Best homie

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Finally after get off work, Yuxing's home and the Starbucks coffee shop where he was going to go on a date today were in two directions, one in the east and the other in the south. So Yuxing didn't plan to go home for dinner, so he simply had a bowl of fried noodles in the office canteen. At half past five he took a taxi and went to the coffee shop for an appointment. Wei Dong also took a car and followed Yu Xing. At noon, Weidong suggested that his boss transfer a car from the integrated ship for use tonight. Yuxing thought about it for a while, and then asked Weidong to inform "Niu Niu" to put all the imitation cars in the villa purchased by Chen Han and not use them today. Weidong had no choice but to convey the boss's order to "Niu Niu". Hanking Department Store 0101 Fashion Store is located on the most prosperous Zhongjie Pedestrian Street in Fengjing City. The Starbucks coffee shop is on the first floor of Hanking Department Store. The huge floor-to-ceiling glass windows face the busy street. At this time on weekdays, the coffee shop would be filled with pairs of bourgeois young men and women. Today, for some unknown reason, there were only a few people in the Noda coffee shop. Yuxing walked into the coffee shop and looked around. Among the few people, he didn't see Cheng Peng and the others, so he found a booth for six people and sat down, ordered a cup of espresso, and sat down boredly. Taste it. Yuxing felt bored after sitting there for less than five minutes. He often made a cup of instant coffee at home and drank it all in a few sips. Therefore, although he had been drinking coffee for several years, he had not developed a bourgeois sentiment. Like today, he was sitting alone in a coffee shop, sipping coffee slowly. He could persist for five minutes, which was already a very good performance. He raised his wrist and glanced at the watch specially made for him by the comprehensive ship. It read 5:50. Yu Xing felt a chill in his heart, "Hey, when did these guys learn to keep their appointments on time?" This wasn't the first time Yuxing went to a coffee shop to drink coffee, and it wasn't the first time he went to this coffee shop. But never once did he do it to enjoy petty bourgeoisie feelings. Why are you here? Do you even need to ask? Blind date! Just like this time his mother introduced him to the girl Liu Fei, he came here to talk about life and ideals. In the past four years, his mother had introduced him to several girls through relatives and friends. Some of them were very bourgeoisie, and they all set their blind dates in this coffee shop. Yuxing was puzzled, why are these girls willing to put the blind date location here? It seems that this is not a feng shui treasured place for blind dates and dating. Yuxing's own practice can prove this. None of the girls he meets here can shake hands with Yuxing Yanyi for the second time, and Yuxing refuses to meet the girl for the second time, without exception. Yuxing believes that the girls who have been here will never place their blind dates here again. After more than four years of experience in civil servant life, Yuxing's judgment ability has gradually improved, but this time his judgment made mistakes again. Before he traveled to Lijiang, the 25-year-old female college counselor with whom he had just gone on a blind date appeared in his sight again. Yuxing couldn't help but laugh at himself. When he was right, he seemed to be the exception. Yuxing clearly remembers that her name is Zhang Yuqi and she teaches at a university in Fengjing. She has a fierce personality, hates evil, and has a chivalrous demeanor. She is also very beautiful. She is definitely a beautiful girl with a high rate of turning heads. People who have never dated her would not think that such a beautiful girl would not have a boyfriend, but if you communicate with her for a moment, you will definitely have the urge to kill her. Of course, pursuing a woman’s appearance alone is not good for a girl. This is not the case for men who have no requirements for character. Yuxing still clearly remembers that during the half-hour blind date with her, Yuxing could not say more than ten sentences, and she did the rest. Zhang Yuqi's strength made Yuxing, who had been bullied by his mother, feel like running away. The impulse to get far. For example, she will start criticizing you from the way you are sitting, and evaluate you from head to toe, leaving you naked and disgraced. Then she began to gloat about how she transformed a sloppy boy into a perfect man in half a year. Of course the boy-turned-man was her student. It wasn't until Yuxing stood up and said goodbye to her that she suddenly realized how to say sorry. Yuxing remembered more clearly that when they met, the first thing Zhang Yuqi said to him was, "Hello, classmate, can you tell me your name?" Yuxing is concerned about the affair between Xian and Zhang Yuqi. Seeing Zhang Yuqi standing in front of him, Yuxing quickly stood up. He didn't want Zhang Yuqi to nag him for being rude. "Hello, classmate, can you tell me your name?" Zhang Yuqi's delicate voice came over. Yuxing had guessed before, but now he was sure that the student who turned from a bad boy into a good man must have been influenced by Zhang Yuqi's delicate voice. Because even if he hears this sweet and sweet voice again, his heart will still contract faster involuntarily. Yuxing stretched out his hand: "Hello Zhang Yuqi, I am Chen Yuxing. It's nice to see you again." Zhang Yuqi, with a confused face, stretched out her hand to touch Yuxing and said, "Aren't you Li Yubo?" Yuxing made a gesture of asking to sit down and said: "My name is Chen Yuxing, we met here once. You are very beautiful today, why do you have time to come here to drink coffee." Zhang Yuqi covered her "O"-shaped mouth, her eyes widened: "Oh, no wonder, no wonder, I said it is so familiar. Come to think of it, you are that little civil servant. What are you doing here? You don't know how. I’m here to drink coffee alone.” Yuxing nodded: "It's the same as the last time I met you, come on a blind date." She wrinkled her small nose and said to Yuxing: "It's true, don't you think it's annoying? Our parents think we can't find a partner. We will introduce one today and another tomorrow. What are they worried about? Do you believe that a beautiful girl like me can’t find a husband?” "I do not believe." "That's right. People like you who have ID cards don't believe it. What's more, those who just have green cards." Zhang Yuqi's behavior today and that time they were on a blind date were completely different, and their personalities and expressions were also completely different. Yuxing was stunned. Isn't this too dramatic? Yuxing stammered: "Are you sure you're not a twin? You don't have a nagging little sister?" "I'm scaring you. I have no choice but to scare away the boy I'm dating. Then I tell my mother how hard it is for boys to look down on me. I'll have to pretend to be crazy and stupid for a while. Don't expose me. Today I met you unexpectedly, and you are not my blind date, so I can't pretend to you. Please." "I'm the only one to go and play with someone like this. It must be really fun." "It's okay, Brother Chen. I also have something to hide. Forget it, there's no need to tell you. I don't need you to pity me. I apologize to you for what happened last time. I'm sorry. Please forgive me, brother." "No, no, your method is great. Why didn't I think of it? It seems that I want to learn from you. How about accepting me as a student?" "Come on, I already have a lot of students, and I don't have an honest master. If I have more non-staff students like you, it will kill me." "Yu Qi, if we were chatting like this that day, I would chase you half a street. I won't stop until I get the chance." "We don't do this. You kiss yours, and I kiss mine. We don't mess with each other. OK." "I regret it. I decided to chase you from today on. What do you think?" "Don't scare me. I have a partner. He is in the United States. I wonder if he can come back?" At this point, Zhang Yuqi's expression dimmed and she was depressed. Yuxing suddenly thought of Li Xiaoqing, and his expression dimmed along with Zhang Yuqi's. "You're quite sentimental. Okay, you don't have to be sad for me. I'm your stranger. It's a waste of feelings." Zhang Yuqi's mood changed very quickly, and she immediately teased Yuxing with a "heehee" smile. "I remembered some past events." "I just discovered today that you are very interesting and confident. Three years ago, you would have been a good choice. If I don't talk to you anymore, the girl you are dating will be jealous when she comes." "Do you think I'm still in the mood for another blind date?" Yuxing also began to tease this ever-changing girl. "I'm sorry, I have to leave. Don't put the blame on me." Zhang Yuqi stood up in a panic, ran to the farthest seat from Yuxing and sat down. From time to time, he secretly glanced at Yuxing, who was absentmindedly sipping coffee. Cheng Peng invited a total of three friends today. This also includes Yuxing himself. The first one to arrive was Li Dongsheng. He worked as a clerk in a bank. He sat at the door window every day to handle business. Sometimes he sat there for several hours. Even the supervisor had to ask for leave from the manager on duty. Although the work is very hard, the salary is more than twice that of Yuxing. He is about the same height as Yu Xing, also 1.75 meters tall. This kid is so skinny that he weighs no more than 110 pounds including bones and flesh. Today he brought a girl who was thicker than him. She had pretty good facial features. Her two bulging balls were not much smaller than Li Dongsheng's head. She trembled up and down when she walked, which could easily arouse men's desire to commit crimes. Yuxing guessed , Li Dongsheng is far more likely to be attracted to these two meat balls than others. "Yuxing, my girlfriend Zhou Lan, we work in the same company." Yuxing stretched out his hand to shake Zhou Lan's hand, and joked: "It seems that Miss Zhou has been abusing my brother." "What are you talking about? Zhou Lan has a small face, don't mess with her." Li Dongsheng punched Yuxing on the shoulder. "Chen Yuxing, my good brother. Civil servant of the Provincial Party Committee." Li Dongsheng introduced Yuxing to Zhou Lan again. "You are much stronger than Dong Sheng. I heard from Dong Sheng that you forced him to drink many times and almost made him vomit blood. It seems that I am not the only one who abused him. If there is a chance, let's practice." Yuxing looked at the tough Zhou Lan, his eyes went straight and he almost choked. "Dong Sheng, this guy in your family has a small face? Oh my god, the world has changed." "Don't be poor. This is my first time in this place. If you know what you're doing, please order me a cup of delicious coffee." Yuxing was speechless and ordered two cups of coffee for the two of them. He never dared to provoke Zhou Lan again. He was sure that this was not someone who was easy to mess with, and there would be no advantage in messing with her. Yuxing and Li Dongsheng chatted casually. The content is nothing more than the current situation of the two people. The next person to arrive was Wang Junyu. Not surprisingly, he brought his girlfriend Wang Yinan with him. Yuxing and Wang Yinan were also relatively familiar with each other. The two had been living together for a year and had secretly married several times, but they were all because of The conditions for marriage are lacking, and the little life that has taken shape is strangled in lust. The two were classmates in college, and Wang Yinan was from the same province. Because Wang Junyu's family living conditions were limited and his parents couldn't stand the idea of two people living together without marriage, he rented a small single room outside and lived a serious family life. This made Yuxing and Cheng Peng envious. Wang Yinan was extremely strict with Wang Junyu, so Wang Junyu would take Wang Yinan with him every time he got together. But this Wang Yinan was not annoying. When outsiders were present, she gave Wang Junyu enough face. She was also a hero in drinking, so the brothers did not treat Wang Yinan as an outsider, but became close friends.
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