olima, but she didn't turn back to look at them. She ran faster towards the gate that was still far ahead of her. Seeing a red car approaching her, Olima slowed down and thought to beg the driver to take her to the estate gate, as she believed the car owner would be living nearby in their estate and probably a good Samaritan too. Earlier, Justin Robert had gone to one of his favorite clubs in town to hang out with the hot ladies there, but none of them seemed to catch his attention. Annoyed for wasting much of his time there sitting and watching the strip club ladies dancing and swirling around the pole, he stood up frustratedly and left the club. All he could think about was the pretty young lady that he had seen and finally approached after admiring her for a long time. Justin's blood boiled hot to claim Olima and make love to her, but she ran away from him as if he were a beast. He was angry, as he had seen a lot of pretty ladies, none of them had dared to reject his advances towards them, and the pretty young lady really insulted him. Justin was a bad guy. He was gentle at home and listened to all his parents' bidding, even though what his parents asked him to do was against his desires. He still obeyed his parents and took over his father's real estate business, as he was the only child of his parents. He made friends with Jesse Andrew, who was his driver, even though Jesse was far older than him and also respected him. Justin saw Jesse as his elder brother and someone to confide in when he was totally pissed off. Stepping out from the strip club, he ordered Jesse, "Let's go home. I'm bored." Jesse knew whenever Justin told him he was bored, it simply meant something was troubling his mind. "What could be the problem, young master?" Jesse asked, and Justin stopped and contemplated whether to tell Jesse what was troubling his heart and what his heart truly wanted at the moment.
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