Blind Date

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The two of them were not polite at all and both ordered Starbucks' most expensive coffee, which made Yuxing roll his eyes at them for a while. The last one to arrive was Cheng Peng. The boy was a few minutes late today, which is not his style. Although Cheng Peng is fickle in his work, he is very honest and has never broken trust with others. For gatherings between friends, he has never been late as long as there is an agreed time. Cheng Peng's lateness today is another abnormal phenomenon that Yuxing has seen. Cheng Peng is Yuxing's best classmate and friend. He graduated from Liaodong University majoring in computer software. During his schooling, he won an award in a national college student computer programming competition. After graduation, he worked in a large state-owned communications company. In 2011, he was accused of rape by a girl because he started to have trouble but eventually gave up. Although he was acquitted due to lack of evidence, his contract was terminated early by the company and he lost his job. Now he works in a small program company and his salary is not high. Work is tiring. During the four years when Yuxing was at his lowest, Cheng Peng gave Yuxing a lot of care and help. Cheng Peng has a cheerful personality and is eager for justice. He has been drinking with Yuxing from dusk to dawn many times, listening to Yuxing talk about his depression and heartbreak. In order to give Yuxing, who was emotionally dedicated, a different feeling, he tried his best to show his affection and chicness in front of Yuxing. As a result, Cheng Peng not only ruined his reputation but also offended and hurt many good girls. He lost his job in a state-owned enterprise. It is inextricably related to Yuxing. Yuxing understands Cheng Peng, he is not an affectionate and irresponsible man. On the contrary, he is a real man who can go out of his way to protect his friends. After Yuxing owned the integrated ship, the first same-s*x friend he thought of was Cheng Peng. Before Cheng Pengren sat down, his voice spread throughout the coffee shop: "Wow, brothers, did you see any cars parked at the door? A black Hummer H2 and a Maserati GT. It's so fierce." Li Dongsheng put his right index finger on his mouth, made an internationally accepted gesture, and then pursed his lips toward the left and right sides of the cafe. Cheng Peng glanced to both sides and found that everyone from customers to waiters were looking at him. He immediately lowered his voice and made a frightened gesture. "Wow, I want one. I want to sleep in the car every day. Give me a latte." Cheng Peng said halfway before turning to the waiter who was looking at him with contempt. "Brother, can you be more steady?" Li Dongsheng patted Cheng Peng on the shoulder and urged him to sit down. "If such a good car was given to you, would you dare to ask for it?" Yuxing smiled and asked Cheng Peng, who was squinting at Zhang Yuqi. "Look at that girl, she is pretty enough. She is nodding to me. What are you talking about? Of course I dare to ask for the car outside. I dare to ask for it. If you dare to give it to me, why don't you dare to ask for it?" "Can you afford it? It costs money to burn oil. It costs a lot more money. It doesn't cost more than hundreds of thousands. If you can't afford hundreds of thousands, what will you do?" Yuxing imagined Cheng Peng with malice. I was so embarrassed at that time that I couldn't help but laugh out loud "haha". "You went out and became stupid. What should I do? Find the person who gave me the car." He said and pushed Yuxing's head. Wei Dong, who was sitting on the card next door, stood up suddenly and was about to come over here. Yu Xing quickly raised his palm and shook it, and Wei Dong sat down again. "The person who gave you the car was unlucky. The car came with a lifetime warranty." Wang Junyu said with a smile. Everyone also laughed. "What kind of cars do you like outside?" Yuxing asked again. "Of course it's a Maserati GT. The cheap one costs millions. It's awesome to drive. It's definitely a great tool for picking up girls. "You are so boring. Apart from picking up girls, can't you be serious?" Wang Yinan and Cheng Peng were used to making jokes. She would hit Cheng Peng, and everyone would just laugh. As expected, everyone burst into laughter. After chatting for a while, the two prospective couples had many topics in common, and the four of them discussed major issues in their future married life. Yuxing and Cheng Peng, two loyal friends, also talked about serious topics solemnly. Cheng Peng asked Yuxing, "Is everything okay after this trip?" Yuxing knew what Cheng Peng meant and nodded: "It's okay. I'm fine now. After more than ten days, I have deep feelings. If we have the opportunity, we will talk together again. How are you doing recently? Do you have anything new? girlfriend?" Cheng Peng sighed: "Hey, it's still like that. There's nothing to say about work. Not only is it tiring, but it doesn't have any technical content. It's just dawdling around. As for a girlfriend, I don't want to find another one for the time being, and I don't want to get married too early. Take a break first and give yourself time to get to know yourself again." "That's fine. Find your own direction." Yuxing has already arranged a general development direction for Cheng Peng in his mind. But that's not the point. What's important is that Cheng Peng can position himself correctly. And do something down-to-earth. "As for you, since you have given up, when will you find a girlfriend and let us appreciate your perspective?" "I'll leave you to ask, I'm going to meet a girl later, and it was my mother Zhang Luo who introduced her, so why don't we meet her?" Yuxing said helplessly and awkwardly. "It's fast enough. I just came back yesterday and a girl came to my door today." Cheng Peng joked, and then his expression became serious. "Do you need me to give you some courage?" Yuxing patted Cheng Peng's shoulder hard, and he felt Cheng Peng's concern. "It's okay if you don't go, because we're meeting in this coffee shop. There are still five minutes left. I'll make a call to see if she's arrived." Yuxing took out his mobile phone and pressed Liu Fei's number, and the phone rang. At the same time, the phone rang in the booth next to Zhang Yuqi. Yuxing followed the sound and saw a girl taking out an Apple 4 from her handbag. Yuxing hung up the phone, and the ringtone of the girl's iPhone 4 also stopped. Yuxing is sure that this girl is Liu Fei. Cheng Peng also saw the girl, nodded and said, "It looks good, you can go over