Chapter 2

1388 Words
The server finally came to give us our menus and take our drink orders. After scanning the menu I decided to get the gumbo and kali got the seafood boil. Of course we were going to share with each other like always. While waiting for our food we looked around and started noticing the people in the restaurant with us. They looked like tourist but something deep down told me they weren’t but I pushed that thought away. No one from New Orleans came to this part of the French quarter unless they had to. A couple more minutes go by and our food finally shows up and it looks just as good as it smells. I asked the server for two extra bowls so Kali and I could split our orders with each other, and we went to town. It was like little spice elves doing the jig on my tongue. It was hands down the best gumbo and seafood broil I’ve ever had. I wondered what spices the cook used. As the server came back over to check and see if we needed a refill on our drinks, or anything else to eat, I ended up asking her what spices they used. She told me she was not sure as she wasn’t in the kitchen with the cook but she promised to ask them for me. A few minutes later an unbelievably beautiful lady walks out of the kitchen and over to our table. She couldn’t have been more then twenty-five her skin was a flawless chocolate color and she had green eyes just like Kali and her mom, weird but ok. She also had a nose piercing and several ear piercings along with a multitude of tattoos on her body, but most importantly she had on an apron so she must have the cook. I couldn’t wait to add more spices to my collection at home. “Hey guys good after noon my name is Tara I’m the owner and cook of this fine establishment.” “Hey I’m Anasa and that’s Kali my best friend/sister.” “You two aren’t American are you?” “No I’m originally from Syria and Kali is Haitian!” I exclaimed. This whole time Kali was still stuffing her face, as always. “Wow that’s great. I’m also Haitian!” Tara exclaimed and that got Kali’s attention real quick. “Really my parents don’t speak about life when they lived there it sucks.” “Well anytime you want to learn more you can always come and ask me I’ll be happy to teach you.” Tara exclaimed while giving Kali a weird look as if she knew something about her; However Kali did not see it, I did though. “Thanks I’ll remember that.” “Of course. Now my server said you were asking about the spices I used?” “Yes that was me. I love cooking and I’m thinking about going to culinary school, plus me being from Syria I love spicy food.” I exclaimed all in one breathe “Ok, well how about this I’m looking for an apprentice to help in the kitchen, and another person helping with the business side. I am only one person. How about you come and work for me.” “What! Really, yes I would love that and Kali’s good with numbers, so she can help in the office with the business side.” “Really! Well that would be perfect. There is something abut you two. I think you both are going to excel here.” Tara said giving both of us the same look she gave Kali just a minute ago. Deep down I felt something was being hidden from us but I couldn't put my finger on it. “Yea I’m down I just have to talk to my parents and get them on board. How about I let you know tonight?” Kali finally piped up and said. “That’s perfectly fine. Here’s my number and let me know what you two decide!” After exchange numbers we paid and left to walk back to Kali’s house for a much needed nap. We decided we were going to talk to our parents together over dinner tonight and fingers crossed they don’t have any issues. “GIRLS….GIRLS….GIRLS WAKE UP” I woke up frantic only to realize that it was just Kali’s mom, mama O. “I’m up I’m up I’ll get Kali up what time is it?” “It’s eight pm what have you two been doing all day?” “Well we went to the career center at the library then went and got something to eat and I think we both got jobs as well!” “Really, well that’s amazing! Now get Kali up and we can eat.” “Yes mam oh can you call my mom and have her come over so we can talk to y’all at the same time?” “Actually she’s already downstairs she was calling your phone, and when you didn’t answer she knew you would be here or somewhere with Kali.” “Thanks mama o.” With that I shook Kali so she could get up and we could get this over with. I didn’t think it would be a problem but I valued my mom’s opinion over everything. After ten minutes of shaking Kali she finally got up with a scowl on her face. “Why the hell are you waking me up I was having a great dream?” “Dinners ready, all the parents are downstairs, and it’s after eight pm!” I exclaimed “Oh, well what are we waiting for? Let’s go Nas.” She said while pulling me out her room and downstairs to the kitchen. When we made it downstairs in true Kali fashion she had to let everyone know she was there, and immediately blurted out what we wanted to talk about before I could even get a word in. “Well the wait is over! The great Kali is here…” Kali exclaimed to everyone and they all laughed as I rolled my eyes. This girl is going to be the death of me. “So we both got a job offer today at a restaurant, Nas is the cook in training and I’m the manager in training and it’s awesome, so please say yes especially you mama S cause Nas is still seventeen so yea.” Kali continued “Really that’s amazing girls where is this restaurant at?” Kali’s dad asked eyeing us suspiciously. “Um well see dad it’s in the Tremaine part of the French Quarter it just opened up…” “ABSOULETLY NOT NEITHER ONE OF YOU IS WORKING IN THE TREMAINE!” Kali’s dad roared out making me cower “I’m sorry for yelling Anasa but it is super dangerous in the Tremaine you girls shouldn’t have been there in the first place!” “It’s ok Mr. O” I said while looking down. The floor was the most interesting thing right now. “I understand” “Buttt dad we both really want to work there and the owner is super nice. Pleaseeeeee we will be super careful. Do you all really want us to keep asking you money for stupid stuff like makeup and Nas’s insane converse collection and money for food, and clothes…” Kali said rambling on and on about non sense like she does when she tries to get her way. “Ok Kal point made, you girls can try it out. But the first sign of danger you quit and never go back, and this is non-negotiable!” Kali’s dad said finally giving in. I looked at kali and at the same time we went in to hug each other but ended up smacking foreheads. “Ow Kal why is your head so hard!” “Mine! Yours is bigger than mine” All the while my mom and Kali’s mom have been eyeing each other like they were silently talking. They both had a weird look on their faces like they knew something. Why is everyone hiding something from us? At that moment I was determined to find out what the hell was going on.
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