Biggest Fleet

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The huge submarine is like an undersea ghost traveling at a high speed of 150 knots on the dark bottom of the Western Pacific. The captain of Chen's submarine No. 01 is a cyborg with a Western appearance. Yuxing gave him a Chinese and Western name - John Chen. The internal activity range of this submarine is not as narrow as Yuxing imagined but is very spacious. This is in great contrast with Yuxing's understanding of submarines on Earth. The interior of the submarine is divided into upper and lower floors. The dedicated lounge where Yuxing is located was specially designed by Niu Niu Tong Shoes for him, the boss. It occupies almost two-thirds of the upper space, is ten meters wide and nearly a hundred meters long, including Bedrooms, dining rooms, bathrooms, swimming pools, gyms, entertainment rooms, etc. are fully equipped and functional. There was no noise from the submarine in Yuxing's lounge, there was no ripple on the steaming coffee liquid, and the submarine ran very smoothly. The remaining space on the upper level of the submarine is the workshop of John Chen and other combat staff. "John, where are you now? What's the situation on the sea?" It has been more than ten hours since Yuxing boarded the submarine. It is now ten o'clock in the morning on the 22nd. He just got up and had breakfast and came to the combat command room. Find the captain in the lounge to learn about the situation. He lay on the sofa in the lounge, placed his legs on the coffee table as usual, and asked John Chen leisurely. A robot placed freshly brewed coffee closest to Yuxing’s arm. Then he retreated silently. "Boss, do you need a three-dimensional image?" John Chen gave a standard military salute to Yu, who was lying lazily on the sofa, and asked Yu Xing in a loud voice. "No, just tell me, what's so interesting about the vast white sea." Yuxing folded his hands behind his head and stretched his stiff muscles. "We entered Chinese waters five hours ago after passing through the Palau Islands and the Sulu Sea. We are now about an hour away from Huangyan Island. There were no abnormalities during the entire voyage. The sea is now calm. The southwesterly wind is level 3, the wave height is 0.7 meters, and there are five fishing boats from the South Philippines fishing at 60 nautical miles in the two o'clock direction, with a displacement of between 100 tons and 120 tons." John told the newly awakened man Yuxing introduced the submarine navigation situation in detail. " "Are they within our waters now?" Yuxing felt uncomfortable with the appearance of foreign fishing boats in China's waters. "Yes, boss, fishing boats from the South Philippines have penetrated more than 100 nautical miles into Chinese waters." "John, let me ask you, is there any way you can injure these small fishing boats without being sunk?" John thought for a few minutes and said: "Boss, it is a bit difficult to only damage without sinking, but it is not impossible. We can let the robot temporarily make several small mines, which is equivalent to the explosion of a grenade on Earth today. The force may damage the fishing boat. But if the steel plate of the fishing boat is too thin, it may still be sunk." "So troublesome? There are no particle weapons or microwave weapons or anything like that. Give it to him for a while." Yuxing suggested to John Chen in a thoughtful manner. "Okay, boss, I will send the robot to complete the task." "Why send robots out? Can't a submarine do that?" "This small particle weapon is an individual soldier's equipment. It has a short effective range and requires a robot to get close to attack." John Chen explained the effectiveness of the individual soldier equipment to his boss seriously. "Forget it, don't worry about him, it's too troublesome." Yuxing's lazy personality was fully displayed at this time. Thanks to Yuxing's laziness, these small fishing boats from the South Philippines escaped. Yu Xing rubbed his palms with his head, bored. "John, check if there are any foreign official ships and warships entering Chinese waters within 500 nautical miles." Yuxing's enthusiasm has waned and he has lost interest in these small fishing boats. Hitting a few of their fishing boats would not have much of a deterrent effect, but would only bring them a bad name. If you want to attack, attack their official ships or warships. This will have the effect of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger. "Boss radar shows that there are seven small boats 139 nautical miles away from the submarine in the northeast of Huangyan Island. The information data fed back by Explorer 1 confirmed that five of them are fishing boats of the Nanhai Fishery Company of East Guangdong Province of China, and two One has a displacement of 180 tons, and the remaining three are small ships with a displacement of 120 tons. The other two ships are the patrol ship "Del Pilar" of the navy of the southern Philippines, and the other is the Philippine fishery administration ship MCS3001. The two ships were driving away five Chinese fishing boats. "John communicated with the deputy captain and reported to Yuxing. The patrol ship Del Pilar is a "quasi-warship" - "Hamilton" class patrol ship built by the New Orleans Shipyard in Louisiana on December 18, 1965 for the United States Coast Guard. A major feature of this class of patrol ships is the powerful power system. Patrol ships of this level are equipped with advanced small and medium-caliber artillery and command systems, and have certain air defense capabilities. In addition, the "Hamilton" class patrol ship has the ability to conduct network communications with the U.S. Department of Defense after modification. It is a "Hamilton" class patrol ship purchased by the South Philippine Navy from the U.S. Coast Guard. The ship will become the South Philippine Navy's The navy has the most advanced warships since its founding. The ship has a maximum speed of 28 knots, can carry 180 crew members and helicopters, and has an endurance of 30 days. It is the most advanced and largest warship owned by the South Philippine Navy since its founding.
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