there." Yu Xing pointed to two couples chatting happily, "You tell them." Yuxing stood up and walked towards the girl. Zhang Yuqi was so surprised that her heart trembled when she saw Yuxing walking towards her position. He won't really fulfill his promise to pursue her. What should he do? If he really puts the responsibility of not wanting to see other girls on himself, he is really speechless. Who makes him so beautiful and charming? The kind counselor was flustered and ran out of ideas. She wanted to stand up and greet Yu Xing as he walked over, but she couldn't let go of her arrogance. She could only lower her head and drink coffee, silently saying in her heart: "Don't come over, don't come over." Yuxing walked to the table of the girl who was looking at the caller ID on her mobile phone: "Excuse me, is this Miss Liu Fei?" "Yes." The girl stood up and looked at Yuxing carefully. "I'm Chen Yuxing. Nice to meet you." Yuxing and Liu Fei touched the outstretched hands. The girl's appearance is above average. She wears a light blue pullover on her upper body, black pantyhose and cotton socks on her lower body, and a pair of denim shorts. She looks smart and smart. She is an intellectual beauty. The overall rating is on par with Zhang Yuqi's next door, and definitely worthy of the previous Yuxing. Zhang Yuqi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when she saw that Yuxing's target was a beautiful girl next door. She looked at the coffee that she had drunk to the bottom, and a feeling of anger rose from the bottom of her heart. She stirred the coffee spoon in the empty cup, and the two made a "crackling" sound when they collided. Together with Zhang Yuqi's pouted mouth, she was like a child venting her dissatisfaction with an adult. Not only did Zhang Yuqi not notice this abnormal behavior, but even if she did, she wouldn't know what she was doing? After Yuxing and Liu Fei sat down, they ordered two more cups of coffee. After a minute of relative silence, Yuxing was the first to break the silence. "I don't know how to start our communication, but I think it's better to start with the truth. In fact, I am disgusted with this way of meeting through introduction. But since everyone's social contact is different, providing them with the opportunity to contact the opposite s*x Unequal opportunities make it difficult and helpless for people with narrow interpersonal circles to choose lovers. Although our way of meeting and getting acquainted, although the success rate is not high, it can be regarded as making up for this shortcoming. " Yuxing took a sip of coffee and looked at Liu Fei, who had no change in mood and was listening to him attentively. "So although I resented my parents for arranging for me to meet girls like this, I still happily accepted it. This does not mean that I am not good and no one cares about me, but it means that I respect my parents, and at the same time I am responsible for myself and my future life. responsibility." Liu Fei was thoughtful. But he didn't interrupt and just listened quietly with his coffee cup in hand. "I am an average person in all aspects. I only have the status of a civil servant, but my income is extremely low. To be honest, I am not as good as a street vendor. My family's economic situation is also not satisfactory. I am not as good as the top, and I am not as good as the bottom. More than enough. A family of three still lives in an old building only about 60 meters tall. You have to rely on two legs or take the bus to go to work." Of course, the U.S. dollars in Chen Weidong's account and the three villas Chen Han had just purchased were not included in Yuxing's calculations. Liu Fei put the cup on the table and stirred the coffee slowly with a spoon. Seeing that Yuxing stopped talking, he said apologetically: "As you said, after I graduated from college, I worked in a small printing shop run by my parents. My social circle was very small. In this small circle, I had to find someone who was completely suitable for me. It’s hard to ask for friends. Like you, I came here to meet you at the request of my parents. In fact, they don’t know that I already have a boyfriend, and I dare not tell them. This is because my boyfriend is from out of town. The migrant workers who come to Feng only have a high school education." She took a sip of coffee and looked at Yuxing with eyes begging for forgiveness. Yuxing smiled at her and encouraged her, and her facial expression relaxed. Liu Fei continued: "He is a purchaser for a company and has a lot of business dealings with my company. As our contacts increased, we fell in love. He cared about me and obeyed me. But I didn't dare to tell my Parents, because they will never accept him. I don’t know if you understand what I said.” Yu Xing was happy. When he saw the girl being polite and quiet, he couldn't bear to refuse her, but now he was no longer worried. "We are really related to the same disease. I also have someone I love, so I understand your feelings very well. We are all filial children. I couldn't bear to break my parents' hearts, so I followed their arrangements and came here to meet. . Since we met today, we are good friends. Let me make a suggestion. I wonder if you will agree with it. Please forgive me if it offends me. This suggestion is to avoid being forced by parents to go on a blind date from happening again. Can we be each other’s friends? Where is the shield?" Yuxing said. "Okay, let's just tell our parents that we are dating." Liu Fei immediately became happy, and her always serious face began to shine with dazzling brilliance. Zhang Yuqi, who had been listening to the two people talking next door, had a touch of red on her beautiful face. She had nothing to worry about waiting for her blind date partner Li Yubo, who was obviously late. Carrying her exquisite little satchel, she walked out of the cafe. When she went out, she couldn't help but look back at Yuxing, who had his back to the door. I thought to myself: "If we are destined, we will meet again." "I still have a few friends over there who will go upstairs to sing a karaoke later. Are you going?" Yuxing pointed in the direction of Cheng Peng and the others. Cheng Peng and others were paying attention to the two of them. When they saw Yu Xing looking over, they waved to them together. Liu Fei also waved as a greeting. "It's not good, I'm not familiar with them." "It's okay. Look, they all have their girlfriends." "Okay." Liu Fei thought clearly that if she went home too early, her parents would think that the blind date had failed again.
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