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"Each large module is subdivided into several systems. For example, the combat and protection modules are divided into interstellar combat systems, planetary outer space combat systems, atmospheric space combat systems, low-altitude combat systems, land combat systems, and surface and underwater combat systems. . Each system can be divided into several subsystems. For example, the land combat system is divided into information system, individual combat system, team combat system, group combat system, land and air joint combat system, water and land joint combat system, and water and air joint combat system. , amphibious, land and air joint combat systems, etc. If the captain is interested in learning more, he can check the database. The ship has two dark matter energy cannons that can destroy planets as large as the moon. They have an effective range of 1 million kilometers and can fire three rounds. There are 15 anti-ship particle beam energy cannons with a range of 100,000 kilometers and can destroy undefended objects with a diameter of less than 10 kilometers. There are 2 cruisers, 4 destroyers, 312 industrial ships, 90 frigates, 1,098 shuttles, and 108,721 functional robots of various types, including 50,000 combat robots; 10,000 guard robots; and 8,721 other life-assisted robots; 40,000 production robots. There are 24,081 biochemical people, mainly providing protection and living assistance, and also taking into account technical research. " When the central brain said this, it stopped in a very humane manner, waiting for Yuxing to gradually digest this information. At this time, Yuxing was really confused by what he heard. The various spaceships displayed in three-dimensional space made him very excited, but the various complex technical parameters and the module systems made him confused. He just said, "Forget it, don't introduce me. Please tell me what I can use on earth. Also, it's too troublesome to call you Central Intelligence Brain. From now on, I'll call you Niu Niu." Well, it looks like you are pretty awesome too." Comrade Niu Niu has no body and no face, otherwise you will definitely see Comrade Niu Niu's face turn green and look contemptuous. "Yes, boss. The information and weapon systems that can be used on the earth are undoubtedly the explorer small exploration spacecraft, shuttles and combat robots. The Explorer spacecraft is 125 meters in diameter and is dish-shaped. It has high-altitude detection functions, information collection and blocking functions, electromagnetic signal transmission functions, object positioning and tracking functions. It has a built-in oscillation wave launcher that can destroy earth satellites, earth ships, and tanks. and other large equipment. Protection: It can destroy any incoming missiles from the earth. The energy shield can resist the close impact of existing small nuclear bombs on the earth. " A three-dimensional explorer spacecraft appeared in front of Yuxing's eyes. "Isn't this a flying saucer?" Yuxing said. "Yes, boss, the people on earth call him a flying saucer. In order to collect information about the earth, explorers have flown to some countries without stealth many times to test the earth's military capabilities." Niu Niu's answer was very mechanical and did not contain any emotional factors. A three-dimensional delta-wing aircraft appeared in front of Yuxing. "F117." Yuxing almost shouted. "Boss, the United States on Earth used photos of the shuttle to imitate the design of the F117, but the effect was not very good. The shuttle is 20 meters long, with a wingspan of 18 meters, and is similar to a triangle. The flight speed is 30,000 km/h, it has a crew of 2 and can be piloted unmanned. The weapon is a small particle cannon with the speed of light and an effective range of 500 kilometers. The destruction effect is weakened beyond 500 kilometers. Protection: Can resist existing air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles on the earth. Combat robots, land combatants, equipped with standard particle guns, laser guns, and energy element grenades, with a killing radius of 20 meters. More than ten people are equipped with heavy automatic weapons, self-propelled elemental energy cannons, surface-killing laser blades and other individual weapons. " "Okay, Niu Niu, that's enough." Yuxing believed that it would be easy to occupy the earth with the existing robots and shuttles on the ship. Yuxing turned around, looked at the dozen generals who came in with him and said, "Please introduce your scope of work and duties." On the bus, Biochemical 0001 had already introduced the general situation of these generals to Yuxing, and It shows that in order to adapt to the habits and aesthetics of Earth captains, the Central Intelligence Brain has changed the duties and military ranks of the integrated ship to be the same as those of Earth, and the military uniforms are also similar to the military uniforms of some countries on Earth. "Boss, Chief of Operations Staff, Admiral Biochemical No. 0002, reporting to you." A bionic man with three stars on his shoulders took a step forward and saluted Yuxing. Comprehensive ship generals are divided into three levels: major general, lieutenant general, and admiral. Biochemical 0001 is the