Chapter 8 - Taking Olima To His Home

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Jesse's eyes widened in shock as he saw Olima's face and realized she was the same young lady Justin had asked him about earlier at the club. However, she looked much more battered now than when he had seen her before. Jesse couldn't believe she was the one Justin had been worrying about. Olima was still unable to speak about who had hurt her as she cried and begged Justin, "Please, sir, help me get to the estate gate." Justin asked her, "Why?" He held her left hand closely, not wanting her to run away from him again. However, his phone began ringing in his black suit trouser pocket. Jesse's phone rang too, and Justin knew it was his parents calling. Although they sometimes acted oblivious to him, his mother always called to check on where he was and if he was alright. Justin said, "Wait a moment." He took out his phone from his trouser pocket, and at the same time, Jesse answered his call. Justin's mother had called his father to complain about Justin's absence from their mansion. Jesse said, "Boss, your dad is calling me now. We need to leave here." Jesse immediately took out his phone and picked up the call while Justin answered his mother's call. Justin said, "Hello, Mom." His mother asked, "Justin, where are you?" Justin replied, "I'm on my way home now, Mom. I'll be there soon." Justin still held Olima's soft left hand firmly, and his mother asked, "Are you sure, son, or are you still at the clubhouse?" Justin frowned and replied, "No, Mom, I am honestly on the estate street now and approaching home." Justin spoke in a deep, husky voice as he looked at Olima's face with care, while she immediately looked downward, away from him, wondering what he was up to. Olima continued to sob, and Mrs. Juliet said, "Okay, son. Hurry home. I'm still awake and waiting for you to return." Justin answered, "Alright, Mom. I will be home soon with Jesse. Bye, and I love you." Mrs. Juliet replied, "I love you too, son. I'll be expecting you home on time." Justin said, "Okay, Mom. Bye." He ended the call with his mother and put his phone back into his trouser pocket. He then looked up at Olima's face and asked, "What happened to you? Tell me." Justin's voice was serious, but Olima shook her head, not wanting to involve him in her family matters. She begged, "Please, sir, just take me to the estate gate. That's all." Justin sighed as he listened to her sweet voice before replying, "Alright, I will help you get to the estate gate, but you still need to tell me who slapped your pretty face and who you’re living with around here." Justin looked serious as he met Olima's gaze, feeling a possessive urge toward her. However, Olima gulped hard, not expecting a stranger to care about her. She shyly looked down, seeing that Justin didn’t want to let her go and was still insisting on knowing who had hurt her. Justin finally released Olima's soft hand, feeling his muscles tense as he imagined what her delicate body would feel like under his strong frame. His arousal was growing in his pants, and his desires were awakening just from holding her hand. His mind raced with thoughts of how he would lay with her in his bed, but he quickly brushed those thoughts aside, not wanting to scare her. He was sweating in the late hour when he heard her voice again, "Please, sir… I need to get to the estate gate." Her soft voice stirred something deeper in his heart, making him sweat even more. He finally replied, "Okay, I promise to help you get to the estate gate, but you need to tell me first what happened to you." Olima looked up at Justin's face, wondering if she could trust him. She heard him say, "Look, I don’t mean any harm. You shouldn’t be afraid to share your problem with me. I’m Justin Robert, and my father is the owner of this estate. Even though most of the houses here are owned individually, we still oversee things." Olima remained silent, staring at Justin's face. She felt her cheeks burning from his concern and possessive nature, and she wasn’t even listening to his introduction as she wondered how he could still look so handsome at this late hour. Justin finally asked, "Are you listening to me at all?" Olima's big brown eyes moved upward to Justin's thin lips, meeting his dark, desirous gaze. She gulped hard and replied, "I am listening to you. My dad owns the other house down there, but after my parents were gone, my stepmother made my life there terrible. She threw me out tonight after her only daughter ruined the soup I had just finished cooking. Mia made the soup bitter." Olima started sobbing again at the memory of how Mia had ruined the soup. Justin was silent for a moment, realizing he hadn’t seen Olima before, as he usually kept late hours after succeeding his father as the new CEO of the company when he turned 19 two years ago. He was still in school and hadn’t fully resumed office since returning home for vacation, only visiting his father's construction company. He realized he hadn’t been seeing Olima around before. Recently, he had noticed her more frequently, and she appeared to come from a wealthy background with her smooth, yellow skin. Yet, she kept running around like a maid, as if she were under constant pressure. Justin replied, "Okay, where's your home? Let me take you there. If I take you to the estate security men now, they won’t be able to follow you back home at this hour since it’s late, and your stepmother might not even open the gate for them. Why not follow me to my parents' house tonight? Tomorrow morning, we can bring you back to your stepmother's house and try to talk to her." Olima shakily replied, "No, sir..." She looked away from Justin and moved back a bit, wanting to run away from him, unaware of his other intentions. She stared at the estate gate, which was still far ahead of her, and Justin took out his phone again as he saw it was his mother calling him once more. He picked up the call and quickly replied, "I'm almost at the gate, Mom." Mrs. Juliet asked, "Justin, it's already after 11 p.m. Where exactly are you now?" Justin replied, "Mom, I will be home shortly. Please hang up the call first." Justin looked again at Olima's face, not wanting to leave her behind on the road, especially after seeing how hurt she looked. He knew there were no surveillance cameras around to record if anything bad happened to her, and the security men could also take advantage of her innocence since it was late. He assured her, "You can trust me. I won’t hurt you, okay?" Olima stared at Justin's face in silence, unsure if she could trust him. After much hesitation, she finally accepted his outstretched right hand. Justin walked back to his car with Olima, and they got into the back seat together while Jesse sighed in silence from the driver’s seat, wondering how Mrs. Juliet would react to seeing the beautiful young lady Justin brought home. Jesse also noticed that Olima looked hurt and brutally beaten as he caught sight of her reddened face in the rearview mirror. The car's interior light turned on automatically, causing Jesse to tighten his grip on the steering wheel, wondering who had harmed Olima so badly. Justin helped Olima sit beside him properly and fastened her seatbelt. Her fruity scent filled his nostrils as he leaned closer to her, making him feel more aroused than tempted. He suppressed his urges, not wanting to scare her. He ordered Jesse, "Start the car." "Alright, boss." Justin didn’t bother to fasten his seatbelt again, knowing they were almost home. He sat in silence as Jesse started the engine and drove them home. Olima was surprised to hear the car driver refer to Justin as "boss." She gulped hard and tried not to look at Justin's face again as he sat beside her on her right side, feeling his gaze on her as the car approached a huge black gate. Olima had heard that the Emerson estate belonged to one Mr. Robert Emerson, but she didn’t really know who he was, as she often overheard her parents discussing him. She didn’t know if she had seen the man either, but she had heard that his mansion was heavily guarded with security and was the most luxurious villa in the estate. Jesse parked the car in front of the gate and honked the horn while a security guard walked up to pull the gate open. The guard stepped out and stared at Justin's car to confirm who was inside. Upon seeing his young boss with a pretty young lady and Jesse in the driver's seat, he walked back to the gate and remotely unlocked the electric gate.
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