
2157 Words
Ogawa has made significant changes to this chapter, and I ask for your forgiveness. Yuxing's 01 captain's ship made a stealth landing at an unmanned demolition site 1 kilometer away from Yuxing's home. On the empty and silent ruins, a dark gate suddenly appeared and two people, Yu Xing, walked out of the gate, frightening a stray dog who made the construction site his home and was patrolling his territory. It kept barking "woof, woof, woof" at the gate and Yuxing, but it didn't dare to rush forward and expel the aliens that harassed and invaded its territory, the tall and mighty strong aliens, and the two The threat of the black hole-like door behind him made the barking stray dog keep retreating. Until Yuxing and the two were far away, he barked at the place where the door disappeared. Oh, poor dog! When Yuxing returned to Fengjing City, it was already the seventh day after the Yufeng incident. From the time he left for Lijiang on March 5, 2012, to the time he returned to Fengjing on March 19, it took him exactly fifteen days. The ten days of vacation given by his employer had exceeded five days. I don’t know if Minister Zhao can still take responsibility for him this time. In fact, it doesn't matter to Yuxing whether he is still working in the original unit, but Yuxing has not yet thought about whether he should resign from his job as a civil servant, and then use alien technology to make some money for himself and become a national and even national leader. A world class tycoon. The reason why Yuxing hasn't made up his mind yet is because, in the past five years, except for Li Xiaoqing who has been a pain in his heart from time to time, Yuxing has always been satisfied with his plain and leisurely life. His work pressure is very low, relaxed and comfortable. There are no hard targets to complete. If he wants to do work, he can do more. When he doesn't want to do it, he can do nothing. Moreover, he does not have to bear any responsibility and has no one. Make trouble for him. This kind of job is perfect for a lazy person like him, so he lacks the motivation to make progress and the willingness to change the current rhythm of life. Yuxing is a filial son, and one of the most important reasons why he can't make up his mind is that he cares about his parents' feelings. As parents are the lowest working class in China, the idea of officialdom has been deeply ingrained in their hearts. As long as they are officials, even if they are a small clerk, they will be full of respect. Therefore, they have always hoped that Yuxing can make achievements in the position of a national civil servant, and go further in his official career, become an official, become a high official, stand out, and then return home in glory for them and honor his ancestors. Yuxing can't tell his parents all about the alien complex ship yet. If he rashly resigns from his job as a national civil servant, it will be a big blow to them. Whether they can accept it is still unknown. Therefore, even if Yuxing intends to resign, he cannot do it now. Instead, he should take steps to let his parents gradually accept his thoughts and support his actions. Furthermore, it was Yuxing's own fault. He was not willing to personally join the economic tide. That would not only be tiring, but would also restrict his freedom to a considerable extent. Rather than being an executor in the foreground, Yuxing prefers to be a manipulator standing behind the scenes. During the seven days on the comprehensive ship, Yuxing also seriously considered his life after returning to the real world, and made a rough arrangement for his next move. Generally speaking, on the basis of maintaining the status quo at this stage, he will gradually use alien technological advantages to change the life trajectory of him and his family and friends. If he makes some contribution to the country and society, he will definitely Will not refuse. Yuxing’s dream in college was to live a carefree life, marry a beautiful wife, raise a pair of well-behaved children, make his parents happy, have a family life where he doesn’t have to worry about money, a house, or a car, and spend his free time with classmates and friends. Chat, drink some wine, and live a happy and free life. After working at Yuxing, this dream has been his pursuit. However, Yuxing himself also knew that after he became the captain of the alien complex ship, this idea was extremely unrealistic and impossible to realize. The social reality does not allow him to live a pastoral life of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and seeing the southern mountains leisurely". Especially after Yuxing had a preliminary understanding of the basic functions of this comprehensive ship, he had completely abandoned this unrealistic idea and instead considered how to gradually change the lives of people around him and make his own life more fulfilling. Wonderful. When you are dawdling in this society, in order not to be stepped on by others, you have to find a way to become a superior person and be a person who steps under others' feet. Don’t believe this, otherwise you will be the one who suffers. Don’t you see, in today’s society, people are impetuous. People have no faith and no respect for the law. They have no scruples for money and interests, regardless of morality and law. From some high-ranking officials and dignitaries to the lowest-level farmers and vendors, their positions and jobs are eating away at the body of the country and harming the health of the people. Let’s not talk about the high-ranking officials and dignitaries, let’s just say that the cancer of pursuing profits by any means has penetrated deep into the bones of the working people like us. You give me poisoned milk, and I give you Sudan red. You make me eat gutter oil, I make you eat poisonous ginger, you hurt me, I will hurt you. Ducks can become sheep, rats can be processed into squabs. Telephone fraud and wire fraud are everywhere, and even 80-year-olds will become the targets of scammers. Are you sure you haven't received any scammed calls or text messages? Your desire