Municipal Standing Committee

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At 11 o'clock sharp, all the comrades attending the enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee had arrived. Chang Jun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, lit a new Zhonghua cigarette and lightly tapped the conference table with his right index finger. "Staff, secretaries, and record-keepers are requested to exit the venue and stay ten meters away from the conference door. They are not allowed to approach the venue unless instructed to do so. This meeting does not need to be recorded." Unrelated personnel left the venue one after another, and when only nine members of the Standing Committee and three heads of powerful agencies were left in the conference room. The conference room door is closed. "Comrades, before the meeting begins, I announce a rule that the contents of this meeting shall not be recorded or disclosed to anyone, including parents, children, wives and husbands. If any leaks occur, they will be seriously investigated and dealt with, and all consequences will be It will be borne by the individual." Secretary Chang Jun said extremely seriously. "Okay, let's ask Mayor Zhang Changjiang to introduce the situation, and Director Zhang Feng will make a supplementary report. While the two comrades are speaking, please listen carefully and don't interrupt them. Let's get started." Secretary Chang nodded to Mayor Zhang Changjiang Indicating that it was time to start, he leaned his body against the high-backed chair and made a gesture of listening carefully. Mayor Zhang cleared his throat and said: "At about 6:30 this afternoon, a bizarre incident occurred in Yunmuping, Yufeng Snow Mountain. According to reports from the security police Comrade Li Shan, bus drivers and tourists who were present at the time, , a group of Asian-looking men who looked like soldiers followed a young man in his twenties to this seat." Zhang Changjiang drew a circle on a planning map of Yunmuping and pointed the map over to everyone. "This group of men surrounded this young man in his twenties. They all faced the outside. There was also a middle-aged man in his forties who was with the young man in the circle. For some unknown reason, they made something like There was the sound of soldiers standing at attention, and the posture of standing at attention was very military and disciplined. Then, nearly two to three hundred people outside this group of people suddenly stood at attention, and made a sound when their heels touched, with the same posture as the people inside. And They were all facing the young people and the middle-aged man who were surrounded. There were men and women among these people, and the male-to-female ratio was about 2:1. The tourists present at the time were frightened and ran away in panic. The police on duty thought this was Two gangs of "gang-related" personnel were fighting, so they reported it to the branch and the municipal bureau. The municipal bureau and the armed police detachment immediately sent people to Yunmuping to enforce the law. We will talk about these later. Let's talk about these personnel first. These military-like personnel are here. After standing quietly for two or three minutes, they gathered in the direction of the seats. When they gathered within one to two hundred square meters near the seats, they suddenly disappeared. Witnesses could no longer find any trace of them. At this time, the intercom, All mobile phone signals disappeared, and it was suspected that the signal was blocked. This phenomenon lasted for more than 30 minutes. Later, technical personnel from the Public Security Bureau and National Security Bureau confirmed that electromagnetic disorder occurred in the Yunmuping area for 30 minutes. The three parties of the Public Security Bureau, National Security Bureau and Armed Police The people who witnessed the incident were concentrated in a hotel. The total number of people was 72, including two Americans and two Koreans. During the technical appraisal of the confiscated cameras, camcorders and mobile phones, our technicians discovered a shocking scene. All the audio and video data in all the machines were missing 12 hours of records. Witnesses confirmed that all their audio and video records from the time they set out in the morning to the time of the incident were deleted. We retrieved the hard drive data of the cameras on the entire Yufeng Snow Mountain and found that 12 hours of video records were also lost. According to our personnel's investigation along the road, we calculated that the range of the lost records is 100 kilometers in diameter. The National Security Bureau and our city's computer professional technicians tried to recover the hard drive where the data was lost, but they all failed, which proves that this is not possible with our existing technology. My introduction is over. " There was a buzzing sound in the conference room. This incredible thing surprised the other seven members of the Standing Committee who attended the meeting. Secretary Chang Jun knocked hard on the conference table. "Everyone, be quiet. We will discuss it later. Director Zhao, do you have anything else to add?" Secretary Chang looked at Public Security Director Zhao Feng, who was sitting behind the conference table. Zhao Feng stood up and saluted with a 180-degree military salute and said: "On the way to Yunmuping, I led the