At all costs

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The weather in the capital is surprisingly good today. The spring wind has been blowing very hard in the past few days, and sandstorms have occurred frequently. Office workers dare not go out without wearing masks. Today the spring breeze is warm and cloudless. After dusk, residents after dinner can go out for a leisurely stroll. They go out to the front of the building, at the intersection or in the green space of the community to chat with Hu Kuanyitong. They no longer felt suffocated for the past few days and could take a few deep breaths of air. Ouyang Xishui walked out of the office building and opened the lock of his Buick more than ten meters away. He had bought this car for a few years. It was now having minor problems and would give you a strike every now and then. This old man lost his temper. Ouyang Xishui felt inexplicable and heartbroken. You have to pay for the tow truck, and you have to pay for the repair of the car. For him, a division-level civil servant with only more than 7,000 yuan, he felt very strenuous and under great pressure! Can't you do it without driving? It really didn't work. The place he lived was too far away from the ministry's offices. There was no subway. He took the bus several times and couldn't get home in two hours. A normal person would go crazy if he had to travel four hours a day. Buick did not give him any face, and the ignition started as soon as the key was turned. Ouyang Xishui secretly sighed, today's Buick engine is very powerful, he is very lucky, today's weather is really good! Before leaving get off work today, the secretary of the director informed him to go to the director's office to pick up a piece of confidential material, which must be sorted out and handed over to the director today. The director will report the relevant situation to the deputy minister in charge tomorrow morning. Ouyang Xishui retrieved the materials and returned to the office. His soldiers had dispersed, leaving him alone. He hurriedly completed the data collection and statistics work before seven o'clock. When he sent the materials to the director's office, he heard a piece of news. According to the monitoring of the Telecommunications Detection and Control Station of the 14th Bureau, a large-scale electromagnetic disorder with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers occurred in the Yufeng Snow Mountain in the ancient city of Nanyun Sifang. The 14th Bureau is paying close attention to the situation in the area. In fact, such electromagnetic disturbances occur from time to time, but most of them are small in scope. Such large-scale occurrences are rare. Ouyang Xishui didn't care about this matter. Their 12th Bureau was in charge of public opinion polls and general social surveys. Their bureau's tasks had nothing to do with telecommunications and electromagnetics. The 3rd Division of the 12th Bureau where he works is responsible for the investigation of supernatural events, and is far away from electromagnetic phenomena. It was already past 8pm when I got home. My son, who is in the first grade of junior high school, was doing homework in his room, and my wife was lying on the sofa in the living room watching Korean dramas. Ouyang Xishui didn't want to disturb his wife's interest, so he walked lightly to the study. "Have you eaten?" my wife asked lazily. "Eat in the cafeteria. I had to work overtime for a while because of something." "My son's teacher called and asked his parents to go to school at 9 o'clock tomorrow. Your son beat up a female classmate. Look at the future. I can't afford to lose face. You go tomorrow." The charming woman will start to interrupt. Advertisement TV turned off. "I'm going to take a shower." After saying that, he swayed his round hips and went to the bathroom. Ouyang Xishui shrugged helplessly and walked into the study room and turned on the desktop computer. When Ouyang Xishui browsed the social news and was about to go to bed and make out with his sexy wife for a while, he realized that his wife was facing the door with her back to the door, her round and naked buttocks were already snoring slightly, and she was sleeping soundly. . He gently got on the bed, stroked his wife's voluptuous buttocks twice, forced down his desire, turned off the light and went to sleep. ------ The harsh ringing of the phone woke Ouyang Xishui from his sleep. He turned on the bedside lamp and looked at the clock on the wall, which read 1:18. He secretly scolded the bastard for calling at this time. But as a staff member of the Ministry of National Security, he clearly knew that something important had happened, and he quickly picked up the phone. "I'm Ouyang Xishui." He introduced himself first. There were two phones on his bedside table. The red phone he picked up was an internal phone number of the Ministry of National Security. It was equipped at the director level or above. The phone number was special and could not be used. Harassment, sales, and scam calls come in. "I'm Guo Yong. There will be a military plane bound for Nanyun Sifang Ancient City at Xijiao Airport at 2:30. You can meet us there. The car that will pick you up will arrive downstairs at your home at 1:30. Get ready. " Ouyang Xishui jumped up from the bed. Guo Yong is the executive deputy director of the 12th Bureau. The incident that he personally participated in the investigation must be a very important incident. "I'll go to Nanyun in ten minutes. It's an emergency. You'll still go to school tomorrow." Ouyang Xishui said to the woman who was woken up. He seized the opportunity to grab a handful of the woman's fat breasts, then quickly put on his clothes and pants, and rushed out of the house with a suitcase that had been kept there all year round. It took him exactly ten minutes to get downstairs. A black car with military plates parked right in front of the door. "Director Ouyang?" the driver asked. "yes." "Get in the car." The driver put a police light outside the car, turned on the light, and the car rushed out of the community and drove toward Xishan. Ouyang Xishui had a hunch that this emergency might be related to the electromagnetic disturbance incident in the ancient city of Nanyun Sifang. But I don’t know why it got related to the 12th Bureau and the 3rd Office. The car drove into Xijiao Airport at 2:23, and the inspection took five minutes. When it arrived at the apron, it was exactly 2:30. There were ten people sitting in the belly of the military plane. After the plane took off, Deputy Director Guo Yong nodded to a middle-aged man opposite and made a gesture of invitation. The middle-aged man also nodded to Guo Yong and gestured to a woman next to him. , the woman took out several materials from her briefcase