
1770 Words
"Yes, boss." Wei Dong said and turned around and went to the kitchen. Yuxing took out his Samsung mobile phone and called his mother. Tell her you're home. The mother scolded Yuxing on the phone for five minutes, saying "little bastard here, little bastard that". After scolding Yuxing, she happily told Yuxing to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. She would go home early and cook Yuxing food for s*x. Yuxing's heart felt warm, this was the feeling of home. Weidong made tea very quickly, and he didn't know how he boiled the water. At this time, Weidong had already placed the white porcelain tea cup on the small wooden stool next to the sofa. Yuxing looked at Wei Dong, who was still standing by the sofa, and said, "Aren't you tired? Sit down." Wei Dong's tall body bowed slightly to Yuxing and said with a smile: "Boss, I'm really not tired. The human body feels tired because of muscle damage and the accumulation of acidic substances produced between muscles due to lack of oxygen in the body. We The biochemical man strengthens the muscle tissue, increases the oxygen supply, and produces a large amount of enzymes that decompose acidic substances. Therefore, the biochemical man does not feel tired, and as long as the supply of nutrients is sufficient, he can sleep without rest." "Hey, are you giving me a lesson? Let me ask you, don't you need to sleep?" During these few days on the ship, Yuxing really didn't care whether the four beauties were sleeping. "Boss, am I not introducing you to the functions of our biochemical humans? We really don't need sleep. I can use a few seconds to rest my brain cells at any time. And I won't react slowly to changes in external situations." Yuxing sat up from the sofa, picked up the tea cup and took a sip. "Such a good thing." Yuxing was envious. Yuxing put on his shoes and searched the house for shopping bags, preparing to go out to the market to buy groceries. "Boss, your room is too small. It can't be compared with your lounge on the ship. Should you find a bigger place?" Wei Dong looked around the narrow space and felt that the captain condescended to live here. Incredible. "Besides, are you familiar with Earth's food and ingredients?" "Familiar, boss, during this transformation process, I have been instilled with all the knowledge on the earth. I can be the best cook or the best performer, that is, I can be a gourmet or a wine taster , you can paint, you can compose music. It’s awesome enough.” After Wei Dong commanded the Central Intelligent Brain in Yuxing to give him special authorization, he became even more flexible and resourceful, and his human and social functions became more powerful. "I got it, you're a master of all things. Come on, follow me out to buy groceries." Yuxing finally found a shopping bag and took the lead in leaving the room. Wei Dong closed the door and followed Yu Xing downstairs. On the way to the vegetable market, there was a Red Cross fundraising event for the tsunami-stricken areas in the South Philippines. Because of their antipathy towards the South Philippines, very few people donated. Yuxing originally wanted to stay away from the fundraising venue and walk a few more steps to avoid this ghost place. But a female college student discovered the graceful Yuxing and the tall and mighty Wei Dong and chased them. Under her persistent pursuit and tongue-lashing, Yuxing and Wei Dong each donated one yuan. Seeing the beautiful student girl rolling her eyes at the two of them, Yuxing's cheekiness didn't change at all. Yuxing didn’t know that this tsunami in the South Philippines had a great relationship with him, the captain. The action of the integrated ship shaking off body dust caused the death of more than 2,000 people in the South Philippines and direct economic losses of nearly 100,000 people. One hundred million U.S. dollars. Wei Dong looked at the few red bills lying miserably at the bottom of the donation box, and showed it to Yu Xing: "Boss, I have 5.34532 billion U.S. dollars in my Swiss Bank account. Can I buy a big house?" Yuxing was stunned when he heard this, "There are so many? There won't be any trouble, right?" Yuxing turned around and took a look, and felt relieved when he saw that there were no extra people around him. "Boss, there's no trouble. Niu Niu has taken care of everything. In fact, I can just do these little things. Niu Niu is not needed at all. Besides, there is trouble. Who are you afraid of, boss?" Yuxing glared at Weidong and said, "You can also hack into computers and become a hacker." "Of course, it's just slower than Niu Niu and robots. Boss, there are many things we biochemical humans can do, but you just don't understand." After Wei Dong became Yuxing's only follower, he always looked for opportunities. To express yourself, to show your existence. This is also one of the shortcomings of powerful humanization functions. Yuxing did not answer Weidong's words. Of course he understood that Weidong