team and found that the mobile phone could not be connected. I immediately sent someone back to the city bureau to investigate the matter. As the mayor said It was electromagnetic disorder that caused the signal to be blocked. When we arrived at Yunmuping, we found that there was no fighting between gang-related personnel, and Comrade Li Shan, the policeman on duty in Yunmuping, had gathered all the people present at the time. . After I learned about the situation from Comrade Li Shan, I also asked some witnesses, and I got the same statement from them, that these people are aliens." There was a louder "buzzing" sound in the conference room. The seven members of the Standing Committee were so shocked that they no longer cared about the rules of the meeting or their personal dignity. They spoke subconsciously without thinking through their brains. This shows how lethal this news is. "Everyone, be quiet. Zhao Feng, please continue." Secretary Chang Jun knocked on the conference table again. This time, there was no immediate result, and the discussion lasted for a while before gradually stopping. "Since it is very late, most of the tourists and travel agency teams have returned to their accommodations, and there are only very few independent travelers left in Yunmuping. This is very important for our confidentiality work, and we can safely report these sightings They all gathered together to conduct confidential education and track their future words and deeds. However, there were still four foreigners among them. They were very troublesome and protested to us and asked for the return of their cameras and mobile phones, emphasizing their concern for the contents of the machines. The material is proprietary. They don't know that the audiovisual material has been deleted. I'm done." "Everyone is aware of the situation, and this is what we know now. This Standing Committee meeting is to listen to everyone's opinions and discuss how to deal with emergencies that rarely involve the country's core interests. Whoever speaks first." Secretary Chang scanned the other ten members of the Standing Committee, and finally set his sights on Zhang Jie, commander of the military division. Colonel Zhang Jie, commander of the Military Division of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, raised his hand. "Let me say a few words. Based on the analysis of the information I know now, if what the witnesses said is true, there are only two possibilities. One is that there are magicians performing large-scale illusion magic. Based on the fact that an international magician has once It makes a train disappear without a trace, so this possibility still exists. But the problem is that this kind of large-scale illusion magic requires a long preparation time." "Wait a minute." Secretary Chang Jun interrupted Commander Zhang. Turning to Zhao Feng, "Director Zhao asked Comrade Li Shan to come in." "Yes." Director Zhao turned around and walked out of the conference room. In less than a minute, Superintendent Level 3 Li Shan walked into the conference room. "Li Shan, the first security team of Yunmuping Police Station, reported, please give instructions from the leader." Li Shan saluted the standing committee members in the conference room with a military salute. At this time, although Li Shan was a little nervous about entering the meeting place of the city's highest authority, he was energetic and high-spirited, and he was definitely no longer as obscene as he was in Yunmuping. Li Shan knew that his opportunity had come, and his career might soar because of this opportunity. He was the first person to discover aliens and report it to his superiors. No one can take away this credit. "Comrade Li Shan, don't be nervous, please answer a few questions." Secretary Chang Jun first comforted Li Shan's emotions. "Yes." Li Shan replied loudly. As a veteran, Li Shan's military appearance is still commendable. "Have you been on duty in Yunmuping? How long? Before this incident happened, was there anything unusual happening in Yunmuping during this period of time?" Colonel Zhang Jie asked. "Reporting to the chief, I have been on duty at Yunmuping from nine in the morning to six in the evening. I left a little late today because of personal matters. I have been on duty at this location for a year, and Yunmuping has not been here for a while. abnormal situation." "Are there any large-scale machinery and materials transported in?" Colonel Zhang Jie asked again. "Reporting to the chief, no. We also had personnel on duty at night, and there were no abnormal situations." Li Shan was no longer nervous at this time, but was a little overly excited. "Okay, thank you Comrade Li Shan. Please wait outside. We will come back to you if anything happens." Colonel Zhang Jie said. Colonel Zhang Jie lit a cigarette, took a puff, and waited until Li Shan walked out of the conference room before continuing: "It seems that the probability of the first situation happening is very small. Then the probability of the second possibility happening will increase. Much bigger than that, alien creatures are visiting the earth. The question is how they can disappear in an instant. Is it because alien technology can already use light invisibility technology? However, compared to aliens who can fly to the earth from a distant place, I am willing to believe it. Aliens can do it. What I can't understand is how their appearance is so similar