Found a treasure

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From the moment Yuxing entered his special ship, he knew that he had really found a treasure. It is still a super big baby. This is definitely not a prank, and it is definitely not an act. The manufacturing level of the entire earth has not reached this high-tech level. The fifteen-second voyage passed in a blink of an eye. The transport ship had already got into the broad belly of the comprehensive ship and stopped on the special parking platform for the captain's transport ship. When Yuxing walked down the gangway and stepped onto the comprehensive ship, even though he had been prepared in his heart, But I was still deeply shocked by the majestic and sci-fi design inside the complex ship. The walls of this huge hangar were brightly lit with light blue light. It was at this moment that Yuxing saw clearly his special car that he had been riding in for less than a minute. The ship is nearly 200 meters long and is shaped like an elongated water droplet. The silver hull reflects a faint blue light. The telescopic ramp when he disembarked has been retracted and the hatch has been closed. At this time, the surface of the transport ship was as smooth as a mirror, without any bulges. The entire body was integrated without any gaps, and it truly became a giant water drop. Yuxing became curious, and he said to the waterdrop: "Open the hatch." As soon as he finished speaking, a door on the waterdrop quietly opened, and a gangway slid out silently, stretching out to Yuxing. feet. Yuxing saw the familiar scenery inside the cabin door again. "Close the hatch and turn on the invisibility." The child Yuxing was inspired and began to play with this oversized toy. The hatch of the transport ship closed quietly, and then the figure of the transport ship gradually faded until it disappeared without a trace. Yuxing took a few steps toward the transport ship according to the distance in his memory, stretched out his hand to touch, and felt the existence of a real object. The body where his hand touched was cold and smooth, which calmed Yuxing's excitement a lot. "Remove the invisibility." The transport ship showed its beautiful and smooth body again. Yuxing put his other hand on the transport ship's body, caressing it gently and persistently like the body of the girl he loved so much. His hungry wolf-like eyes were fixed on the beautiful silver-gray metal with sapphire light. "This is all mine, it's all mine." Yuxing was ecstatic in his heart Yuxing's mood was like riding a roller coaster. He was suddenly worried that this was just a dream, and as soon as he opened his eyes and woke up, everything would cease to exist. Nearly a thousand people stood around the tarmac, saluting Yuxing who had walked down the gangway. They were following the etiquette on earth to welcome the arrival of the new captain. Yuxing's childlike behavior after disembarking from the ship did not trouble these cyborgs and robots. They still maintained a majestic salute posture, waiting for the captain's order. Yuxing finally finished his lust and turned back to look at his subordinates surrounding the transport ship. He had determined that these people were not playing the role of his subordinates, but were truly his subordinates. The cyborgs and robots who came to greet Yuxing were of all races from Asia, Africa, and Europe. They were cultivated and manufactured by the central intelligence of the integrated ship based on the races on the earth. The military uniforms they wore did not understand their functions, but they showed their power and high technology. From their clothing, it can be seen that they belong to different arms and perform different tasks. "Welcome your Excellency, Captain, back to the ship. The central intelligence brain has led all the ship's staff to welcome you, the captain. The central intelligence brain has completed the first sequence of orders from the captain. The first sequence of procedures has been terminated. The central intelligence brain is waiting for the captain's order." The central brain of the integrated ship emits a rhythmic electronic synthesized sound, completely handing over the captain's authority to Yuxing. As soon as the Central Intelligent Brain finished speaking, the heels of nearly a thousand people present clinked together and made a neat sound. "Follow the captain's orders." Yuxing was still uncomfortable with nearly a thousand people paying attention to him. For more than twenty years that he could remember, he had always stood by to greet elders and leaders. When had he ever enjoyed such courtesy? He was at a loss and didn't know where to put his hands. He looked back with pleading eyes at the 0001 cyborg standing two meters behind him to his right. "Come here, is this a comprehensive ship?" Yuxing called Biochemical No. 0001 to his side. "Yes, Captain, this space is your special parking space." "Are these people from your planet?" Yuxing pointed to those people who still maintained a saluting posture. "Your Excellency, Captain, these are cyborgs and robots. The robots are covered with human muscle tissue. There are no humans from the Sky Alliance on the integrated ship." "Oh, I understand." What does Yuxing know about Sky Alliance humans? He doesn't understand whether biochemicals