and the others would not only have the abilities that he knew. Otherwise, they would not be multi-functional biochemical humans cultivated by comprehensive ships. At best, they would only be cloned compared to those on Earth. The clones that came out were just stronger. The seven days that Yuxing lived on the complex ship were full of luxury and luxurious accommodation. He was indeed a little uncomfortable with it when he just returned home. It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Yuxing really agrees with this sentence. After knowing that he already had billions of dollars in savings, Yuxing's heart became more active. If he had the ability to make his life more comfortable, why not do it. "Weidong, ask Chen Han to check if there are suitable properties near Fengjing." Chen Han is also a biochemical person with legal status. His native place is Longkou, Shandong. He is 31 years old now. He went out to work in 2000 and his whereabouts were unknown two years later. "Boss. The order has been conveyed." Biochemical humans also have the ability to communicate and transmit data via brainwaves. This ability is different from the way in which laser and particle beam information are communicated between robots, but the effect is still the same, accurate and convenient, but it is far inferior to robots in terms of effective distance. Chen Han was at this moment, invisible and suspended in the captain's ship above Fengjing, on standby. Yuxing nodded and cursed at a Mercedes-Benz S300 that passed by: "Ni, is it necessary to drive so fast?" As soon as Yuxing finished speaking, the Mercedes-Benz started to row on the road. The driver suddenly braked and parked the car on the roadside more than ten meters away from Yuxing. A middle-aged man in his forties got out of the car. He came to the back of the car and looked at the tire that was about to separate from the wheel hub, and kicked it hard. "Damn it, I never heard that a Mercedes-Benz could get a puncture at 50mph." He took out his phone, dialed a number, and yelled at the phone. "Nima Dabi, didn't you say that this car is imported from the original factory? There is no problem with the quality. Nima's car, come to Lianhe Road and have a look. It's an original German car. It's a Dabi car. Can a tire blow out at 50 miles?" Yuxing's curiosity was so great that he had already arrived in front of the Mercedes-Benz in a hurry. He looked at the Mercedes-Benz tire that seemed to have been cut open in the middle and laughed "Hey, hey, hey." "Damn it, it's a wonder that this tire could explode like this!" Yuxing said, taking out his old Samsung mobile phone and taking a picture of the extremely miserable tire. "If this is posted online, the number of clicks will definitely be high." Yu Xing said with glee. The Mercedes-Benz owner's face turned darker. He glared at Yu Xing, waved his arms, and shouted angrily at Yu Xing and other people who came around to watch the excitement: "Go, go, go, it's so cool. Let’s go.” His words were like an order. As soon as he finished speaking, the right front tire of the Mercedes-Benz made a loud "squeaking" sound, followed by dust flying up. The people who gathered around the front of the Mercedes-Benz to watch the excitement suffered. The disaster in the fish pond caused dust to be sprayed all over him. What a tragedy for Mercedes-Benz, the front tire burst again. "i***t, is this okay?" "Is this a Mercedes-Benz or a Chery?" "Here I go, is this a tire or a balloon?" "How about a assembled car with a Mercedes-Benz logo?" … There was a lot of complaining from those watching the excitement. "Damn it, what kind of junk car is this?" The owner of the Mercedes-Benz car couldn't help but kick him in the front of the Mercedes-Benz. A mark of "Boss Brand" leather shoes was left on the Mercedes-Benz car. You can't say that the quality of the Mercedes-Benz is absolutely excellent, but it has not been wiped off a bit of paint by the hard leather heels. Yuxing was watching with interest when the Samsung phone in his hand rang. Yuxing glanced at the screen and saw it was his mother calling. "Mom, I'm at the vegetable market." "You brat, I'm already home. Your grocery store hasn't come back yet. Hurry up." "Go back right away." Yu Xing no longer had the time to watch the excitement. He greeted Wei Dong and walked quickly towards the vegetable market. "Did you do what just happened?" Yuxing asked Wei Dong who was following him without looking back. Wei Dong smiled "hehe" and said, "Those who make you unhappy, boss, should be taught a lesson." "You can teach me a lesson, but don't go too far." Yu Xing was enjoying what happened just now. Then there is no time to blame Wei Dong. "What happened just now is not too much, right?" "No, it's quite interesting." Yuxing thought about the spectacle just now and laughed "haha" again. Wei Dong also seemed to have won a big prize, with a happy expression on his face.
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