Chapter 3

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Kal and I both texted Tara to let her know we were in, and she was more than happy. After a very calm dinner my mom and I went home, and I prayed that tomorrow would be a good day. It had to be I just kept having this nagging feeling that our lives would never be the same. It was about 5am when I started hearing something hit my balcony window. I tried to ignore it, but it started getting louder and louder so finally I stomped towards the balcony and opened the door, and to my surprise there was Kali crying and still in her pjs. “Oh my god sissy what's wrong hold on I’m coming to open the back door!” “OK” Kali said just looking down at the ground. I ran downstairs as quietly as I could, so I didn’t wake my mom and immediately opened the back door and let her in. I had a feeling this had to do with working in the Tremaine, her dad really did not want us to work there. Before I asked her anything I made her some hot chocolate to help her calm her nerves so she could tell me what was going on. “You feel a little better now.” “Yes, thank you Nas.” “You don’t have to thank me. Do you wanna talk about it?” “Brad cheated on me. I saw the pictures from the lake party we missed yesterday.” “Aww Kal I’m sorry do you know what you are going to do.” “No, I just wanna forget it for right now.” “Come you wanna go in my room and drink hot chocolate and eat some beignets?” “You had me at beignets” Kal said with a smile. I went to grab some beignets my mom made yesterday, grabbed Kali’s hand and took her to my room. We just talked and laughed until she fell asleep around. I couldn’t fall back to sleep, so I decided to take a shower and go make breakfast for everyone. After about an hour and a half I was done with breakfast and before I could even wake my mom or Kali, they both came down with huge smiles letting me know they were ready to eat. “Oh, Nas let’s just get married and call it a day. I will pay you to cook for me 24/7!” Kali said, making my mom laugh. “So, Kali when did you get here because I swear when Ani and I left your house you weren’t with us?” “Ummm I couldn’t sleep?” Kali answered unsure of what to say “Yea sure let’s go with that.” Mom said. with a wink making Kali chuckle. We all sat down and ate when suddenly kali and I both got a text message. It was a group chat with Tara. Tara: Hey girls, can you meet me at the restaurant in 2 hours I wanna test your skill set. Kali: count me in boss Anasa: Ignore her yes, we will be there Tara: Lol great see you both soon. Oh and Anasa I have some friends coming to test your food. Today’s audition day so be prepared. Anasa: Ok no pressure Well today just got interesting, Kali and I both gave each other a look and finished our breakfast in silence. “Why are you two so quiet all of a sudden?” “Oh, nothing mom the owner of the restaurant asked as to come over in a few so she can test our skills” “Oh…well please be careful in the Tremaine it’s not safe around there.” Mom said with a worried look in her eyes. Something was up and I could feel it. “Yes, mam we will, now we gotta go get ready. Kal are you gonna go home and change or borrow some of my clothes?” “Umm now that’s a tough choice.” “Girl come on let's go in my room and find some clothes to wear!” I said while trying to pull Kali out of the kitchen. “Wait only if I can where that yellow midi body-con dress and your yellow high-top converse!” Kali said while pouting “Ugh fine you can wear it I have to wear pants anyway.” I said while rolling my eyes. One day this girl is going to be the death of me. After getting dressed, Kali of course getting her way, wearing my yellow dress and yellow converses, I had to settle for black form fitting slacks with a black button-down shirt and my black converses. As we went down the stairs my mom was waiting for us in the living room with a box. “Ani this is for you I always knew you would deal with something dealing with cooking, so I made this few months ago.” “What is it MS. S?” Kali decided to chime in. Ignoring Kali I worked over to box and opened it, and inside was the most beautiful apron I’ve ever seen. It was all black with my name written in gold cursive script and traditionally Syrian patterns all around the edges in red and a vibrant shade of jade. It was perfect! “Thank you, mama I love it, you’re the best.” “No fair I want one.” Kali said making everyone laugh. “Now go before you girls are late!” “Yes mama.” “Yes mam” Kali and I said at the same time. We only had thirty minutes to get to Tara, so we hopped in my jeep and started down to the Tremaine. About halfway there we got another text from Tara. Tara: Hey if you guys are driving there is a parking lot behind the restaurant. Kali: Thanks, we are driving over now! A few minutes later we were pulling into the parking lot and at the same time Tara was pulling beside us in a very sleek white 2022 Audi A5 sport back. It was nice. If I wasn’t into Jeeps I would have considered getting one. “Hey girls wow that’s a nice car Anasa.” “Thanks Tara my mom got it for me for my seventeenth birthday. We had an agreement If I kept my grades up and kept up with volleyball and track, she would get it for me so a deal a deal and I got my baby!” “I see your mom has instilled some good values about working hard and not breaking a deal. What about you Kali?” “Oh no I have no desire to drive I am a passenger princess and a good one at that.” “Ha, ok I see we do need passenger princesses in the world.” Tara said laughing “Please do not egg her on she won’t stop” I said shaking my head “Well come on inside and let's get started.” Going in the back door Tara dropped her stuff in her office which was massive and beautiful. There was Haitian art and statues all over the place. Kali was a lot more intrigued by it because her parents never talk about their heritage at all. There was a large oak desk and a throne-like chair in the middle facing the door. Once she sat her purse and things down, she started giving us a tour. “Ok so as you can see that was my office, and right next door would technically be your office. You can share it, or if you want your own space Anasa, I can make sure you have it.” “No, Kali and I can share. That’s not a problem, we share everything already anyway.” “Ok well you guys can decorate any way you want. Next is the kitchen.” Tara said as we walked through two huge metal doors.
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