are machines or humans, but he doesn't want to show it. Even if you don't understand, you have to pretend to understand. "What should we do now? Tell me." Yuxing asked. "Your Excellency, Captain, Cyborg 0001 has no power to influence the captain's thinking and decision-making." Yuxing is depressed. There is no one here who can give him advice and he can only make decisions by himself. Fortunately, he has worked in the government for many years, and he has met many big leaders. He has never eaten pork, but he has seen pigs running away. "The main leaders of each department will follow me to the conference room for a meeting. Other personnel will perform their duties and stick to their posts according to the original working procedures. Dismiss. You lead the way to the central control room." He didn't care whether these robots and biochemicals could understand the official language of the earth. He followed the Chinese instructions on the ground and walked towards a gate without looking back. Biochemical 0001 followed closely behind Yuxing to guide him. A dozen people with three-star and four-star military ranks on their shoulders followed him. "No. 1, from now on you can make suggestions to me like an Earthling." Yuxing said to the guard captain 0001 cyborg following him as he walked. "Accept the captain's order to change the 0001 biochemical program." The central brain executed Yuxing's order in a timely manner. "Thank you, Captain, Biochemical 0001 will fully serve the Captain." Biochemical 0001's words and expressions are more humane. Yuxing glanced at him, and he actually saw a hint of flattery on his face. Passing through the bright silver metal door that opens automatically, there is a corridor more than thirty meters wide. The ground is also bright silver, which looks clean and hard, giving people a feeling of strength. The walls and curved ceiling reflect orange light, making people feel warm and comfortable. The orange light flows forward from shallow to deep, just like the waves of the sea, connecting wave after wave without stopping. Soft background music echoed in the corridor. Yuxing is particularly familiar with this piece of music. It is the saxophone song "Going Home" composed by the famous American performer Kenny.G. This is the only piece of music that Yuxing, a music blind person, can understand. How can this kind of earthly music be understood? Appearing here, Yuxing felt very puzzled and puzzled. There is a kind of earthlings who try their best to dress up the environment as an alien high-tech environment. If Yuxing wants to get the central brain of an alien planet, it will also miss the essence of dressing up the alien environment as the earth's environment. Although he knew that all this was true, Yuxing did not feel any big difference from the earth. This was just his feeling rather than his cognition. Biochemical 0001 seemed to understand Yuxing's thoughts, and said from behind Yuxing: "Your Excellency, the central intelligence brain specially ordered to modify this corridor into an aesthetic that is close to the earth, and selected this piece of music among the many musics on the earth. Welcoming the captain home." Yuxing was relieved. A dozen self-driving anti-gravity suspension vehicles parked silently in front of Yuxing and the generals. 0001 asked Yuxing to board the first open-top traffic car with a strong metallic texture, and more than a dozen generals also boarded the traffic car behind them neatly. When Yuxing got on the bus, he felt that the seemingly hard and cold seat and body were extremely soft and comfortable. The seat changed with the contact between the human body and the seat, allowing the human body to bear force evenly. This kind of car is very comfortable to sit on. . "Go to the central control room." 0001 conveyed Yuxing's order to the pilot. The traffic vehicle drove forward smoothly, at a moderate speed that allowed Yuxing to visit the comprehensive ship without wasting too much time. From time to time, some robots with pure metal structures appeared outside the car and stood at attention to salute Yuxing. The appearance of these guard and labor-type robots without any skin decoration finally broke Yuxing's last remaining concept of the small earth. As far as he was concerned, the visual cognition and conceptual cognition accumulated by the earth's environment and science and technology for more than 20 years were shattered by the shock. Only then did he truly realize that he had entered a new era. . When Yuxing walked into the central control hall, he saw the bold Chinese characters "Welcome Captain to return to the ship" on the huge virtual display. Dozens of cyborgs and robots working in front of the operating table stood at attention and saluted him, and the voice of the Central Intelligent Brain also sounded at the same time: "The Central Intelligent Brain reports to His Excellency, Captain, and welcomes His Excellency, Captain, to return to the integrated ship." "The staff in the central control room reported to the captain and heard the captain's instructions." "Take a break." Yuxing thought of what he often saw on TV as the words of the Chinese army chiefs to the soldiers, who also pretended to be wolves with big tails and showed off their big tails. "Your Majesty, Captain, please confirm the