Sink the Derbila

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Yuxing became interested immediately. He jumped down from the sofa, with a sly smile on his face, and waved his right hand to John. "John immediately asked Explorer 1 to send a three-dimensional image of the sea area, and the submarine traveled to the target sea area at the fastest speed." Yuxing walked around in the lounge excitedly. "Hey, I'm going to f**k you hard now, let's see if you don't cry to death in the third or fifth life, haha." The smile on Yuxing's face became even more ferocious. The three-dimensional image was displayed in Yuxing's lounge. A huge warship was on the left on the sea, and a government ship with a displacement of more than 300 tons was on the right, leisurely chasing five small fishing boats in front. It feels like a cat playing with a mouse. When Yuxing saw this situation, the fire rushed to the roof of the submarine, and his teeth gnashed. "Sink it, bastard, I'm going to sink it." Yuxing clenched his fists in the lounge, scurrying around like a headless fly. John remained silent, standing there with his chest raised and his belly flat, not daring to move. "John, where is the submarine now, and what is our submarine's speed?" "The boss is 135 nautical miles away from the waters, and the submarine is now at its maximum speed." "John I now authorize you to sink the Del Pilar as soon as the submarine comes within attack range without waiting for my orders." "Boss, the Del Pilar has already entered the attack range of the submarine. Do you want to attack now?" John was speechless looking at the boss who knew everything about submarines. But he still straightened his body and waited for Yuxing's order. Yuxing was slightly embarrassed. He had only seen the submarine's data once and had almost forgotten it. He still remembered the submarine's maximum attack range. He was not a submarine captain, nor did he want to be. He simply didn't think about these data. Just give the order and leave the rest to the professionals. "Fight, fight now, sink it." Yuxing was a little angry, turning his embarrassment into anger. "Yes, boss." John turned and walked into the captain's command room next door and began to issue combat orders. "Prepare the particle cannon, launch energy 10%, target patrol ship Del Pilar. Launch countdown, 10, 9, --- 3, 2, 1 launch." ------------- Liu Zhiyuan is the captain of the fishing boat "Yueyu Z013" of the Nanhai Fishery Company in eastern Guangdong Province. As early as five days ago, he was appointed by the company as the leader of this small fishing fleet and led four other fishing boats to fish in the South China Sea. After two days of fishing in several traditional fish farms, they harvested very little. If this continues, their fishing operation will not make much profit, and they may even lose money. After consultation with the other four captains, he decided to continue sailing southeast, work in the fishing grounds near Huangyan Island for one or two days, and return to the port before the supplies were exhausted. At noon on the 21st, five boats arrived at the fishing ground and began operations. The sea area of Huangyan Island is rich in resources. Like the Nansha Islands, the waters of Huangyan Island are not only an important sea channel and have an important strategic position, but also are rich in aquatic resources. It is rich in tuna, red fish, octopus, ginseng and various shellfish products with high economic value. In particular, there are many types of corals with high economic value. Liu Zhiyuan has been fishing for nearly a day and has already harvested a rich harvest. The fish warehouse is covered with a thick layer of whole marlin and red fish. They plan to fish for another half day before returning home. But at this moment, a official ship from the South Philippines came towards them. Liu Zhiyuan immediately asked the boats to close their nets and evacuate, but the fishing boat's speed of 15 knots could not escape the entanglement of the official ship of the South Philippines and the Philippines. The boat of the South Philippines and the Philippines chased closer and closer, and the high-decibel loudspeaker on the ship also sounded. "Listen to the Chinese fishermen on board, you have entered the waters of South Philippines for illegal fishing, and now you are ordered to stop the boat for inspection and punishment. Please stop the boat immediately." There was a specious and bumpy sound coming from the official ship of South Philippines. Cantonese shouting. Liu Zhiyuan immediately fought back. "Attention South Filipinos on the opposite boat, this is China's waters. Please leave immediately. Huangyan Island has been China's territory since ancient times. You have violated international law and violated China's territorial waters. You are committing a crime. Now please Leave China's waters immediately. "Liu Zhiyuan's cultural level is not high, but the company's training has plans and formats for this scenario. Liu Zhiyuan shouted out all the words he could think of through the loudspeaker on the fishing boat. The power is not high, but it is enough to be heard by the people on board the ship in the South Philippines. Apparently the South Filipinos didn’t think so, and they continued to shout for the fishing boats to stop for inspection. Although this is the first time Liu Zhiyuan has encountered this situation, he has heard many times from fellow villagers and friends who have experienced this that the civil servants of the Coast Guard, Water Police and Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Bureau of the South Philippines have rough and abusive attitudes. Lynching. And this is China's territorial waters. He will not obey the orders of so-called law enforcement officials from other countries, nor will he accept their so-called inspections and penalties. Not to mention risking the possibility of being mistreated by stopping the ship. He asked the crew to urgently call for help from China and inform the country of their location and current situation. Chinese fishery officials are not equipped to carry weapons, while civil servants from the South Philippines are not equipped with light and heavy weapons. Although they are old M16 automatic rifles, M14 semi-automatic rifles and Browning .30 machine guns, they are not something that Chinese fishermen can deal with with their bare hands. Just as the Chinese fishing boat was heading northwest at full speed, a South Philippine-Binned