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Before the two of them reached the door of the vegetable market, Weidong said again: "Boss, the real estate matter has come to an end. There is a villa area three kilometers away from here in the eastern suburbs of Fengjing. It is one of the best real estate properties in Fengjing." One, sales just started last week, and there are plenty of houses. When will the boss go take a look?" "So soon. I won't go and see it. Let Chen Han handle it. Let him make the decision on everything." Yuxing delegated power. He had no special requirements for what kind of villa he should buy. He believed that based on Chen Han's instilled knowledge of the earth, the quality of the villa he purchased would not disappoint him. "Boss, this speed is not fast, mainly because there is no database containing all information on the earth. The integrated ship has to search through other channels for collecting information to find the information you need. For example, your order is conveyed to the integrated ship or your 01 ship through me, and then the required information is searched. In less than a second, the 01 ship will find the most accurate information and feed it back to me. But it took a few minutes to find a suitable house today. Of course, the main reason is that this property has not been uploaded to the earth's Internet. Your 01 ship was found through a comprehensive scan of the geographical environment of Fengjing City. Found this property. Boss, I suggest that you let the integrated ship build a large database and update the information at any time so that the boss can use it in the future. " "Your suggestion is good, tell Niu Niu to implement it." Yuxing was very satisfied with Wei Dong's suggestion. Wei Dong was able to pass through brain waves immediately and gave Yuxing's order to the central intelligence brain "Niu Niu" of the integrated ship. "Weidong, from your tone just now, you are very important to me." Yuxing said with a bad tone. Wei Dong was startled and immediately corrected: "That's not the case, boss. Ship 01 will pass the information to the guard closest to you. Because I am your guard captain and I am usually by your side, they will all Send the information to me, and I will report it to you, boss. Besides, am I not the only one who is by your side now? Boss, I am not the only one who has this ability, even biochemical people can do it." Yuxing was noncommittal. He didn't want to pursue Weidong's self-righteousness. He just wanted to give Weidong a warning not to be arrogant because of favors. Entering the vegetable market, Yuxing took out a few hundred yuan bills and handed them to Weidong: "Can you negotiate prices?" "Yes, boss." Wei Dong straightened his back. "When there is someone around, don't call me boss, call me Brother Xing. You can buy whatever food I know. Keep a low profile and don't dance like a scumbag. Do you understand me?" "Understood, Brother Xing. I'm going to buy groceries." After that, he got into the crowd to complete his first close contact with ordinary earthlings after coming to the earth. In just a moment, Wei Dong returned to Yuxing with two bags of ingredients. Yuxing was not stingy with his praise: "You are very efficient in doing things." Wei Dong boasted: "Of course, it's necessary to do things for Brother Xing." Yuxing kicked Weidong and scolded with a smile: "Why are you competing to learn something that is just flattering? Can't you learn something useful?" Wei Dong smiled honestly and said to Yuxing flatteringly: "I learned it from Earth Online. If the boss doesn't like it, I will delete it. If the boss doesn't like these things appearing on the Internet, I will block them on the Internet. Okay, boss." The blocking done by network administrators on this earth is just childish. There is no way to compare with me. I can prevent any information from being seen by netizens." Yuxing scolded: "What the hell are you doing? You have nothing to do. Get lost." ------ When the two returned home, their parents had been home for a long time. The mother hugged Yu Xing who came in through the door, and cursed him a few times. Seeing Wei Dong following Yu Xing, he quickly abandoned Yu Xing and entertained the first time guest. Yuxing introduces Wei Dong to his parents. He said he was a friend he met while traveling in Lijiang and gave him a lot of help and care during the past ten days. When her mother heard that Yuxing had received a lot of care from Weidong during the trip, her mother greeted Weidong warmly and said her words of thanks over and over again. Wei Dong could only keep nodding and agreeing "Yeah, ah". He didn't dare to say more, and he really didn't know what to say. The boss glared at him and told him that he had said the wrong thing and sent him back to the ship. Return to the furnace and decompose elements. The four of them talked for a while, and then mother Zhang Rongrong went to cook. Before Zhang Rongrong could make a move, Wei Dong had already ran into the kitchen, and Yuxing persuaded his mother to follow him into the kitchen. Tell her that the food cooked by Weidong is very delicious. They had already discussed it when they were buying food. Weidong will be the chef for tonight's meal, so mom should not get involved. Zhang Rongrong also wanted to chat with her son for a while, so she didn't insist anymore. After Wei Dong left, he could do whatever he wanted. Seeing that her son was in good health and full of energy, Zhang Rongrong felt relieved after worrying about him for half a month, but she still pulled Yuxing to look over and over, fearing that she might not notice that Yuxing was missing something. After making sure that Yuxing was intact, she started nagging endlessly, asking whether she had eaten well in the scenic spot, whether the accommodation was cold, why she hadn't called her for so many days, and why his phone number was always not in the service area. Yuxing could only deal with it by saying that the phone was out of battery and there was no place to recharge the battery. Although he fooled his mother, Yuxing still blamed himself in his heart. During the seven days on the integrated ship, he was often in a high state of excitement and had long forgotten to call his parents to report that he was safe. My parents were worried for seven or eight days. At the bottom of the water, which is thousands of meters deep, it is normal for there to be no electric signal. But he has a comprehensive ship. He made a major mistake by not ordering Niu Niu to receive the signal calling his mobile phone number. This can only be blamed on Yuxing himself. He knows too little about the functions of the integrated ship. The integrated ship and all the intelligent life and machines attached to it are only obliged to obey Yuxing's orders, but do not have the right to explore Yuxing's thoughts and thinking. Therefore, The comprehensive ship can't do anything about things that Yuxing doesn't have explicit orders for. Yuxing