The"Under" World

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The few tourists left on Yunmuping were frightened by this violent scene, and they rushed to run outside the circle surrounded by these weird people. There were two police officers on duty at a simple security post set up near the parking lot. When they saw the panicked tourists running away, one drew his gun and the other picked up an electric baton and rushed out of the post. "What's going on?" the third-level police superintendent stopped a frightened female tourist and asked. "Gangster, gangster party." The young female tourist ran away into the distance without looking back, not caring that the image of a young and beautiful girl was seriously damaged. When the tourists who ran far away saw that no one posed a threat to them, they automatically gathered together and took out their cameras to take pictures. Such big news will definitely add thousands more fans to his "**". One person asked, "What's going on? Why did you run away?" This person was just walking around and didn't know what was going on. "I don't know, it must be a gang fight," someone said. "It's not like that. You see, they don't move. Their bodies are as straight as a benchmark." (This person should be a business leader who observes subtleties.) "Probably a soldier." (The person who said this must be a veteran.) "The person there must be a high-ranking official." (A small soldier among civil servants.) "Probably not. I saw it just now. There was a young man in his twenties in the circle." (Teaching in a university.) "No matter how big an official is, he can't have hundreds of bodyguards. (Small business owners always bring a bodyguard with them every time they go to the bank.) "I think it's a gang fight. Didn't you see that the people in the inner circle looked outside, and the people outside looked into the circle and glared at each other." (The person who spoke here must be a director) "That young man must be the leader of the underworld. The people in the outer circle want to kill him, and the people in the inner circle are protecting him." (The director's classmate above.) The two policemen looked at the two sides glaring at each other (or so they thought), and unconsciously moved towards the guard box. Their hands holding the guns and electric batons shook greatly. This was their first time in such a big scene. When they met, they couldn't help but be shocked. There were hundreds of people here. They themselves knew that they could not and did not dare to control such fights involving hundreds of people. The third-level superintendent took off his walkie-talkie and called his superiors urgently. "Director, please speak if you hear me." "I'm Zhang Wulin. Please tell me why your voice is trembling." "In Yunmuping, a large number of gang members have gathered. They are confronting each other and are about to start a fight." "How many people are there, how do you know they are gang fights." "There were hundreds of people, all of them tall and tall, and the tourists were all running outside." The third-level superintendent did not exaggerate much, but only overreported the number of people involved in the confrontation. This is understandable, because he was so frightened that he couldn't even count. "I know, you have to find a way to control the situation and try to delay them before they take action. I will send people to support you immediately." Director Zhang Wulin was still very calm. He was not at the scene and could not imagine the magnitude of the confrontation between hundreds of people. Shocking. "Director, there are hundreds of them, how can I control them?" the third-level superintendent almost cried. "i***t, figure it out on your own. If something goes wrong, you are the only one to ask." Director Zhang Wulin put down the walkie-talkie, picked up the internal phone and called the county public security bureau. No one dares to neglect such a large-scale mass incident. In less than five minutes, news of the fight between nearly a thousand gang members in Yunmuping spread throughout the city's public security bureau. Hundreds of special police and armed police officers got into police cars, sounded their sirens and rushed towards Yunmuping. Zhao Feng, director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, rushed to Yunmuping to report to the mayor. The mayor did not dare to neglect and reported to the Municipal Party Committee Secretary and the Provincial Public Security Department. As a result, an originally simple matter caused a big shock in the officialdom. How will the aftermath be dealt with in the future? We don't know. It must be difficult for the third-level superintendent and director Zhang Wulin to keep their positions. As for whether they will be promoted or demoted, it depends on their luck. As for the bureau chief and mayor, they will accept credit if they have merit and handle mistakes easily. There will be a lot of scapegoats below. The police cars rushing through the city caused a cry of terror. Several repeat criminals who were planning a road robbery thought that the incident had happened and fled to other cities overnight, adding at least one victim to the ancient city. The thieves and thieves who were committing the crime dropped their crime tools and stolen goods and fled in a hurry. After being frightened, they did not dare to go out for several days. ----------- Yuxing became an i***t, with his mouth open and closed, standing there at a loss. His mind went blank and he couldn't remember what the middle-aged uncle said just now. After more than a minute passed, Yu Xing's blank mind finally felt a little bright. He just said I was the captain, what kind of ship? , aircraft carrier? . Yu Xing's frightened heart calmed down a little, and he asked the middle-aged man standing