captain of the captain's escort and also has the rank of admiral. "Boss, cruise fleet commander, Vice Admiral Biochemical No. 0003, reporting to you." "Boss, the destroyer fleet commander, Vice Admiral Biochemical No. 0004, is reporting to you." "---" "---" "Boss, the commander of the power and anti-gravity system, Lieutenant General No. 0014, is reporting to you." Yuxing couldn't remember these code names, so he said impatiently: "Wait a minute, I'll give you a task. From now on, your surname will be Chen. Go back and find one or two Chinese characters as your names. Report your names to the Central Intelligence Brain , so that I can check. Now go back to your respective posts. OK." "Yes." More than a dozen people saluted Yuxing and walked out of the central control room. Yuxing turned to Biochemical No. 0001. "You are the captain of my guard. Take me to visit the whole ship." Yuxing has worked in the provincial government for more than four years. He is still very good at leadership. He has never eaten pork, but he has seen pigs. Running. Every day he sees the pigs running for food in lower-level units, and it is possible to imitate them. "Yes, boss." Yuxing turned and walked towards the door. Biochemical 0001 straightened his body and touched his heels. When Yuxing passed by him, he turned 90 degrees and followed Yuxing to the right. While walking, he introduced the situation of the ship to Yuxing. "Boss, the integrated ship has 80 floors, with an average floor height of 25 meters. The highest floor is 250 meters high. Located on the top floor, there are hangars for two cruisers and four destroyers and their ancillary equipment warehouses. The roof of the integrated ship can be as large as The width is opened to facilitate the take-off and landing of huge cruisers. The lowest floor is 8 meters high. From the bottom to the 44th floor are 944 storage warehouses for 326 chemical elements, 35 of which are energy chemical element storage warehouses." The door to the central control room had been quietly opened when Yuxing walked out. Biochemical No. 0001 took a quick step out of the door first, looked around, and looked at the robot guard standing upright next to the traffic car. Waved. The robot got into the driver's seat and slid the car forward five meters, stopping next to Yuxing who was standing in front of the door. He jumped out of the car and saluted Yuxing before standing back to the door of the central control room. "You said there are 326 chemical elements?" Yuxing did not get in the car, but looked at Biochemical 0001 suspiciously. "Yes, boss. According to the earth information data collected by the comprehensive ship, earth scientists' research on chemical elements is only in its infancy. Due to the limitations of the cosmic environment during the formation of the earth, there are no more than 100 chemical elements naturally existing on the earth. And because scientists on Earth are limited by space navigation technology, they can only search for and study chemical elements on Earth, and so far only 90 of them have been discovered; scientists have synthesized 27 more in the laboratory. So Earth Only 117 elements have been discovered. There are tens of thousands of planets in the Sky Alliance. Due to the different cosmic environments when each star was formed, the chemical elements contained in the minerals of each planet are very different. After nearly ten thousand years, the Sky Alliance has Exploration and research on the river system, so more than 326 elements were discovered, including 21 high-efficiency energy elements. The nuclear fission materials 'uranium' and 'plutonium' on the earth are not high-efficiency energy elements in the Sky Alliance. These 21 This highly efficient energy element is the energy used by our entire fleet. The now full warehouse can be used for a long time. Only the captain and the central intelligence have the right to call the detailed information. The storage method of the integrated ship is to break down all minerals into elements for storage ." "Well, you continue." Yuxing stood in front of the traffic door. He was not in a hurry to get on the bus, but listened to Biochemical 0001's ramblings with interest. "Floors 45 to 50 are the floors where the power and anti-gravity modules and a small number of auxiliary systems are located. This module is the power that provides the normal navigation and use functions of the integrated ship. Taking anti-gravity as an example, simply speaking, gravity can be simulated in a vacuum. You can also use matter to counteract the influence of gravity in a gravity environment. This anti-gravity vehicle is equipped with a small anti-gravity device." Biochemical 001 pointed to the unprotected anti-gravity vehicle that can only accommodate three people. "The biochemical human cultivation system is on the 51st floor, and can cultivate 100 biochemical humans at the same time, with a cultivation time of seventy-two hours. The manufacturing system, weapon system, and lounges for humans and biochemical humans are distributed on each floor according to different requirements and work. The manufacturing system can Production and manufacturing, all kinds of equipment, weapons and ammunition, various robots, medicines and phytochemicals that can be produced by the Sky Alliance