and distributed them to everyone. "This is a piece of information about the ancient city of Sifang. I give you one minute to read it." After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man looked at his watch and closed his eyes. The eight people except Guo Yong quickly flipped through the materials. There were not many words in the materials, about a thousand words. After a minute, the middle-aged man opened his eyes. He ignored the shocked looks of the eight people and said, "Everyone, please finish reading. Comrades, please get to know each other. There are ten people here who are members of the action team for this operation. Let me introduce you first." Six comrades from the General Staff." I first motioned to the woman who handed out the materials. "Comrade Li Qianqian, Director of the First Division of the Second Department of the General Staff." Li Qianqian stood up and saluted everyone with a military salute. She has good looks and looks less than thirty years old, but everyone knows that this is by no means her actual age. She is not tall, about 1.63 meters tall, with a well-proportioned figure. She is dressed in a light yellow professional suit and looks smart and capable. "This is Comrade Li Changsheng, director of the Second Division of the Second Department of the General Staff." "This is Comrade Zhang Tao, Director of the Fifth Division of the Second Department of the General Staff." Two burly men in their forties stood up and saluted everyone. "These two are field officers from the Second and Fifth Branch, Comrade Qian Tian and Comrade Sun Xiaobing." The two field officers stood up at the same time and saluted: "Hello, Chief." "My name is Zhou Guoxing, executive deputy director of the Second Department of the General Staff. Deputy Director Guo Yong, please introduce your person." "Hello everyone." Guo Yong gave a military salute. "My name is Guo Yong, executive deputy director of the 12th Bureau of the Ministry of National Security." Guo Yong gestured to Ouyang Xishui. "This is Comrade Ouyang Xishui, director of the Third Division of the 12th National Security Bureau." "This is Comrade Zhou Huaixin, Director of the Fourth Division of the 12th National Security Bureau." "This is Comrade Mu Tieyang, director of the Third Division of the 14th National Security Bureau." Ouyang Xishui and the other three stood up and saluted respectively. Zhou Guoxing saw Guo Yong's introduction finished and took over the conversation. "This mission is under the responsibility of our General Staff, with the cooperation of the National Security Department. I will be the leader of the action team, and Deputy Director Guo Yong will be the deputy leader. Everyone has just read the materials, and our task is to conduct instrument testing on all witnesses. to detect panic and re-evaluate the authenticity of the incident; second, conduct a comprehensive geological and geomorphological survey of the Yufeng incident site and surrounding areas, evaluate the impact of geology and geomorphology on the incident, and identify possible doubts; third, conduct domestic Test and evaluate existing electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic attack equipment outside the country, and compare and analyze the attack effects produced by unknown instruments in the event, and provide a quantifiable analysis report." Zhou Guoxing paused for a moment when he said this, and looked at everyone. "The ** attaches great importance to this matter and has ordered the General Staff to investigate the incident to the bottom of the matter. The ** will coordinate all relevant parties to go all out to find clues to the existence of alien creatures, alien technology or super high-tech, and strive to master these super technologies The data also blocks the flow of super technology abroad. Everyone should understand the importance and urgency of the task. During the work process, we must not only be flexible and divergent in thinking, but also have a rigorous and meticulous work attitude and strict work discipline, and nip possible leaks in the bud. " The military plane landed at the backup runway of Sifang Gucheng Airport. Headed by the Chief of Staff of the Provincial Military Region, Colonel Zhang Jie, Commander of the Military Region, Deputy Mayor of the Municipal Government in charge of Public Security, Huang Jianjiang, Director of the Municipal National Security Bureau, Zhao Feng, Director of Public Security and other welcoming teams were waiting under the aircraft. . A row of more than ten black Audi A6Ls drove out of the airport in the dark night and headed towards the city. It was already past 6 o'clock when we arrived at the hotel. The members of the action team put down their simple luggage and immediately went to the special conference room recruited by the "YL Incident" headquarters to participate in a brief briefing and listen to the briefings from Huang Jiankian and Zhang Jie. This conference room has removed all camera equipment, conducted anti-eavesdropping inspections, and implemented 24-hour radio signal shielding. It is relatively safe. Members of the action team took a 1-hour break. After having breakfast at 8 a.m., I immediately got into work mode. The YL incident is the Yufeng incident. The YL Incident Command is established within the Municipal National Security Bureau. In the afternoon of that day, Huang Jianjiang, who was listening to reports from relevant parties in the headquarters office, received a call from Guo Yong. "Old Huang, are those four foreigners still protesting and making noise? Now that the investigation against them is over, can they continue to visit the beautiful snow-capped mountain scenery? The roads in the mountainous areas are very rugged. We need to remind them to pay attention to driving safety. What do you want for them? They were more thoughtful.” Huang Jianjiang put down the phone and was thoughtful. After thinking for a few minutes, he picked up the internal phone and called the second department. The person who answered the phone was a female clerk. "Have your section chief report to my office." A minute later the chief of the Second Section (Special Service Section) came to Huang Jiankang's office. In the office, they discussed it for an hour. The next day, the TV station, morning newspapers, and daily newspapers all reported a news story. Two American tourists and two Korean tourists rented a Buick commercial vehicle together and were traveling freely in the Sifang Ancient City area. Because they were not familiar with the mountain road conditions, they accidentally fell into a deep ditch on the roadside, killing all four at the same time. Relevant authorities are contacting their families through diplomatic channels
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