warship came quickly from the left rear of the fleet. It quickly caught up with the South-Philippine official ship at a speed of nearly 30 knots. They probably communicated for a few minutes, and then each followed the fishing fleet at a speed of about 15 knots, always maintaining a distance of about 200 meters and following the fleet leisurely. "The Chinese fishing boats in front of you must stop immediately and accept law enforcement inspections, otherwise you will bear the consequences. Stop the boats immediately and accept inspections, otherwise you will bear the consequences." Then there was a burst of "da, da, da" machine gun fire. On both sides of the fishing boat fleet, There was a spray of bullets entering the water. Liu Zhiyuan's eyes turned blood red when he heard the gunfire. He really didn't expect that the so-called law enforcement officers in the South Philippines would be so crazy. Dare to use force in disputed waters and shoot at unarmed fishermen from other countries. This kind of serious incident is not something that a small country like the South Philippines can afford. If it is more serious, it may even trigger a local war between the two countries. Who gave them the courage? Although Liu Zhiyuan is a fisherman with little education and does not understand international politics, he still knows very well that the United States is supporting them behind the scenes. Without the secret support of the United States, the South Philippines and the Philippines are just an ant under the feet of the elephant in China. A single kick will crush him to pieces. Liu Zhiyuan did not dare to neglect and truthfully reported to the domestic fishery administration department and the Nanhai Fishery Company the fact that the South African country shot at their fleet, and asked for support. The general manager of Nanhai Fishery Company asked Liu Zhiyuan to put the safety of fleet personnel as his first priority and find a way to escape from the pursuit of Philippine warships. Fishing companies will seek assistance from relevant departments to provide them with support. The fishing company immediately requested help and support from the China Marine Surveillance Corps. After the Maritime Surveillance Corps learned the whole story, it ordered the Haijian 73 ship, which was patrolling the South China Sea for law enforcement, to rush to the sea area where the incident occurred. After receiving the request for help from the Maritime Surveillance Corps, the South China Sea Fleet immediately ordered the training brigade, which was only more than 100 nautical miles away from the sea area where the incident occurred. The Da-class 051 destroyer dispatched a Z-9C armed helicopter to the sea area where the incident occurred to support the fishing fleet. The chase and counter-chase had been going on for nearly two hours. At 10:7 a.m., the engine of Liu Zhiyuan’s fishing boat experienced overheating after two hours of full power operation. The same problem also occurred on the other four fishing boats. , Liu Zhiyuan had a premonition that today might be unlucky. If the engine was shut down, they might be illegally detained and mistreated by the Philippines. In the past two hours, Philippine warships and official ships have fired at the fishing fleet more than a dozen times, with some bullets hitting the hull. Liu Zhiyuan did not understand what the purpose of the Philippine warships and official ships was to follow and shoot? Not only Captain Liu Zhiyuan did not understand, but also the soldiers and staff on Philippine warships and official ships did not understand. The order from the top was only to expel the fishing fleet from the dividing line between the two countries unilaterally determined by the Philippines, and was not to detain the crew or ships. The officers on the official ship were disappointed because every time they detained crew members and ships, they could keep part of the so-called fines as rewards, but this time they were destined to be in vain. They teased the Chinese fishing fleet with a cat-and-mouse mentality, and fired guns for fun to scare the Chinese fishermen. This is not because they are daring, but because the Philippine government has given them the power to fire warning shots if they encounter resistance when detaining illegal fishing boats. They have done this approach that is close to provocation many times. Although China has protested every time, there has been no actual action, which has only fueled their arrogance. Liu Zhiyuan stood in front of the rear window of the cab, silently watching the two Philippine ships 200 meters away from the fleet. He couldn't help but regret that he was not prepared for such an unsafe fishing operation in the waters of Huangyan Island. There won’t be another time. There were two lines of tears in his eyes. If he was detained this time, he might not be able to see his wife and son who had just entered elementary school for a few years. At the moment when his tears fell down his cheeks, he saw the patrol ship from the South Philippines jumping out of the water. A ball of fire instantly engulfed the warship. A mushroom cloud rose above the fire, followed by a deafening explosion. He subconsciously covered his ears with both hands and looked at the place where the explosion occurred. Apart from the rising mushroom cloud, there was nothing on the sea. Not only was there no more advanced warship in the Philippines, there was not even a single floating object left on the sea. The only thought running through his mind was that the Philippine warship had been sunk. The sea surface after the explosion seemed quiet to the ears of Liu Zhiyuan and others. Except for the sound of waves hitting the side of the ship, the shouts of the crew members stopped, the gunshots stopped, and the engines of the five fishing boats stopped rotating for unknown reasons, as if they were caught. The loud sound frightened and frightened me. Five fishing boats were rising and falling in waves two to three meters high. They stared blankly at this strange scene, with eyes full of disbelief and confusion. When they tried their best to confirm the authenticity of this incident, they suddenly heard the roar of a helicopter. The sound went from weak to strong, and the helicopter The figures grew from small to large, and they immediately understood what was going on. It was our naval aviation aircraft that saved us, our motherland and our army saved us.
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