Long live the motherland

2181 Words
After receiving the captain's order, Captain Cheng Penghui drove the Z-9C helicopter loaded with live ammunition and flew to the target sea area. This is not the first time that he has participated in such an operation to escort fishermen, and he is very experienced in this regard. But this time he was facing a Philippine warship with certain air defense capabilities, and the Philippine warship had already used force against unarmed fishermen. This was the first time that Cheng Penghui encountered such an obviously provocative armed attack on Chinese citizens. arrive. When he performs this kind of fishing protection task, he is given the power to deal with it randomly, but he has no case to draw from. He can only adapt to the actual situation on the spot. To perform this kind of task, he must not only safeguard the country's Dignity and territorial sovereignty must also avoid escalating the situation. He has been flying this helicopter for five years and has more than 3,000 hours of flying experience. He is confident that relying on the Z-9C’s advanced performance and powerful force, he can expel Philippine warships and official ships out of my country’s territorial waters and protect the fishing fleet’s safe return. The Z-9C is derived from the French AS565 "Dolphin" and has now become the standard helicopter for China's surface fleet. Zhi-9C is a domestic derivative model of AS565. It is a multi-purpose medium-sized helicopter that can perform anti-submarine, maritime air search and rescue and anti-ship missions. During this mission, the Zhi-9C carried two anti-ship missiles and two "Fish"-7 light torpedoes, which have sufficient capabilities to sink or damage Philippine warships. For the South Philippines, which has no armed helicopters or advanced fighter aircraft, the Z-9C is already a transcendent existence. The airborne radar of the KLC-1 X-band multifunctional helicopter showed that seven ships in the target sea area were traveling northwest at a speed of 15 knots. "01, Feiying found the target. A patrol ship with a displacement of 4,500 tons and an armed ship with a displacement of 350 tons were chasing five of our fishing boats. Please ask for instructions." Cheng Penghui reported the scene to the command center. "Flying Eagle, expel other countries' ships and protect the safety of our country's fishing boats. Avoid misfires. If you encounter a dangerous situation, you can deal with it randomly." The command center issued the latest mission order. "Feiying understands, ah, what's going on?" the command center heard Cheng Penghui's exclamation. "Flying Eagle, please reply. What happened?" "01, the Philippine warship exploded and sank. Please confirm whether any other combat units on our side are participating in this operation. I have flown over the target and confirmed that the Philippine warship exploded and sank, and no one escaped." "Flying Eagle, please wait for confirmation." The command center was busy for a while. "Flying Eagle understands." "Flying Eagle, Flying Eagle, we have confirmed that no other combat units are involved in the operation. Please pay close attention to the development of the situation, search for traces of the attacker, and confirm the identity of the attacker." Cheng Penghui turned the radar's power to the maximum, and no suspicious ships or flying objects were found on or under the water within a radius of 100 nautical miles. At this time, the official ship of the South Philippines was already in chaos. These monkey soldiers couldn't even hold their guns, let alone shoot them. Not only have they never seen or even heard of conventional weapons that can blow up a ship with a displacement of 4,500 tons without a trace. This kind of shock cannot be understood by those who have been to the scene in person, especially when the ships of our own companions were destroyed. The monkey soldier captain was stunned for ten seconds, and then he realized that he should run now. He opened his throat and shouted: "Hurry up, hurry up and sail back." But the driver was still in shock and couldn't extricate himself, and his shouts could be heard there. Captain Monkey rushed to the driver and slapped him several times. "Reiner your horse and sail back." The pilot came to his senses and used all his strength to turn the steering wheel and start the stalled engine. His body, which had lost all strength, was shaking greatly. However, the engine still roared weakly for a few times, and then became silent again. "Check the engine immediately and repair it as soon as possible." Captain Monkey was sweating profusely. He had a hunch that today might be their last day. The mechanic got into the engine room and began to inspect the engine. However, the damage to the sealing ring of the diesel engine caused by the trace oscillation waves generated by the particle weapon was not something that a monkey repairman who only knew the surface of the engine could solve. After more than ten minutes, he still could not find any reason. , Captain Monkey was desperate. Captain Monkey grabbed the microphone that had just restored the call and reported to the top: "Chicken's Nest, Chicken's Nest, I am Pheasant. Something big happened. The patrol ship Del Pilar was sunk. No one survived. The attack weapon is unknown. Hua The Chinese army has armed helicopters arriving. Our ship's engine is broken and we are in danger and cannot evacuate. Please support us. Oh my god, there are torpedoes..." -------------------------------------------------------------- --- "01, torpedo was found, direction 21 degrees southwest, speed - ah, how could it be, speed 280 knots, small torpedo, length 1.5 meters. Attack target Philippine official ship. Distances are 10,000 meters, 5,000 meters, 1,000 meters, right in the middle of official business In the middle of the ship's side, the official ship was blown to pieces. There was no sign of life and no one escaped. No suspicious target was found on the radar. " Cheng Penghui's heart tightened. This was the first time he had seen such a real war scene. Nearly 200 people on the two ships were instantly wiped out. Cheng Penghui was specially recruited to join the naval aviation force after graduating from college at the age of 22. In eight years, he participated in dozens of large and small military exercises, and he also participated in several live-fire drills against target ships. But today's cruel scene It still made him shudder. After a moment of panic, he calmed down and began