straight in front of him with some guilt: "Can you say what you just said again?" "Your Excellency, Captain, the captain of the captain's escort team, Biochemical No. 0001, is reporting to you." Biochemical No. 0001 repeated it, and then raised his hand to Yuxing, and the heels of his shoes made a "pop" sound when they touched each other. More than a hundred cyborgs also made a neat "pop" sound when their heels collided. The third-level police superintendent was so frightened that he almost dropped the walkie-talkie in his hand. He turned around and called the colleague with the baton to return to the police box, locked the door, and called his superiors with the walkie-talkie. "Director Zhang, they are about to fight, and I can't control it." "i***t, your support will be here soon." Director Zhang put down the intercom and reported to the branch. "Why don't I know what kind of ship I am the captain of?" Yuxing asked. The anxiety in his heart has been reduced a lot. He can be sure that if it is filming now, then these people are playing his subordinates now. "Your Excellency, Captain, the explanation will take a long time. After returning to the integrated ship, the central brain will give a detailed explanation. Please ask your Excellency, Captain, whether to return to the integrated ship." "Return to the complex ship?" "Yes, Captain, please give me permission to return." Biochemical 0001 responded quickly to Yuxing's question and did not make a wrong judgment based on the literal meaning. This also shows that biochemical humans still have a deep understanding of Chinese sentences, tone, and semantics. "how far?" "The flight time is 15 seconds." "It's so close, do you want to walk back?" Yuxing looked around and found no large movable objects except cars. If it was filming, it would have stopped now and moved to the next shot, but Yuxing didn't see a director. "No, this is your special ship." Biochemical 0001 explained to Yuxing seriously. Yuxing glanced at the more than 200 people around him and knew that whether what happened today was true or false, it was impossible to make things right, so even if it was just a joke, he had to go see it. "What central brain?" "It is the central intelligence of the integrated ship. In the language of the earth, it is the central processor that controls the integrated ship." Yuxing was completely awake at this time. Not only did he no longer imagine that this was filming, but he felt like a huge pie was smashed on his head. He met the legendary alien. Biochemical man, integrated ship, central intelligence brain, those are all high-end goods, now you can find a treasure. Yuxing turned from frightened to eager to try. He expected that the comprehensive ship mentioned by this middle-aged uncle would give him a huge surprise. "Return to the integrated ship." Yuxing issued his first order after taking office as captain. Biochemical 0001 immediately made a correct judgment on Yuxing's tone and semantics. "Captain's order." More than two hundred people once again made a neat sound of "pa". The third-level superintendent's body trembled again. The hand holding the pistol loosened and it fell to the ground. Fortunately, he forgot to turn on the safety of this pistol. "Returning to the integrated ship, all frigates are on alert. Explorer 10 will eliminate all audio and video records from fixed and personal recording devices with a diameter of 100 kilometers centered on the captain for 12 hours, and shield electromagnetic signals with a diameter of 10 kilometers for 30 minutes. , Frigate One set up a light-invisible separation wall to isolate the people on earth, and the escort members gathered towards me to prepare to board the ship." Yuxing saw a door suddenly appear in the space about two meters above the ground. There were bright lights inside the door, and an escalator protruded from the door and dropped to the ground. Yuxing was already in a calm mood at this time, and something incredible finally happened to him today. The third-level superintendent stared through the glass at the more and more concentrated crowd of more than 200 people. He felt that the two gangs were about to fight. His legs had changed from a small tremor to a large tremor. . Suddenly the crowd in front of him disappeared. He rubbed his eyes vigorously and opened them wider, but he still didn't see anyone. The tourists outside made a loud noise, and he was sure that the more than two hundred people had disappeared, disappearing without a trace in an instant. He ran out of the police box and shouted to the tourists: "What's going on? Do you know what's going on?" "No more, no more, they're gone, they've disappeared." The speaker's body was shaking like chaff. "Aliens, they must be aliens." The young man who spoke was dancing like crazy. But he's definitely a science fiction fan. "It's developed, it's developed." The young man's lust hadn't stopped yet. He took the lead and ran towards the place where Yuxing disappeared. The other people also suddenly woke up after being frightened, and rushed to chase the young man towards the place where Yuxing and the others disappeared. At a distance of 100 to 80 meters, the tourists ran around the seats in ten seconds. There was nothing left there, no footprints, no particle weapons, no alien high-tech rings, it was just empty. One tourist swung his arms from side to side above the seat, hoping to spot the invisible alien. The third-level superintendent followed the tourists to the seats. Seeing that the situation had changed dramatically, he wanted to report to his superiors immediately. He shouted desperately into the intercom, "Director, if you hear me, please reply. If you hear me, please reply." The intercom made a "sand, sand" sound of electricity, "Director, if you hear me, please reply. If you hear me, please