Beautiful bathroom

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After walking through a door with carved purple wood, he entered Yuxing's living room. There were ten rooms on both sides of the nearly 200-square-meter hall. Yuxing walked around each room, looking around in a flashy way. , very satisfied. The decorations here are all designed with the aesthetics of the earth, and the household items also imitate the earth's style. Magnificent yet elegant. "Boss, the robot's combat power and defense power are stronger than those of biochemical humans, and injuries have little impact on combat power. They work accurately, tirelessly, have multiple abilities, and have high defense against toxic and harmful gases. They perform tasks meticulously. This is Their advantages. Although they also have the ability to think and judge independently, they are too constrained by procedures and have a rigid knowledge structure, which is not suitable for completing independent work tasks." 0001 continued to answer Yuxing's questions outside the gate. "You're right. I'm hungry. Ah Mi prepared dinner for me. I need to take a shower first. I'm exhausted." Yuxing is indeed very tired. He has not had dinner yet after a day of sightseeing in Yufeng. The unexpected surprise given to him by the comprehensive ship made him so excited that he forgot about fatigue and hunger. Now his mood has gradually calmed down, and in this comfortable and warm home, his spirit was completely relaxed, and he immediately felt hungry and hungry. tired. "Boss, I'm waiting in the guard room in the reception room. If you have any orders, please call me." Biochemical 0001 turned and walked out, closing the purple wood carved door. Ah Mi and Ah Ling went to the food workshop to make earthly delicacies for Yuxing. Two beauties, A Yuan and A Shi, went to the bathhouse. After a while, A Yuan walked out of the bath and bowed to Yu Xing, who was lying on the sofa in the living room with his eyes closed, and said, "Boss, the bathroom is ready. Please go take a bath." Yuxing opened his eyes and looked up at Ayuan. His face instantly turned red to his neck. He saw A Yuan standing in front of him naked, with a charming smile on her face, her hands folded and gently placed on top of a dark forest. Yuxing's hormones were rising sharply, reaching the peak of his body. Yuxing had never thought about such a fragrant scene in his more than 20 years. Seeing Ayuan's jade-white skin, round buttocks, slender legs, and two bright red grapes, Yuxing's younger brother couldn't bear it. I salute Ayuan. "Ayuan, it's me who wants to take a bath, not you, right?" After Yuxing was surprised, he still showed Brother Yachu's ignorance. Yuxing is a pure and good young man who has never been to a romantic place, let alone the experience of being served and bathed naked by a woman. Although she knew A Yuan was a cyborg, her body was an out-and-out human body. It also had a strong stimulation on Yuxing, who had only experienced a life of cloud and rain for a few days. Although Yu Xing was eager to give it a try, his super self-control still gained the upper hand in his consciousness, allowing him to hold back from jumping on his horse immediately, and teased A Yuan with a teasing tone to show that he was well-informed. I am not a novice on male and female s****l matters. But his younger brother still betrayed him, allowing those who rolled around the Fengyue venue to see at a glance that he was a junior brother. A Yuan said: "Boss, this is the service procedure for our captain's bathing. Are you going to take a bath now?" A Yuan bowed and asked Yuxing again, and Yuxing followed A Yuan to the bathroom coquettishly. . Yuxing walked into the bathroom and saw Ashi standing naked by the bathroom door in a standard stewardess posture to greet Yuxing. Yuxing was no longer surprised. He had predicted the current scene before entering the bathroom. Many things that Yuxing encountered today were beyond his expectation. He also completed the transformation from being difficult to accept when he admitted that he was wrong about Xiaoqing to calmly accepting the two beauties meeting each other sincerely and serving him in the bath. He could accept such a beautiful scene happily and enjoy it. All this shows that his resistance to women other than Xiaoqing has also disappeared. Although Xiaoqing still occupies an important position in his heart, it is no longer everything to him. His persistent love psychosis has been cured without medicine. This bathroom is very large. There is an extra-large spa tub in one corner, which can accommodate seven or eight people bathing at the same time. The light blue nutrient solution is churning up and down under