Return to the Comprehensive Ship

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Under the guidance of a small flag printed with "Shunfeng Travel Agency", a group of boys and girls who looked like college students walked past Chen Yuxing "chirping". Chen Yuxing quickly scanned the girls' buttocks with radar-like eyes. Before the scan was completed, Chen Yuxing's mind was shaken, and a familiar figure reflected in his pupils. This girl is carrying a snow-white shoulder bag, her long ponytail is draped loosely on her back, she wears a white tight jacket on her upper body, a bright yellow cultural shirt with a large section exposed, tight jeans on her lower body, and a pair of white feet Nike travel shoes, perhaps because she was tired from walking, her left hand gently supported her lower back. Chen Yuxing's heart was suddenly tugged, and the self-satisfaction he had just flown to the country of minions. He pushed aside a few tourists in front of him, stumbled and ran a few steps, and came behind the girl. He grabbed the girl's right shoulder with his left hand and turned the advancing girl around. The girl stumbled and almost fell. She couldn't help but exclaimed, and after she stabilized her body, she raised her head and glared at Chen Yuxing, whose face was full of disappointment and pain. "You..., you..." The girl was so angry that she couldn't speak. She said "you" for a long time and didn't know what to say. A tall boy next to the girl only reacted when the girl screamed. He pushed Chen Yuxing's chest, who was standing there dumbfounded, and pushed Chen Yuxing back two steps. "What are you doing? You must be sick." The tall boy stepped forward to help her slightly. The girl, whose towering breasts rose and fell rapidly in anger, pointed at Chen Yuxing, whose eyes were empty and had lost focus, and shouted. Then he gently said to the girl in the white jacket: "Are you okay?" "You're the one, I'm looking for a fight." A fat boy with light burgundy hair, while the tall boy pushed Chen Yuxing away, got rid of the entanglement of a beautiful girl, passed the tall man and the girl in the white jacket, and held up the meat His fist hit Chen Yuxing hard on the chest. At this time, several strong young men had gathered around Chen Yuxing. One of them gently pulled Chen Yuxing, causing him to take a step back involuntarily. At the same time, a figure flashed in front of Chen Yuxing, who had not yet woken up from the accident, and forcefully received the fat boy's punch on his chest. The fat boy's fist seemed to hit the iron plate, making a "bang" sound. The fat boy jumped up on his legs and took two steps back. Looking closely, he saw that the person he hit was not the young man standing there like a fool, but a strong middle-aged man about 1.8 meters tall. The middle-aged man looked at the fat boy with a pair of sharp eyes, swinging his right hand and grinning. He didn't speak, but he was like a tiger waiting for orders, staring at his prey eagerly. It seemed as if Chen Yuxing would tear this fat boy to pieces with just one word or nod of his head. "You students should ask him what's going on first. You can't just hit someone without asking." A tourist who witnessed the whole incident saw Chen Yuxing's demonic expression. He didn't look like a pervert who took advantage of a girl, but more like a poor man who was looking for his runaway wife all over the world. He must have been involved in this. For some unknown reason, he said to the girl in the white jacket and the classmates who were already surrounding her. "What do you have to ask? Didn't you see he was acting like a gangster?" The tall boy guarded the girl and pointed at Chen Yuxing and said angrily. However, he lacked the confidence he had just now. He was also obsessed with the fact that the fat boy hit the wrong person. With such a loud hitting sound just now, the fat boy must have used all his strength. If something happened to the middle-aged man, they would not only have to pay financial compensation, but The fat boy may also be held criminally responsible. In this case, this trip will be ruined. Although the fat boy did not have the same worries as the tall boys, he hid among several female classmates. While rubbing his hands that had become obviously swollen, he peeked at the middle-aged man who was staring at him with fearful eyes. Chen Yuxing had also woken up at this time. He realized that he had just caused trouble and made these students regard him as a gangster. He took a step forward, passed the people around him, and came to the middle-aged man. He bowed slightly to the still angry girl and said, "I'm sorry, I was looking for someone. I admitted my mistake." Then he turned to the middle-aged man and thanked him: "Thank you, uncle." The middle-aged man turned around and bowed slightly to Chen Yuxing in fear. The middle-aged uncle realizes that he has neglected his duty. There were more people surrounding Chen