to live safely and peacefully in this world is already a distant dream. It is impossible for Yuxing to survive alone in this society, but it is not easy to avoid these unnecessary disasters and refuse to eat harmful food in a society where the binding force of the law has reached its lowest point. As the captain of a newly launched alien warship, Yuxing can tolerate this kind of thing happening to him again? Can he stop thinking about how to change all this? This is one of them. Secondly, today's society is a society where people compete for background and compete for strength. For ordinary people, it can be as big as work, school, or doing small business; it can be as small as an unexpected quarrel on the street. They will reveal their background and strength intentionally or unintentionally. What's more, some people guard the power in their hands, oppress good people, and do all kinds of evil. They are above the law and trample laws and regulations unscrupulously. There are also second-generation officials and rich second-generations running rampant in the world. You may encounter some so-called second-generation anytime, anywhere. They respect their parents' authority or money, are domineering, bully men and women, and cheat and kidnap. If Yuxing encounters such a person and such a thing, can he keep quiet and calm down? For the safety of his captain, the integrated ship would not only not care about the disappearance of a few people, but would even go so far as to destroy a city or a country. Therefore, it is impossible and unrealistic for Yuxing to live an idyllic life. Yuxing's plan is not not to change, but to make this change happen gradually. This will not only allow him to have a transformation process in his way of thinking and principles of doing things, to adapt to the powerful power he has. Moreover, the society and the world must gradually adapt to the science, technology and production methods it provides. Make this change step by step. Yuxing has no control over how long this process will take. The plan didn't change quickly, so Yuxing could only take it one step at a time. Yuxing's escort team and four life assistants did not follow him back to Fengjing, but were arranged by Yuxing to be on standby on the comprehensive ship. Replica cars were also placed on the ship. Yuxing didn't want to bring a large number of people and vehicles home. Not only would he not be able to explain why he got all this, but he would also make others look at him with displeasure and even have other thoughts because of his sudden wealth. The only person who followed Yuxing back to Fengjing was Cyborg 0001, who was renamed Chen Weidong. The current Chen Weidong is not the middle-aged uncle he used to be. He is 1.85 meters tall, a full 10 centimeters taller than Yu Xing. He has a strong body and weighs 110 kilograms. Although his appearance is very ordinary, his two thick eyebrows show his resolute and brave character. Chen Weidong, male, 25 years old, from Hekou Town, Heishi City, Jiangbei Province. Five years ago, I went to eastern Guangdong to work with fellow villagers. Due to conflicts with my fellow villagers, I left eastern Guangdong and went to Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Since then, my whereabouts are unknown. Yuxing and Weidong hurriedly hurriedly arrived at the community where Yuxing's home was located in about 15 minutes. This is an old community located next to the Second Ring Road. There are four buildings in the community. The exteriors of the buildings are painted with a layer of light yellow exterior wall paint, which adds a new element to the community. The heights of the four buildings range from five to six stories. Yuxing's home is on the second floor of a five-story building in the middle, with a construction area of only 68 square meters. It has a standard two-bedroom and one-living room layout in the late 1980s. The so-called hall is very small, rectangular in shape, with a width of no more than 2.5 meters and an area of only about 10 square meters. Yuxing and Weidong came to the door of their house and knocked on the door for a while. No one was home. It was not yet five o'clock in the afternoon, so their parents should not have returned home yet. Yuxing immediately became depressed. Yuxing originally had the key to his house, but during the seven days he was in the complex, he often hung the key chain around his waist. He didn’t know when he put it there. Yuxing was probably left behind in the complex. The possibility is greatest in the ship's bedroom. Yuxing looked at the closed door, sighed, knocked on the security door, turned around and was about to go downstairs. "Boss, do you want to open this door? I can try." Chen Weidong's words stopped Yuxing from going downstairs. "Are you sure you can open the door without damaging any facilities?" Yuxing doubted that Chen Weidong could successfully open this purely mechanical door lock without using violent means. Wei Dong's palm covered the door lock. After a slight mechanical sound, Wei Dong opened the door. "Boss, please." Wei Dong took a step back as the door opened, giving Yu Xing the space to enter. "I'm looking down on you. Don't let your boss worry about such small things in the future. Be proactive." "Yes, boss." Yuxing entered the room and almost shed tears when he saw this familiar family environment. After seven days in the alien complex, he seemed to be living in another world. When he returned to the real society, Yuxing had an extremely unreal feeling. Now Yuxing is sure that all this is real. The only furnishing in the small living room is an ancient artificial leather sofa. A 32-inch LCD TV hangs on the wall opposite the sofa. Yuxing was in an environment he had lived in for more than 20 years, and his lazy personality was immediately revealed. He kicked off his shoes, lay on his back on the sofa, and stretched out comfortably. He said to Wei Dong who was standing at his feet: "Make me a cup of tea, and then you can find a place to sit for a while. Can you find some tea?"
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