the light of the basin bottom. This liquid can make During the bathing process, people replenish cell nutrients to achieve the purpose of relieving fatigue and strengthening the body. In another corner is a proton bath room. Proton gas emitting colorful light is swirling in the bath room. Its function A Shi told Yuxing is that it can be exchanged with protons in the human body to obtain more powerful energy and make human cells more powerful. Increases resilience and vitality. Yuxing first went into the bathtub and soaked for a while, and then experienced the pleasure of the energy absorbed by the skin of the proton bath. During the whole process, the two beauties stood in a standard posture within reach of Yuxing, which made Yuxing feel itchy. But he was embarrassed to take the initiative to attack his subordinates. Yuxing came out of the proton bath room and sat on the sofa to rest. He was very curious about the feelings of cyborgs in terms of love between men and women. He asked the two snow-white bodies: "Aren't you interested in male bodies? Don't you have feelings? " A Yuan and A Shi nodded at the same time and said: "Yes, we are the same as human women, it's just that the brain chip limits our desires." Yuxing felt relieved. Ah Mi and Ah Ling pushed the dining cart into the bathroom, unfolded the dining cart, and four exquisite and beautiful dishes appeared in front of Yuxing's eyes. The aroma of the dishes filled the bathroom. Yuxing moved his index fingers, appetite, and hungry stomach. There was a "coo" sound. Ah Mi and Ah Ling retreated to the dressing area, took off their flight attendant uniforms, and carefully scrubbed their bodies under the shower head. After quickly drying in the drying area, they came to Yuxing and asked: "Boss, can you have a meal now?" Yuxing nodded, stared at the two girls' smooth triangle and asked, "Do you still need to take off your clothes when eating?" Yu Xing was actually overjoyed. It was a coincidence that the two girls, A Yuan and A Shi, had dense forests, while the two girls, A Mi and A Ling, had no roots at all. Ah Mi replied: "Boss, this is the bathroom. In a certain place, there are certain rules that require us to serve the boss. This is set by the program chip in our brains. Does the boss need to change the settings?" How could Yuxing change such a good setting, unless his head was kicked by a donkey or his head was caught in the door. He quickly said: "This is good, no need to change, this is good." The four women covered their mouths and snickered. Yuxing knew that his lustful heart had been spied on by the four women, and his face turned red like a monkey's butt. Then he said seriously: "Eat." Yuxing was sitting on the sofa. His eye level was right in the middle of the four women's bodies. Four plump and fresh pink abalones were dangling in front of Yuxing's eyes, which greatly whetted Yuxing's appetite and aroused his lust. He ate up the four dishes in a hurry. Under the stimulation of the four pink abalones, his little brother was no worse than the special steel used to make alloy knives. After a long dinner, Yuxing lay on the washing bed. The four women scrubbed Yuxing meticulously. First, they used a milky white liquid. Ayuan said it could enhance the luster and elasticity of the skin. Yuxing was no longer interested at this time. Knowing the pharmacological effects of this liquid, he had no idea what kind of high-tech toiletries were used on him later. The white body in front of him, with plump breasts and fat buttocks, had already dazzled Yuxing's eyes and made him forget everything. Aling gently cleaned every ravine of Yuxing's little brother, making Yuxing's little brother stand upright and heroic again. Ah Mi said: "Boss, the four of us sisters can let it relax, do you need it?" Yuxing said something vaguely, and for a period of time, Yuxing's little brother fell down several times and stood up tenaciously in the four warm harbors, and finally died gloriously with no ammunition or food. Yuxing lay on the big warm bed and fell asleep tiredly. A sleep care machine lowered from the roof and began to perform a series of care tasks on the sleeping captain. The four beauties, wearing transparent gauze, stood around the big bed to observe the captain's sleep. The next day, Yuxing got up very late. After using the sleep care device and getting enough sleep, Yuxing became more energetic. He could not withstand the temptation of the four beauties covering their bodies with gauze. He took turns to have s*x with the four women again, and then he finished washing under the service of the four women. This process inevitably caused him to touch and touch the four women again, which made them angry. The woman