Yuxing, all of them strong men with big shoulders and round waists. "Isn't it just that I admitted the wrong person? Just say I'm sorry and forget it." A tourist who gathered around said calmly. "Hey, hey, the accent sounds like he's from the Northeast. He's pretty cool. Where are you from?" The fat boy timidly glanced at the few strong men standing beside them and the middle-aged man who was still staring at him like a beast. His tone of accusation against Chen Yuxing softened obviously, and his tone also dropped an octave. It wasn't that he wasn't brave, it was just that he couldn't understand his current situation. These strong men looked at him with obvious anger, which made him shudder. "From Fengjing." Chen Yuxing replied. "Fellow fellow, we are also from Fengjing, so forget it." The fat boy looked uncertainly at the girl in the white jacket whose anger had not completely dissipated, waiting for her to nod for confirmation. The tour guide from Shunfeng Travel Agency spoke at the right time. "Forget it, it's nothing serious. Let's go. There's still a long journey ahead. Let's go, let's follow my flag." The female tour guide took the lead and walked forward. The girl in the white jacket glared at Chen Yuxing with her big talking eyes, then turned around and chased the tour guide with a group of girls. The strong men and beauties surrounding these college students also took the initiative to move out of the way. The fat boy and the two boys finally left. Before leaving, he did not forget to show his bravery. He waved his fist at Chen Yuxing and said, "Brother, be more careful next time." After saying that, he avoided the murderous eyes of these strong men and turned around to chase the team. Chen Yuxing stood there blankly, his eyes following the girl's leaving back, and fell into the devil again. His love syndrome occurred again. The girl's figure was hidden in the crowd of people passing by each other. Chen Yuxing was still staring blankly at the place where the girl's figure disappeared. Nearly a hundred bodyguards were scattered around Chen Yuxing, paying attention to all changes in the surroundings. The middle-aged uncle stood motionless half a meter behind Chen Yuxing, watching Chen Yuxing's movements with vigilant eyes. The uncle was frightened by what just happened, and he didn't want such a thing to happen again. Seeing this scene, the tourists at the scene could not understand the situation here, and quickly withdrew from the security range of the bodyguards. At the same time, they were full of curiosity about this silly Chen Yuxing, and whispered to each other from time to time. This young man has an unattractive appearance and a dull expression. What kind of person is he that has so many bodyguards? Chen Yuxing was suffering from an obsessional psychosis and was in the middle of the situation. He did not notice these abnormal situations from beginning to end, or in other words, he did not have the energy to pay attention to these abnormal situations. In less than half an hour, half of the people in the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain knew that a mysterious figure like him was visiting the snow mountain. Only Chen Yuxing, a novice, is still savoring his first love in loneliness. Chen Yuxing's interest waned and he no longer had the previous interest. The scenery in front of him suddenly became dull and boring, and the woman's buttocks and breasts did not arouse his interest. The girl just now was very beautiful, with a pair of big watery eyes, a straight nose, a small mouth, and curved eyebrows. In particular, the skin is so fair and delicate that not even a hair can be seen under the slanting sunlight. It is as smooth as ivory porcelain. Chen Yuxing was also moved by her appearance. If he had the chance, he would also like to show his excellence in front of the girl, just like two male lions in heat around the girl, one tall and one fat, vying to express themselves in front of her in order to gain Girl's favor. He also had the urge to kiss Fangze, but the familiar figure deeply hurt Chen Yuxing's injured heart. This seemed contradictory, but it was reasonable to show it to this love psychopath. Chen Yuxing walked to a stone and sat down, inserting ten fingers into his already disheveled hair. He lowered his head in pain. At this time, he was not suffering from the loss of his first love. Since he had decided to give up, he would not look back. What hurt him was that his self-confidence was hurt. He was confident that he could forget Xiao Xiao. clear. He had done it before this, and he thought he would no longer suffer from the loss of his first love. But this kind of self-confidence was completely shattered by the unexpected incident at that moment. He has not forgotten it, and he is not strong enough. He really lacks the determination of a man to make a decision when it is necessary. Time is the god who creates all things, and Chen Yuxing also placed