Chapter 4 - Meeting with Justin

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"No, ma. I checked the kitchen, and there's no food left," Olima replied. Mia frowned, feeling hungry, and questioned, "Why didn't you speak up sooner?" Olima stared from Mia to Mrs. Gina. She had helped Mia with her assignments, and Mia had been nice and friendly with her. But once Mrs. Gina arrived home, Mia would switch to her mother's toxic behavior. "Hmm, and you sat here with Mia watching television. Didn't you know you could have come to my shop to ask for money to buy food and ingredients for dinner tonight, or did you expect us to starve with you?" Mrs. Gina questioned with a cold glare. Olima replied, "No, mother, I mean ma." Mrs. Gina opened her purse and took out some money. She counted it and said, "Here's 10k. Before I go upstairs to take a bath, make sure you go to the nearby market and buy all the ingredients for the vegetable soup with semovita. Else..." Mrs. Gina's eyes burned into Olima again as she dropped the money on the table and went upstairs to her bedroom. Olima rushed into the kitchen, knowing her stepmother wasn't joking. She searched the containers for the ingredients needed for the vegetable soup, grabbed the money from the table, and left the house. She heard Mia subtly laughing at her as she hurried out, feeling like she was being chased. Nathan stood up when he saw Olima rushing to the gate with a black polythene bag. She was dressed in a light blue gown, and he asked, "Where are you rushing to, small madam?" "Open the gates!" Olima screamed. Nathan knew she had been sent on an errand again, as she often ran out of the house like this. Nathan opened the gate, and Olima rushed out, almost getting hit by a car leaving the estate street. The driver cursed at her, "Stupid lady! Where are you rushing off to?" Ignoring the driver, Olima continued running to the estate gate to go to the market. Inside the flashy red car sat a young, handsome black man whom his billionaire parents wanted to take over their multimillion-dollar empire and real estate businesses. His father was known for selling houses to top billionaires in their town. Justin Robert, a dark-skinned handsome 21-year-old, felt his heart leap to his throat as he saw his car almost hit a silly lady who ran out from her parents' home, knowing that mostly billionaires' families lived in the estate. As the sun gradually set in the west and his car passed her, Justin was headed to one of his finest hangout places, The Clubhouse. He hated business topics and didn't seem to find anything related to business interesting, except drawing, watching movies in his room, and hanging out with hot ladies who were ready to get intimate with him and please him as much as he wanted. Justin felt his member harden as he saw how pretty the young lady looked and how she was running carelessly, not minding how her large breasts and buttocks bounced up and down as she ran quickly. Unable to look away, Justin ordered, "Stop the car." "Boss..." Jesse was surprised by his young master's order and gulped before replying, "Copy that." Justin was wearing a red long-sleeve shirt, black trousers, and black sparkling shoes. He was breathtakingly handsome and took care of his appearance, knowing that first impressions matter. Olima continued running upward to exit the estate gate, as the night was approaching fast, and she knew that her stepmother would punish her if she didn't return back home early to prepare their dinner on time. "Boss, do you need anything?" The 30-year-old impatient Jesse Andrew asked, as he wore a white shirt and black trousers too. "No, wait here," Justin replied, as he was nervous and saw the pretty young lady running up to his car and to exit the estate gate as well. Justin was mostly used to ladies throwing themselves at him, and now he had to throw himself at the pretty young lady that he was seeing again, as he had seen her before countless times and he couldn't approach her, knowing that her father would also be a billionaire. Olima didn't have time to go upstairs to change her light blue gown, as it provocatively brought out all her curves, and she ran up slowly after she saw that the red car from earlier, the driver of which had previously cursed her, stopped and the side door opened. Olima thought the driver or the passenger in the red car wanted to step out and scold her for her silly action of running out into the estate street like a madwoman, not even looking ahead to see if any cars were coming. "Hi," the dark-skinned handsome young man who stepped down from the red flashy car spoke to her, and Olima froze in her spot, staring at the tall man standing in front of her. "No, excuse me," Olima shook her head as she met Justin's gaze, and before Justin could speak, "wait." Olima immediately ran past him, running faster than before towards the exit gate of the estate street. "Damn it!" Justin cursed, and Jesse only smiled in the car as he had watched Olima's reaction through the driver's seat side mirror. Justin frustratingly sat back in the car and ordered Jesse, "Start the car." "Alright boss," Jesse replied, waiting for Justin to fasten his seatbelt properly before starting the red car engine and driving off. Olima's heart was still beating faster in her chest as she had already exited the estate gate and got into a taxi. She breathed out in relief, wondering what the young man wanted from her, as she didn't know him before. She calculated all the soup ingredients that she would buy from the local market nearby, knowing that the main market would have closed, but she could still get some foodstuffs from some of the local foodstuff sellers along the road. Olima arrived at the market area and paid for her taxi fee, rushing towards one of the market sellers by the roadside and buying all the ingredients she needed to prepare the delicious vegetable soup. She had only learned how to cook five months ago and wasn't very good at it, but it was still manageable. She never used to cook when her mother was alive, and now that her mother was gone, Olima gulped and paid for all the items and vegetables she had bought. Before she could finish her purchases from the roadside sellers, the night had fallen, and Olima frowned, knowing that her stepmother would complain. Olima totally forgot to ask her stepmother for money earlier, and with helping Mia with her school assignments, she forgot to go to her stepmother's shop, where her stepmother sold feminine wear, as Mrs. Gina owned a boutique. Olima stood waiting for a taxi to arrive, but there was no cab to take her home as the night continued to fall.
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