smiled coquettishly. After eating, it was almost noon in the morning, so he and Biochemical 0001 continued to visit other facilities. Entering the combat staff room, Yuxing found that there was no one in the space except for the two metal robot guards standing in front of the door. His face instantly turned dark. "Niu Niu, why is there no one working in the staff room?" He said to the empty space, Niu Niu should be able to hear it. "Boss, the previous staff members were all composed of Skiers. After their deaths, the captain did not assign staff members." After listening to Niu Niu's explanation, Yuxing's face became better. "Immediately according to the staffing staffing of the staff room, cultivate staff-type biochemical humans and implement it immediately." Yuxing's confidence has greatly increased under the gentle service of the four beauties, and he has fully entered the role of captain. There is no delay in issuing orders. Next, Yuxing visited a robot storage warehouse. In the warehouse of nearly 10,000 square meters, there were 10,000 armed robot warriors standing densely packed. Yuxing's blood boiled with excitement, and he had the urge to lead these robot warriors to sweep the world. Cyborg 0001 introduced to Yuxing that there are five more similar robot storage warehouses with a total of 50,000 robot warriors. If necessary, the robot production line can produce a thousand robot warriors per day, with an average of one per minute. "01, apart from the integrated ship, how big is the largest warship here?" After Yuxing knew that the integrated ship was located in the deep sea, he regretted that he could not see its full picture. Now that he has the opportunity to inspect the largest warship, he can also comfort himself. "Boss, the largest battleship on board the integrated ship is a cruiser, and its hangar is on the 80th floor. I will introduce it to you in detail when I see the real thing. Boss, please go this way." 0001 Cyborg Watch Yuxing Come to an elevator. The robot warrior guards in front of the elevator saluted Yuxing. The metallic collision sound made by the two dark metal feet colliding made Yuxing frown. "Niu Niu, metal robots should not touch their feet when saluting. Change immediately." "The program has been changed. The reception of 108721 robots has been completed and the new program has started to be executed." Niu Niu's electronically synthesized voice was accurate and timely. The elevator is elliptical, like an upright egg. Its upper part is made of transparent metal. A thin film-like energy body can be vaguely seen on the surface. The unique fluctuations of the energy body will The light inside the ship reflected back, forming a colorful Easter egg. There are no steel cables or other things to pull the lift up and down, but it floats in the mid-air of a transparent cylinder. The area of this lift is not large, only a dozen square meters, without any decoration. When standing inside, you can see through the transparent The metal body allows you to view every layer it passes through from all angles. Yuxing walked into the elevator and just stood firm. The smart computer of the elevator greeted Yuxing: "Welcome to the elevator, Captain. Which floor do you want to go to?" "Floor 80." Cyborg 0001 replied. The lift rises quickly and smoothly. "01, can cyborgs and robots enter each floor at will?" Yuxing couldn't help but feel a little worried, but he didn't think deeply about why there was such uneasiness. "Boss, each bionic or robot has its own activity area and work range. It cannot leave the work area without the authorization of the captain or the central brain. There is no right to take the elevator to enter other floors. In this comprehensive ship, except that you, the boss, are free to move anywhere in the ship without restrictions, as the admiral, the Chief of Operations Staff and I myself do not have the authority to enter other levels at will. Only when required by the mission and authorized by the captain or the central intelligence brain can you enter floors that are not part of your work area. " "Except for your Excellency, the Captain, I will refuse any unauthorized machine or person to ride in the elevator. Your Excellency, Captain, we have arrived at the 80th floor." The brain of the elevator took over the words of Cyborg 0001 and explained to Yuxing the importance of authorization. Yuxing did not rush out of the elevator but asked with interest: "Isn't your elevator smarter than a robot?" "Your Excellency, Captain, the computing speed of my central processing unit is no lower than that of the robot, but my body is just an elevator." The elevator brain said proudly.
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