reply." "The third-level superintendent's voice gradually lowered and slowed down, with a crying sound in his voice. Someone in the crowd shouted, "Call 110 quickly." The third-level police superintendent was prompted and hurriedly took out his mobile phone and dialed 110. "Can't get through, no signal. Does any of you have a signal on your cell phone?" The third-level police superintendent asked for help from the people around him. "No, there is no signal." Everyone replied to the third-level superintendent. "Aliens blocked the signal." It was the science fiction enthusiast again. He was really a sensible person, and he made a 100% guess. The third-level police superintendent looked at the signal display on his mobile phone and felt like crying. At this time, Chen Yuxing had already arrived in the integrated ship in his special vehicle. Naturally, it was an adventure. It was more than half an hour before a large number of armed police and special police arrived at Yunmuping. Before that, the third-level superintendent finally did the most correct thing. He gathered the witnesses of the incident in front of the police box and arranged for four of the foreign tourists to rest in the police box. No one was allowed to leave. No phone calls are allowed, and of course even if someone wants to call, they won't be able to get through. All cell phones, video cameras, and cameras were handed over and sealed. Four foreigners protested, but the protest was ineffective. With the help of several young domestic tourists, the cameras and cell phones of the two Americans and two Koreans were confiscated. Waiting for investigation and evidence collection by superior leaders and relevant departments. The third-level superintendent solemnly warned the tourists who witnessed the entire process and the staff at the scene that the matter involved major national secrets, and any underhanded behavior will be severely punished by law. Anyone who dares to leave or leave recording equipment behind will be held accountable. Everyone at the scene of the incident knew that this incident was not trivial, so no one dared to make mistakes. It is also a coincidence that before the third-level police superintendent confiscated various machines, the tourists were in an extremely excited state, discussing, analyzing, and bragging among themselves, or listening to others bragging, and none of them checked or thought of checking the recordings. videos and photos taken. Zhao Feng, director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, was shocked after hearing the report from the third-level superintendent. After being confirmed by multiple witnesses of the incident, he immediately reported to Mayor Wang Changjiang. Mayor Wang was also shocked. He had been educated by the party for many years and he still understood the seriousness of the matter very clearly. This major, sudden and confidential incident was not something that a mayor like him could handle. He instructed Public Security Bureau Chief Zhao Feng to: 1. Take all the witnesses to a four-star hotel in the city to rest. No one should be left out, and the four foreigners should be dealt with in the same way. 2. Seal the entire hotel and prevent witnesses from contacting anyone except necessary staff, security personnel, and surveillance personnel. 3. Seal all camera hard drives, video cameras, mobile phones, etc. of the parties within a ten-kilometer radius of the incident location, without omission. 4. Do a good job of comforting witnesses and their families, and try to meet the requirements of witnesses. 5. Hotel staff, police and medical personnel are not allowed to talk to witnesses, and the scope of their knowledge is kept to a minimum. 6. Closely observe major websites and personal websites, delete relevant reports immediately if found, and trace the poster. 7. After the personnel from relevant national departments arrive, follow their instructions. After assigning tasks to Director Zhao, Mayor Wang arrived at the hotel early at 9 p.m., waiting for the arrival of witnesses. At 9:35, Director Zhao Feng "escorted" the witnesses to the hotel. Mayor Wang asked the third-level superintendent and the electric baton police in detail about the entire incident. He also randomly asked several tourists, bus drivers, and conductors present. After confirming the reliability of the matter, he immediately reported it to Comrade Chang Jun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. He made a phone call to report this major incident, and recommended that an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee be convened immediately, and that the Municipal Public Security Director, National Security Director, and Armed Police Detachment Captain attend the meeting. The enlarged meeting of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee was held on time at 11 o'clock in the evening, and all the Standing Committee members and comrades attending the meeting were present. The standing committee members of a prefecture-level city are not simple people. After receiving the notice to convene an emergency standing committee meeting in the middle of the night, their first reaction was that something big had happened. However, after communicating with each other, no one knew what had happened. According to the usual practice of standing committee meetings, the secretary and the mayor were the last two people to enter the conference room. Today, they were uncharacteristically different. When the standing committee members walked into the conference room, they saw that the secretary and the mayor were sitting in the conference room early. And with a serious expression, he contacted the emergency standing committee to convene late at night, understanding that this matter was too big.
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