to search for possible threats according to regulations. He is sure that from today on he will become a real soldier. After Yuxing issued the shooting order, he turned his attention to the three-dimensional virtual image in front of him. When he saw that the patrol ship Del Pilar had been bombed with no bones left, he cursed bitterly: " Bastard, let's see how you can pretend to be so." Only then did his anger subside a little. "John, why are there no shipwrecks or other floating objects on the sea?" "Boss, the energy used in the attack is relatively large, so that the target is vaporized at the same time as the explosion." John was a little trembling, afraid that Yuxing would not be satisfied with the result. "The ship is vaporized, how can it still produce an explosion?" Yuxing still knows some physics knowledge. After all, he is also an undergraduate who graduated from science and engineering. Although he still knows nothing about the technology on the integrated ship, But it does not hinder his understanding of earth knowledge. "Boss, this is because the energy has not reached the level of instantly vaporizing the entire ship. If the energy output is increased by 5%, the high temperature generated by the gasification of the hull will vaporize the ammunition before it is transmitted to the ammunition. That is, There will be no ammunition explosion. If the energy output is reduced by 5% and the critical point of vaporizing large metal objects is not reached, the effect will be like the explosion of conventional explosives on Earth, leaving behind ship fragments and a large number of floating objects. If the energy is reduced to 1%, it will only cause the hull to break or explode into several pieces." John introduced the power of the C-class particle cannon to Yuxing in detail and intuitively, with the purpose of popularizing the knowledge of the Sky Alliance to Yuxing. . "There are so many considerations. If John wants to sink this ship, which weapon is better?" Yuxing pointed at the official ship of the South Philippines that rose and fell with the waves in the three-dimensional image. "Boss, what kind of effect do you want?" John learned to ask Yuxing's opinion first. "Just destroy it. Isn't there a helicopter watching? Keep a low profile." Yuxing said arrogantly. "Boss, none of the weapons on the submarine are suitable for use on this small boat. You can temporarily create a small torpedo. The power can destroy this small boat as long as it reaches the energy of 500 kilograms of TNT that reaches the Earth standard." John suggested to Yuxing . "How much time will it take?" Yuxing was not prepared to waste time on this. "Boss, because the processing center on the submarine is not complete and the number of multi-functional robots is small, the manufacturing time will be longer, about three minutes and fifty seconds." John's expression was sad. In nearly four minutes, he could Two shuttles (F117) were produced. "Okay, let's start manufacturing. If the effect is good, we can produce more and use this thing to build small boats in the future." John broke into sweat, his boss was definitely a sadist. "The mission has been assigned." Four minutes later, a virtual three-dimensional torpedo appeared in front of Yuxing. This torpedo is only 1.5 meters long and as thick as a bowl. There are three pairs of wings on the front and rear parts of the torpedo, and two pairs of micro-adjustable jet holes on the tail. This is a cute little dangerous thing. After this period of time, the submarine was less than 50 nautical miles away from the sea area where the incident occurred. In the virtual image of Yuxing's finger, the official ship of the Republic of South Philippines drifted like a dead fish in the waves: "Target, this ship, launch." In the virtual image, four streams of air are ejected from the tail of the little cutie, and it rushes towards the official ship like lightning. Two rows of three-dimensional data appear above the head of the cutie. The first row is the target distance, which gradually decreases from 50 nautical miles, and the second row is The speed gradually increases from 10 knots. When there were still 10 nautical miles away from the target ship, the little cutie jumped from 50 meters of water to the sea surface, and the speed also reached the maximum speed of 280 knots. Five minutes later there was a loud bang and the official ship was destroyed. Liu Zhiyuan never dreamed that today would end like this. The warship with a displacement of 4,500 tons and the official ship with a displacement of more than 300 tons that had just followed them with great force just disappeared. He was in a fog, as if in a dream, and felt extremely unreal. The motherland's economy is developing rapidly, its military strength is steadily increasing, and its voice in the international arena is gradually increasing, but its foreign policy of keeping a low profile has not changed substantially. The motherland has always advocated the peaceful resolution of territorial disputes between countries. It only raised serious protests against foreign armed ships that invaded the motherland's islands and entered the motherland's waters, but did not take any actual countermeasures. However, what Liu Zhiyuan saw and heard today shattered the image of his motherland as gentle and weak. The fearless spirit of punishing those who offend China no matter how far away was vividly demonstrated today. He was grateful for the strength of the motherland and inspired by the strength of the army. For these cheap fishing boats and for the humble lives of these fishermen, his motherland used new torpedoes and missiles worth more than a million dollars. Protecting their lives and property at the risk of war. The motherland deserves to be called the great mother. She protects the Chinese descendants with her strong arms. Liu Zhiyuan burst into tears, and he was extremely emotional. He kept chanting in his heart: "Long live the motherland! Long live the motherland!" His voice started from nothing, from small to loud, until he waved his fists and exerted all his strength. Shouted: "Long live the motherland!". Several crew members on the boat followed their captain and shouted wildly, and the crew members of the other four fishing boats drifting over also shouted in unison: "Long live the motherland! Long live the motherland!". The sound soared into the sky, drowning out the sound of the helicopter propellers hovering above them.

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