and the earth. Combat robot warehouses, weapons warehouses, ship warehouses are distributed on all levels. We are now in The first floor is the 60th floor, which is also where important departments such as the central control room, staff room, confidential room, and computing center are located. It can also be said that all facilities on this floor serve the captain, such as the captain's life support system and health and medical system. , sports and fitness systems, entertainment systems, learning systems, etc." "It's already 8 o'clock, let's look at this floor first." Yuxing looked at his watch, got on the bus, and 0001 quickly followed. "Okay boss, let's go take a look at your living room and lounge first." Yuxing nodded, he really needs to take a rest now. "Let me ask you, what's the difference between you cyborgs and robots?" Yuxing felt that the physiological structure and social attributes of cyborgs were no worse than those of normal humans, and he became concerned. "Boss, the body structure of biochemical humans is no different from that of normal humans. They just have an extra control chip in their brains. The robot's body is made of memory metal and relies on mechanical transmission to transmit power. They have self-defense and short-range capabilities. Attack weapon systems. Both can use brain chips to transmit and receive information, but this difference is not important. I think the main difference between the two is that although biochemical humans also have control chips in their brains, they can have their own thoughts. , can work independently, and can think and analyze independently, and choose the solution that is most conducive to the execution of orders, under the premise of complying with the program sequence and not violating orders, especially your orders, the boss. This is no different from humans with high IQs , and is absolutely loyal, with no possibility of betrayal." Yuxing smiled, "It seems you are still a flatterer." "Thank you for the compliment, boss." 0001 showed a flattering face. His social attributes are clearly revealed. Yuxing also secretly lamented that giving Biochemical 0001 the authority to make suggestions not only gave him a person he could seek advice from at any time, but also gave Biochemical 0001 the ability to analyze and solve problems beyond human IQ. In the end, it was Chen Yuxing himself who benefited. "What other advantages do you have? For example, can you do business? Can you negotiate with others?" If Yu Xing pointed out something, a plan began to sprout in his heart. "Yes, boss. When nurturing biochemical humans, different knowledge systems are instilled in them. They will grow into professionals in different fields, and they can also learn independently in life. The main knowledge I instilled in them during nurturing is protection and command." "Don't robots have any advantages over you?" Yuxing was not disgusted with 0001's boasting, but he also wanted to know more about the robot's capabilities. The traffic car stopped in front of a metal door glowing with orange light. There were two robot guards standing in front of the door. Seeing Yuxing get off the car, they saluted Yuxing. Yuxing nodded in return, and his leadership style became even stronger. . In fact, on this comprehensive ship of "My world, I make the decisions", he does not need to pretend to be "excellent", nor does he need to return a gift to a machine. The robot's program does not increase loyalty to the captain because the captain respects him. degree setting. "Boss, please." Biochemical 001 turned sideways, raised his right hand slightly and pointed at the door. Yuxing walked towards the metal door that was integrated with the wall. The three tiny detection holes above the door simultaneously emitted three rays that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, scanning Yuxing's whole body in an instant. The metal door slowly retracted to both sides. In the spacious and gorgeous lounge, four beauties stood side by side, dressed in the standard style of Air China stewardesses, except for a small white apron on their lower abdomen. They crossed their hands and placed them in front of their lower abdomens, and bowed their upper bodies forward slightly to salute Yuxing. "Hello boss, welcome home boss." When they raised their heads and looked at Yu Xing, Yu Xing was happy. "Hahaha, 01 whose idea was this?" "Boss, after confirming that you are the successor of the captain, the central intelligence brain has plastic surgery and modified ten service cyborgs in the captain's living room based on the appearance of China's top ten beauties. The knowledge and skills instilled in them are service, health care and protection. .These are four of the beauties, A Shi, A Mi, A Yuan, and A Ling." "Hahaha, Niu Niu is still full of humanity." Yuxing praised Niu Niu sincerely. "Thank you for the compliment, boss. I will try my best to serve you." Niu Niu's electronically synthesized voice became much gentler. "Boss, this hall is where you receive guests and hold small meetings. Walking through this door is where you live and live. The living facilities here are complete, and they are all built according to the styles on the earth, which is more conducive to your life. rest."
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