Chapter 1

1962 Words
Chapter 1: This summer is supposed to be easy and stress-free. My best friend and I just graduated from high school a month ago and we were ready to enjoy life. My name is Anasa Singh and I am seventeen, and in two weeks, on June 17th, I will be eighteen. Yes I have already graduated high school, I skipped the ninth grade, I have a 4.0 GPA, and was an All-American Volleyball player along with being a Junior Olympic track star. I’m currently living in New Orleans; however I am originally from Syria. My mom and I were granted asylum here in the United States ten years ago after we fled from my abusive father. I saw things that no child should have to see and my mom has been through things that would give anyone nightmares. I do not know how she held on for that long. She went through hell with my dad, he was always mad for no reason. The day he tried to hit me was the last straw for my mom and we left that night. Even though we fled Syria with nothing but the clothes on our backs, my mom made a better life for the both of us. Not long after we moved to New Orleans my mom took up dress making and tailoring, since then she has progressed so much, becoming one of the best wedding dress makers in the world. She even has her own store in the heart of the French Quarter. My mom is my inspiration and one of the only people I trust. I try and keep away from people even though I was a star athlete, a great student. All the other girls hated me because I was pretty. I guess they felt like I would take the attention from them. I am about 5’ 3” and I have caramel skin along with long wavy hair that came down past my waist and hips. I also have freckles all over my face; I’m not sure where I get them from. I also have a very vibrant blue eye color. When I first started school many kids would try and tease me saying I had contacts in, but what eight year old wears contacts. After about a few months a new girl started in the same school and she was bullied so much. Much more then I ever was. I decided I wanted to be her friend, and ten years later we are more then friends, we are like sisters. Kali Odile my best friend, born from two Haitian parents, Kali moved to New Orleans when she was a newborn. Every time she asked her parents why they moved, they just said for a better life, and that may be partially true, but kali knew they were hiding something, she just never cared too much to guess what it was. Anyway Kali is my height with skin so dark it shined and shimmered like the sun hitting a diamond. She had long waist length curly hair that looked like a lion’s man, along with bright green eyes that she got from her mom. As you can guess kali would always get bullied because of the color of her skin. All the kids would say she was dark as night and cruel things like that. Thankfully Kali was thick skinned, and as much as she took it she was also able to dish it out as well. After awhile the bullying stopped. It wasn’t fun for the other kids anymore, especially if they couldn’t make either one of us cry. We have been through thick and thin together. As far as boys, I was not interested at all. After having to watch my mom go through what she did I was against boys. Kali on the other hand had a boyfriend and already lost her virginity to him and everything. I didn't like him one bit, but I love her so if she's happy I'm happy. As I sit on my bed just staring up at my ceiling I feel my phone ring and speak of the devil Kali’s calling. “Hey Nas what you doing” “Nothing just sitting here thinking about what I’m going to do with my life. Moms is giving me a year to figure it out, but you know how I hate mooching of moms” “You are literally the only person I know that won’t mooch off her parent” “Yea well I’m special! What you doing?” “I’m in the same boat as you but my parents are only giving me till August.” “Damn that’s rough. You wanna go to the library, they have a career center maybe we both can get some inspiration?” “You are a freaking genius Nas. I still gotta get ready though so meet at my house in an house?” “You got it sis see you in an hour!” After I hung up the phone I started trying to find something to wear. It was not super hot but it is New Orleans so it was very humid. I decided to go with a pair of light blue acid wash jeans a red crop top and my red high top chuck Taylors. I put my hair in a high pony just to keep it off my face and back. One last look in the mirror and I was ready to go. Looking at the clock I realized the hour was up and Kali would be calling soon, so I ran down the stairs almost slipping and falling but before I could run out the door my mom yelled for me from the kitchen. "Ani where are you going in such a hurry?” "Kal and I are going to the career center at the library to try and find some inspiration for our future” "Good girls well have fun and be safe let me know if you are going to be coming home late. I love you” “I love you too mom and will do. Oh we may be stopping for Food as well” "Of course you two are stopping for food”. My mom said with a chuckle. Kali and I both loved food. I ran out of the kitchen and straight out the door and into my baby my angel my 2022 black on black Jeep Rangler Sahara fully lifted with 26” rims. She was a work of art and all mine. I may have been well off but I wasn’t spoiled. I worked hard at school and athletics for two years straight to earn this car and best believe it was well worth it. Kali only lived a 5 minute drive from my house and by time I pulled up to her door she was sitting on the steps and I could not believe what she was wearing, dark blue acid-washed jeans and a yellow crop-top with yellow chuck Taylors. We were always accidentally dressing alike, but we didn't care one bit we liked it. Kali opened the car door, saw what I had on and just bust out laughing. We literally thought alike all day every day. "Wait should we walk, you know I would never find good parking if I drive?” "You're right. it's only a 15 minute walk and it's not really hot outside so yea let's walk.” We have been in this career center for almost two hours, and I wasn't any closer to knowing what I want to do with my life. Neither was Kali we were both just stuck. “Ok this is getting us nowhere. How about we write down what we like to do and go from there Kal?” "Ok that makes sense well I like numbers and business, and I'm really good at organizing. And you like animals and food.” "That's a start so now let's get career books focusing on those areas and look through those books.” “Yes mother.” Kali replied while rolling her eyes. “Oh shut it, do you really wanna go back home and tell your parents you still have no clue what you want to do?” “You're right I’ll go get the books. I hate when you're right.” “Love you too.” For the next hour we went and found books about our hobbies and got a plan. I ended up planning to first go to culinary school and working as a chef somewhere and Kali decided to start her own business after college or maybe while she is in college she isn't to sure right now but it's a start so our parents will be happy. “Welp we have a solid plan in place and so now we can go eat and have some fun we have nothing else to do today and it's only 1pm.” “You know Kal that is the best thing you're said all day!” We left the library and quickly made our way into the French Quarter which was only a 5 minute walk. The good thing about living in New Orleans is the food and atmosphere. Everyday was like a party, and the food, the food is another story. Being from the Middle East, I love spicy food and New Orleans does not disappoint. I love cooking for my mom, Kali and her family but I would gladly order out everyday as well. Kali is just a bottomless pit and could eat all day everyday. So food is necessary for us. After walking around for a little bit taking in the endless sights we ended up in a part of The French Quarter only tourist go to or people that believe in Voodoo. “Ani lets go this part of town creeps me out.” “Wait I smell something really good, and I know you don’t believe in this stuff. All it is a ploy to get tourist to spend all their money come on stop being a wimp Kal.” “I’m not being a wimp. Even my mom doesn’t like coming around here and that’s saying something.” “OK, let’s find out where the smell is coming from and if it looks like a crazy place we can go.” “Fine let’s go.” We walked for 10 more minutes deeper into the weird part of the French Quarter and we finally came across the source of the smell. Turns out today is the grand opening of a new restaurant called Refji. “Refji, that means refuge in Haitian Creole.” Kali whispered. “Really that’s weird who would name a restaurant refuge. The food does smells delicious though. Up to you do you wanna go in and try it or leave?” “We can stay it actually smells really good in there.” As soon as we walked in we know it was different. First you must walk through these two huge wooden French doors. There was some weird symbol on every wall. There were tables and chairs everywhere and even a second floor with tables and chairs on a balcony overlooking the first floor. It was incredible. “Wow it's beautiful in here. My mom has that symbol all over her office. I wonder what it means.” “Really kal that's weird.” “Yea, let's find a seat. I'm all of sudden really hungry and everything here smells great.” We ended up sitting by one the large bay windows to look out at all the tourist that find this part of town interesting. I never realized now many people like this s**t.
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