his hope on time at this moment. The middle-aged man stood behind Chen Yuxing and saw the captain in pain. His brain, which had absorbed all kinds of information from the earth, was running at high speed. He hoped to find a way to help the captain relieve his pain, but he was disappointed. , he knew that he was powerless against the captain in this state. Medicines are not good, instruments are not good, and words have no effect unless the captain falls into a state of frustration, which is a short-term effect; and the other is to transform into a low-level biochemical human, which is a long-term effect. But does he dare to do it? He has no idea, otherwise he will explode with a bang. Looking at the captain who was still in pain, he became anxious. After searching for information about humanity on Earth, he found the reason for the captain's troubles and pain. The captain fell in love with this girl. He said to himself in a voice and tone that he felt were closest to the feelings of people on Earth: "You will have a chance to meet again, and she will also become your wife." "Uncle, how did you know?" In Chen Yuxing's mind, he recognized the person in the middle-aged uncle's words as Li Xiaoqing. He raised his head and looked at the middle-aged uncle who had become wretched with suspicion. The uncle's expression became solemn. He looked at Chen Yuxing with awe and said, "If you want to do anything in this world, there is nothing you can't do." "Haha, then I'm not a god." "You are the god of this world." The uncle's expression was serious when he spoke, and he was definitely not joking. But Chen Yuxing, who was in a daze, could see the deep meaning in the uncle's expression. Chen Yuxing's mood improved a lot. He smiled and said: "Uncle, you are so funny." During the subsequent browsing, Chen Yuxing followed a travel agency's flag like a zombie. He had no idea where he went or what scenic spots he visited. In this way, I walked around Yufeng Mountain in a daze. In the evening, Chen Yuxing followed a small team of five people back to Yunmuping to wait for the bus back to the ancient city. The travel agency's cars carried their respective teams and left Yunmuping one after another. The rest are tourists traveling in groups of three or two. Night has fallen, but there are still more than 200 people sitting or walking within a 20-meter radius around Chen Yuxing, divided into two levels and surrounding Chen Yuxing in the middle. Chen Yuxing saw many familiar faces among them. At this time, Chen Yuxing's obsessive mental illness had improved. Seeing this attitude, he finally felt that the situation was a little abnormal. Looking at the middle-aged uncle sitting on a stone more than ten meters away, his heart was filled with dissatisfaction. Jumping up, he vaguely sensed danger and felt that these people were paying attention to him. He had transformed into a lamb and was surrounded by a pack of wolves. The sky has completely darkened, and the street lights in the square have been turned on. Several classic cars parked in the square have no intention of leaving yet. The uncle received instructions from the integrated ship Zhinao and immediately welcomed the captain back to the integrated ship. . So he got up from the stone he was sitting on and came to Chen Yuxing's side. "Can we go over there and have a chat?" The uncle pointed to a seat about ten meters away. "What are you talking about?" Chen Yuxing's voice was trembling. He felt scared. He had determined that the target of these people was him. He did not dare and did not want to leave a place with relatively many tourists. "Just chat." It was as if there was an invisible force holding Chen Yuxing to move toward the seat. Chen Yuxing wanted to struggle, but he couldn't move. He just walked forward mechanically with his two legs. He wanted to shout, but he couldn't feel it. By the time his vocal cords trembled, he was already in despair. When he reached the seat, Chen Yuxing's clothes were soaked with sweat, and his body felt chilly. Dozens of hungry wolves moved over quickly, surrounding him and the middle-aged Wolf King. The middle-aged uncle had his legs together, his body erect, his head held high and his chest raised as he raised his hand in salute to Chen Yuxing. "Your Excellency, Captain, the captain of the captain's escort team, Biochemical No. 0001, is reporting to you." The heels of Biochemical No. 0001's shoes touched each other, making a "pop" sound. The dozens of people surrounding the two of them also took off their lazy clothes, put their feet together and made a louder "pop" sound, and stood upright around them. There was another sound of heels clashing in the distance. Nearly two hundred handsome guys and beauties scattered around Chen Yuxing, with their feet together, chests raised and heads raised, looking directly at Chen Yuxing. Chen Yuxing was really stupid this time.
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