identity and authority of the captain." The central brain put away the Chinese greeting tone and intonation, and returned to a rigorous and solemn electronic synthesized voice. Biochemical 0001 guided Yuxing to the captain's seat in the middle of the central control room. On the right side of the dreamy captain's console rose a square metal box glowing with purple light. The front of the "metal box" was as smooth as a mirror. It shrinks and opens in all directions, and the box is filled with light. A crystal-clear diamond-shaped object is sent to Yuxing's right hand side by the transmission mechanism. Yuxing placed his right hand on the crystal's handprint. Four rays of blue, red, yellow, and green light swept over Yuxing's palm in turn, and a blood-red thin line appeared in the crystal body. There were more and more red lines, forming a strange pattern. The crystal retracts back into the box, and the purple metal box lowers into the operating platform. Suddenly, the green light of the captain's operating platform flashed, and the electronic synthesized sound of the central brain sounded: "Captain Chen Yuxing's super authority has been confirmed. The DNA, EEG sensing factors, and carbon-based cell interaction mirror data have been stored. There is no super command from the captain. Cannot be changed or replaced." "The captain's pickup procedure is completed. The procedure is deleted." "The first sequence procedure is completed and normal work procedures are started. The first sequence principle will be entered after the captain determines it." "Your Excellency, Captain, from now on you can exercise your super authority. The central intelligence brain and the following officers will obey the captain's instructions." "Follow the captain's instructions." A dozen generals who followed Yuxing stood together and saluted. "Don't call me Your Excellency, call me Boss or BOSS." Yuxingte said in a arrogant manner. Based on his knowledge, he knew that he had completely taken over the comprehensive ship. Every unit here will accept his orders unconditionally, including the central intelligence brain which is particularly awesome. "Why don't you have a physical body, Intelligent Brain?" Yuxing couldn't understand. The Central Intelligent Brain has such advanced intelligence, and it is so simple to create robots on the integrated ship. Why doesn't it create a powerful mechanical body for itself, but only Can stay in the central control room. "Boss, this is a comprehensive ship basic program restriction and cannot be changed." "I understand, what am I going to do next? What can I do? Well, tell me about this ship first." Yuxing understood that this was a restriction set by the Sky Alliance to prevent robot rebellion. "It's boss, the 01 integrated ship is the first carrier platform for exploration outside the river system that was successfully built by the Sky Star Alliance after 50 Sky Years of optimizing the technology and resources of each planet. Due to the various factors in the Sky Alliance, The intelligent life on the planet are all carbon-based organisms, and their appearance and body structure are more than 99% similar to the intelligent life on Earth where the captain lives. Therefore, this is the reason why the former captain Sir Dunson was determined to search for the next one on Earth before his vital signs disappeared. The main reason for being appointed captain is another important reason. This comprehensive ship is experimental in nature. Since there was no relevant experience in extragalactic navigation during the construction process, there were fatal flaws in the design. After the ship jumped across the river system, , causing the positioning principle of the shipboard positioning system to change, and the spatial coordinates of the original river system to be seriously confused, so the comprehensive ship and the Sky Alliance lost contact. From the discovery of the phenomenon of coordinate confusion, the former captain Sir Dunson tried to He returned to the Sky River System, but due to coordinate confusion, there was a huge error in each jump, and he mistakenly jumped to other river systems. During the fourth river system jump, he came to the Milky Way and discovered the Earth during the Milky Way voyage. Sir Dunson Knowing that it was impossible for them to return to the Sky Alliance, they decided to set up a base homeport on Earth, but a tragedy occurred due to the mutation of the M-series virus, and 50,000 Sky warriors died." Yuxing sighed endlessly, secretly exclaiming that it was fortunate that it was like this, that it was fortunate that it was like this. Central Intelligent Brain continued to introduce: "The ship is about 15,000 meters long, about 6,000 meters wide, about 2,000 meters high, and covers an area of nearly 90 square kilometers. It is divided into five major modules, power and anti-gravity module, resource collection and storage module, Combat and protection module, research and manufacturing module, life and life support module." With the introduction of the central intelligence brain, the virtual display screen changes to display three-dimensional images of various areas and angles of the integrated ship, as well as the structure and technical parameters of each module unit.
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