asked about his parents' physical condition and told them some things he had seen and heard in Lijiang. More than half an hour passed. Zhang Rongrong was really worried about Wei Dong who was locked up in the kitchen, so she went in to help, and Yu Xing did not stop him. In a short time, the food began to be served. Not to mention that the food cooked by Weidong is no worse than those cooked by chefs in five-star hotels. The four of them ate to their heart's content. Zhang Rongrong began to praise Wei Dong's cooking skills at the dinner table, making Wei Dong a rare kitchen master in the sky and no one in the world. In the evening, their parents stayed with Weidong and Yuxing. Yuxing sent Wei Dong out of the house on the grounds that he had already booked a hotel. In front of the building gate, Wei Dong said: "Boss, I am a personal guard and cannot stay away from you." Yu Xing said with a solemn expression: "This is an order. Find a place to rest nearby. I will call you if anything happens. Go." After saying that, he turned to go home. Wei Dong looked at the boss's leaving back, his eyes filled with tears of grievance. He was ruthlessly abandoned by his boss. Although the boss was ruthless, Wei Dong did not dare to leave his post without authorization. He found a corner in front of the building where no one was paying attention and stood upright all night. People who go home in the middle of the night are very vigilant, and the more secluded the place, the more people pay attention. Wei Dong, who was standing upright, still made his presence known to many neighbors who came home in the middle of the night. When these people were frightened, they all thought of calling the police, but after much thinking, they could not find anyone to call the police. Reason, had to let it go. This is something for later, let’s not mention it for now. When Yuxing returned home, his parents were watching a nonsensical Korean TV series. They turned off the TV when Yuxing came back. The three of them sat on the sofa and started chatting aimlessly. There were outsiders just now, and the parents had to take care of the guests' feelings. The topic did not involve too much about Yuxing personally. Now that Wei Dong was gone, his mother couldn't wait to ask Yu Xing about the situation along the way. When she learned that Yu Xing had gone smoothly and happily these past ten days, she felt relieved and felt much more relaxed. Father Chen Ning still smiled and listened to the mother and son chatting, but secretly carefully observed Yuxing's emotional changes, and found that Yuxing always maintained an optimistic attitude, so he no longer worried about Yuxing's love life. But the mother still touched Yuxing's wound more carefully: "Then I can let her go." Yuxing showed a begging smile to his mother: "Don't worry, mom, there is no obstacle that I can't overcome. For me now, there is no letting go. If you want a daughter-in-law, I will find one for you right away. If a If you think it's too little, I'll find some more for you." "You brat, if you can do it, then you don't have to go to jail." The mother was completely relieved when she saw Yuxing's happy smile. So, she took advantage of the opportunity and mysteriously said to the proud Yuxing: "Son, I have a sister, and she has a good girl to introduce to you. I promise to meet you when you come back. Several days passed by Yes. How about we meet the girl tomorrow." Zhang Rongrong didn't wait for Yuxing to express her position and then continued: "The girl is 25 years old, a local, her parents are in business, her family is in good condition, she has a house and a car. The girl herself is also in good condition. I heard that she is beautiful, virtuous, and honors her parents. University. It’s been two years since I graduated and I’m now working in my own company. How about my son? Can we meet up with you?” When Yuxing heard that he was introducing another person, his head suddenly got bigger. He had a look of helplessness with black lines all over his forehead. No matter how good the girl he was introduced to was, he would never be more passionate than the girl he fell in love with at first sight. However, when he looked at his mother who was staring at him with earnest eyes, the softest part of his heart was still touched. He really couldn't bear to let his parents down again. He nodded and said, "Okay. Let the girl decide where to meet." In order to make his mother happy, Yuxing did not hesitate to spend some time to deal with the matter. He saw his mother's worries in the past few years and kept them in his heart. In the previous blind dates, every time he rejected the woman, he could see the deep loss in his mother's eyes and her worry about him. She was trying her best to save her son from the relationship. She was dragged out of the quagmire, but there were some things that she was really powerless to do or had nowhere to do. However, how could Yuxing lack a girlfriend now? He is now full of confidence, so confident that he is bursting with confidence. He was sure that as long as he showed his trump card, there was no girl in the world who would reject him. At this moment, he also thought of Xiaoqing, but without the heartbreaking pain. The seven-day nostalgia trip to Lijiang and the seven-day dream trip on the alien battleship had raised his spiritual realm to a big level. He re-understood himself and examined himself from a higher perspective. In his future life, he should not just live for himself and only pay attention to his own bitterness and sweetness, but should care more about his family, parents, relatives, and friends. Or more broadly, do something for this country and the world. It's not that he wants to forget his relationship with Li Xiaoqing, he won't forget it, he can't forget it, but he doesn't want to be entangled in this relationship anymore, and he doesn't want to sink himself into the quagmire of his own making. He should open his heart, let his feelings take wings and fly freely, and let his emotional life follow the circumstances. If there is another chance to meet Li Xiaoqing again, he will not deliberately avoid it, and he will not desecrate his first love. The mother excitedly held Yuxing's head and kissed him on the forehead: "Baby son, you are so obedient. Mom loves you to death. Don't be jealous." The latter sentence was addressed to Chen Chen, the father who smiled and watched their mother and son chat. Ning said. The mother let go of Yuxing and left in a hurry to contact her good sisters. "You father and son, let's talk, I'll make a call." Yuxing knew his mother's habit, and she would sit on the phone for dozens of minutes at a time. Yuxing is not as excited as his mother, nor does he care about meeting girls. As if it was someone else's business and had nothing to do with him. He gave his father, who was sitting calmly on the sofa with a kind and taciturn face, a cup of tea, and the two started chatting.
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