to us Asians. If this is a coincidence, the probability of this happening is far greater than the probability of winning the jackpot with a double color ball. Two Can humans on different planets be so similar? How can this be explained? There is also equipment that can shield electromagnetic signals within a radius of ten kilometers. It should be a large and powerful equipment, but no such equipment and vehicles have been found on the ground nearby. If electromagnetic waves are emitted in the air, there should be flying objects, but the military During this period of time, there were no such flight missions and no experimental notifications of new equipment. It was impossible for private citizens to have such equipment. Therefore, it can also be ruled out that our flying objects coincidentally blocked this area. Then there is the possibility of shielding signals from satellites outside the atmosphere. I dare not speculate on this. Regarding deleting 12 hours of audio and video data from all recording equipment, including personal cameras and mobile phones, I think the technology that can do this in a very short time has not yet appeared in this world, at least in our country and our military. Haven't mastered this technique yet. What does this mean? Does this mean this technology is alien technology? Or is it a super technology possessed by a certain individual or organization? . Just imagine, if we have this technology, then the enemy's satellites in space, aircraft in the sky, flying missiles, submarines in the water, enemy missile launch centers, enemy command centers, etc., as long as they are targets equipped with electronic equipment, We can all instantly delete the programs and data of their various electronic devices, causing the enemy to lose its combat effectiveness. How can he still fight? "Colonel Zhang Jie stopped talking and was stunned for five seconds. "Oh my god, I'm sorry. I need to report to my superiors immediately." Colonel Zhang Jie was frightened by his analysis. He stood up and walked out. The Standing Committee members were also frightened by Commander Zhang's words. After listening to Zhang Changjiang and Zhao Feng's introduction just now, they were still not sure about the existence of aliens, or they had great doubts. Most people think this may be a prank or plagiarism. But now they are almost certain that aliens or alien technology exist, and the possibility that an individual or an organization possesses such heaven-defying technology has been selectively ignored by them. With the existence of such incredible technology, other unreasonable doubts can be well explained, such as the issue of appearance - can I wear makeup? "Please wait a moment, Commander Zhang. Let's discuss a result first and then report it to our superiors." "I'm sorry Secretary, I'm a little lost." Commander Zhang sat down again, but it was obvious that there were beads of sweat on his forehead. "I agree with Comrade Zhang Jie. This incident is beyond our city's ability to handle. With clear evidence of the existence of such aliens or alien technology, we should report it to the relevant departments and superiors." The Director of National Security said excitedly explain. "As for issues regarding foreigners or technology, we should ignore them at this stage. We can't control them properly. We should follow our rules and leave the aftermath to the relevant departments. The monitoring of various media must be strict and no trace of them can be allowed to The news is out," said the Propaganda Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. Then each member of the Standing Committee expressed their views and opinions. Finally, Comrade Chang Jun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, concluded: "According to the unanimous opinion of the Standing Committee, this is a suspected alien incident. The Standing Committee decided to stick to the measures already taken, wait for arrangements from relevant national departments, and increase surveillance efforts to eliminate loopholes in leaking secrets. The second-mobilization PLA garrison immediately entered Yunmuping and surrounding areas, and coordinated with the armed police, public security, and national security departments to block all ground passages in the area and strictly inspected it. Commander Zhang Jie applied for military deployment to his superiors. Yufeng Snow Mountain Scenery The district was closed indefinitely. Three immediately reported to the relevant higher-level departments and the main leaders of the provincial party committee. Commander Zhang Jie immediately reported to the General Staff and the General Staff, and Director Huang Jiankang of the National Security Bureau immediately reported to the National Security Bureau. Fourth, the propaganda department responded to the temporary closure of Yufeng Snow Mountain Scenery The district will provide a reasonable explanation. The relevant departments of the five municipal governments are fully responsible for the logistical support of witnesses." Secretary Chang looked at his watch. "It's already twelve o'clock. Everyone is working hard. Please hold on a little longer. Now we can start the next stage of work according to our own division of labor and work procedures. The military and national security will report according to their own information channels. Okay, let's adjourn the meeting."
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