Chapter 5 - Sent Olima Away

1040 Words
Olima finally got a cab and entered it, paying the cab driver who drove her back to their residential estate where the billionaires and high-profile family live. Upon arriving at the estate gate, she quickly paid the cab driver for her ride, rushed back into the estate gate, and ran home speedily. The estate security men wondered what was chasing Olima, as they knew her to be a beautiful young lady who mostly ran errands on foot after her parents were gone. Olima finally approached the mansion gate and banged heavily on it. Nathan quickly approached the gate from within, pulled it open, and stared at Olima's face. "Why are you banging on the gate like that?" Nathan asked her. He was a young man and liked Olima, but he knew she was his former boss's daughter and couldn't cross boundaries with her. "I'm sorry, please open the gate quickly," Olima replied. Nathan stepped aside and opened the gate for her. Olima rushed into the house and approached the mansion's frontage. The luxurious mansion was painted white and decorated with beautiful flowering plants. Nervously, Olima approached the door leading into the living room, knocked, and walked in. Mia was still in the living room, watching television. As Olima entered, her brown eyes fell on the huge wall clock, showing 8:30 pm. Without being told, Olima rushed into the kitchen to prepare dinner. She knew her stepmother would soon come out and scold her for wasting time in the market and arriving home late. She quickly washed the vegetables she had bought, unhooked the dried fishes, and soaked them in a bowl. Olima cut the meat into smaller pieces, washed them neatly, turned on the gas cooker, and started cooking the meat first. As the seconds ticked on the clock, Olima cooked the soup in a hurry, feeling sweaty all over. Just then, she heard the kitchen door slide open. "Why did you take so long to arrive home? I'm hungry," Mia said, walking into the kitchen. "Taste it first. Is it okay?" Olima asked Mia, extending a spoonful of soup to her hand. Mia didn't know how to cook and opened her hand for Olima to drop some soup in it. Mia wanted her mother to discipline Olima for making her hungry, and she said, "It lacks salt. Add more salt." Olima frowned, tasted the soup again, and said, "It's okay like this." Mia carried the salt container, opened it, and poured more salt into the soup, causing Olima to scream out, "Mia!" Just then the kitchen door slide open, and her stepmother walked into the kitchen. Olima quickly shut the pot of soup and took it off the gas cooker, preparing to make their semolina. "What's going on here? It's after 9 pm, and you're still cooking the soup?" Mrs. Gina questioned, walking further into the kitchen. "No, ma'am, I'm almost done," Olima replied, quickly starting to prepare the semo. "And what are you doing here?" Mrs. Gina asked Mia, why she was just standing there, and Mia replied, "Mom, I'm hungry." "Go sit at the dining table; the soup will be ready soon," Mrs. Gina instructed, and Mia stomped her feet and complied. Olima nervously finished cooking the semo, wiped her sweaty forehead with her gown, served the food, and quickly brought it to the dining table. Mia and Mrs. Gina sat at the table, waiting for the food. Olima served them first, then herself, and rushed back to the kitchen to get some water for them to wash their hands. The dining table was silent as Olima hurried back to serve the water to her stepmother and stepsister. Mrs. Gina first washed her hands in a different bowl of water, while Mia washed her hands next and Olima asked her stepmother, "Ma, do you need anything else?" Mrs. Gina frowned at first and finally said, "No. Go and eat your food." But just then, Mia gasped, "Mom!.." "What is it?" Mrs. Gina glared at her daughter for screaming out her name, and Olima paused and stared back at Mia too. "The soup is bitter," Mia said, making Mrs. Gina frown. Mrs. Gina hadn't tasted the soup, but she had already washed her right hand. She dipped her index finger into the soup to taste it too, and her face contorted in irritation as she harshly stood up from the dining seat and questioned, "Olima, what's the meaning of this?" Mrs. Gina moved out from her seat and Olima took two steps backwards, stammering, "Ma ... I.." "You what? Did you taste the soup at all?" Mrs. Gina roared angrily, and Olima shuddered and stammered, "Ma, I did. Mia added more salt to the soup and..." [Slap] Mrs. Gina landed a hot resounding slap on Olima's left cheek, and she approached Olima more, dragging her to the dining table and forcing Olima to taste the soup. "Taste it and eat it and see how bitter it is. Did Mia follow you to cook it?" Mrs. Gina questioned, and Olima cried and tried to explain. [Slap] Mrs. Gina landed another hot slap on Olima, beating her while Mia smiled viciously. "You witch! You killed your parent, now you want to kill my daughter and me too!" Mrs. Gina roared at Olima. "Please mother, I'm innocent, I didn't ruin the soup," Olima begged. "Shut up! And get out! I don't want to see your ugly face in this house again. Nathan!" Mrs. Gina shouted. "Yes, madam," Nathan rushed into the mansion, and Mrs. Gina commanded, "Throw this witch out!" "No! Mother, please.. No!! I didn't touch Mia," Olima tried to beg her stepmother. But another hot slap landed across her left cheek. "One more word from you, and I will have you arrested tonight, witch. Nathan, throw her outside and never let her into this mansion again," Mrs. Gina commanded. Nathan grabbed Olima by her arms, dragging her out of the living room and throwing her out of the billionaire family duplex mansion and onto the street around 10 pm. Mia smiled victoriously, and Mrs. Gina was the happiest that the billionaire mansion now belonged to her, after succeeding in killing Olima's parents to acquire Olima's father's company and assets.
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