Chapter 4

1118 Words
When I said that kitchen is to die for, it was amazing. There were several ovens and three stove top griddles with three industrial sized stoves with a total of twelve burners. There were two walk in freezers, one for meat only and the other for everything else. Everything you could want in a restaurant kitchen was here. “Wow this is amazing I can’t wait to start cooking in here.” “Well today is your lucky day if you want to start to prepare what you plan to cook for us to try be my guest. Kali and I are going to go back into the office where she is going to have a little business test.” “Wait a test really I hate test.” Kali exclaimed while pouting “Oh, it’s just a little test come on you’ll be done in no time.” Tara said while trying not to laugh. “Ok fine I’m ready.” I just had to laugh and shake my head at her. That girl is just one of a kind. After about forty-five minutes I was almost done. I decided to make Samaka Harra and rice which is a Syrian spiced fish. Thankfully Tara had all the spices I needed. While I was putting the food on the plates, the fish Kali came in. I guess she was done with her business test. “So, Brad text me and apologized for cheating and he’s coming to take me out.” I immediately stopped what I was doing and looked at her. “Are you sure Kal? I’m always going to follow your lead, but I don’t want you getting hurt.” “Yea I’m sure, he’s sorry and I love him he’s my first. When you find someone that will pop your cherry you’ll understand.” “Ok if, you’re sure. Be safe love you I’ll see you later.” “Ok byes love you to.” Kali quickly left the kitchen and I finally finished plating the food. As soon as I was about to grab the plates and walked out, I felt my phone vibrate with a text. Kal Girl: Heads up hottie in restaurant with Tara and another lady but she doesn’t matter. Hottie is all that matters maybe he can pop your cherry lol Nas: Bye Kali Why is that girl so worried about popping my cherry, I will never know. I put my phone back into my pants pocket, grab the plates and walked out into the seating area where Tara was talking with another lady and yes, the so-called hottie. Kali was not lying he was built like a god. I hurried and tried putting the food on the table without them noticing I was there. As soon as I sat the plates down, they all turned towards me. “Hey Anasa, right on time. I was about to come and get you. The food smells really good. These are two are my friends Shelly she’s an artist, and this big brute here is Qwame.” Even though Tara was talking, I could not concentrate. All I could do was stare at Qwame. He’s not like any boy I have ever met. Well maybe because he wasn’t a boy he was a full-grown man. He had to be almost 6’10”, he had beautiful light brown eyes with specks of gold, along with sandy brown dreadlocks that came just below his shoulders. His skin was like the most delicious milk chocolate, not realizing I have been staring for a long time I hear someone clear their throat. “Sorry um yea I made samaka harra a Syrian dish which is basically spiced fish and rice.” After they finished the food, they all just looked at me with no emotion, I was super nervous. What if they didn’t like it? I started playing with my nail and before I knew it, I completely broke my nail. “s**t. I can’t get it fixed for another week.” I thought I said to myself but said out loud. “Are you alright?” Qwame finally spoke and his voice was deep, like Barry White. I could let him speak to me all day. “Yea I’m ok, it’s just my nail tech is booked for another week though.” “Come to the Manheim building tomorrow there is a nail salon on the first floor.” “Are you sure?” “I should be I own it.” Qwame said with an attitude and gave me a scowl. “Ok.” I didn’t want to say anything else. It seemed like I was irritating him, so I just looked down. “Qwame be nice.” Tara said sternly and looked towards me. “Everything was great the fish was amazing, and the spices were to die for. I knew you were going to be a great fit. You and Kali did great. If you haven’t already cleaned up, you can leave after you do.” “Oh, I clean while I cook less mess.” I said shrugging my shoulders “That’s amazing, so am I. I’ll handle these dishes you are good to go, and I’ll have a conversation with the big brute here about manners. I'll text you guys later today.” “Ok! See you it was nice meeting you two.” I said in a hurry I ran out the door and got in my Jeep. I just wanted to get home and take a nap, but something about Qwame stayed with me. I didn’t like the way he looked at me or spoke to me. Part of it reminded me of my father and that was enough to make me never want to speak to him again. I got home in record time and just went upstairs and stripped out of my clothes and laid down. After about an hour I woke up because my phone was going off nonstop. I looked at the time, it was only 3pm. “Kali what’s the matter!” “Can you come to our secret place now it’s an emergency!” “I’m on my way” While getting dressed I received a text from Tara Tara: Hey I’m having a dinner party tonight at 8 to introduce you and Kali. Anasa: KK I’m going to meet up with Kali now Tara: Good the address is 3222 Mangrove Drive, it’s on the outskirts of town before you hit the bayou. Anasa: Great see you there. I finally was done getting dressed and rushed to see what was up with Kali. It was going to be a long night!
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