2181 Words
Popcorn KTV is located on the fifth floor. It is a relatively high-end entertainment venue in Fengjing. The things here are very expensive. In the past, it was impossible for Yuxing and others to go to a karaoke bar of this level to spend money. The reason is nothing more than a lack of money. Another point is that these two brothers are close buddies. There is no need to show off and there is nothing wrong with them. The seven people came to the fifth floor and asked for the medium-sized private room 516. Yuxing went to the self-service supermarket and ordered a bunch of snacks and two boxes of beer. Then he happily returned to the private room. Although Yuxing had already told Wei Dong to wait downstairs, Yuxing felt that he could see Wei Dong's figure no matter where he went. The three girls sang well, one was like a cuckoo crowing blood, one was like a lark singing like a phoenix, and the other was like an oriole chanting. The four brothers were so mesmerized that they could not help but sigh. At the beginning, Liu Fei was not very familiar with the two girls, so she seemed very reserved and couldn't let go of her singing voice. But half an hour later, each of the three women drank at least one bottle of beer, and their nerves began to get excited. Liu Fei and the six people present became less strange and more casual, becoming cheerful, lively, and unrestrained, and the atmosphere It seems more enthusiastic and harmonious. Liu Fei, Zhou Lan and Wang Yinan have become good friends and besties. The four brothers didn't compete with the girls for mics. Instead, they got together, drank and chatted at the top of their lungs, and occasionally sang a chorus with their girlfriends. The two girls asked Liu Fei and Yu Xing to sing a song "Kiss Goodbye". Liu Fei invited Yu Xing generously, but Yu Xing coyly gave the opportunity to Cheng Peng and winked at Cheng Peng, looking more impressive. How wretched is wretched. More than an hour passed in a flash, and the seven people were at the climax of their fun. As it happened, just when the music was idle, there was a noise outside the private room, followed by the sound of fists and kicks. The incident probably happened right outside the private room door, so everyone heard it clearly. Cheng Peng had a restless character and loved to watch the excitement. He waved to everyone and turned off the music that was playing again. He then opened the private room door a crack and looked outside. "Brothers, there's a fight going on outside, five of us fighting one." Cheng Peng greeted Yu Xing and the others excitedly, and the other three wretched men immediately came to the door as if on stimulants and looked out through the crack in the door. The three eighth wives, Liu Fei, Zhou Lan and Wang Yinan, also came behind the four wretched men. Zhou Lan and Wang Yinan lay on the backs of their respective husbands and looked out. They saw five young hooligans wearing short-sleeved black cotton shirts with tattoos on their arms and fierce expressions, beating a young man who was lying on the ground with his head in his hands and his body curled up. The five gangsters kicked the young man one after another, but they deliberately avoided the vital parts of the body. Five black suits were thrown on the ground. The gangsters probably took off the suits and threw them there because they thought they were in the way. Yuxing knew in his heart that these five gangsters wanted to show off the tattoos on their arms and scare people who wanted to meddle. These tattoos It's their tool for pretending to be powerful. Although this trick has been used badly by hooligans and ruffians, the effect has always been remarkable and very effective. There were many people standing far away in the corridor. Although some people were pointing, no one stepped forward to stop him. Wei Dong was closest to the five hooligans because he was standing outside the door of Yuxing's private room, but he turned a blind eye and turned a deaf ear to the fight, which involved a large number of people beating a small number of people. "Brother Hu, please spare me. I will ask my girlfriend to collect the money when I get back. I will pay you back in three days." The young man lying on the ground saw that the five people stopped punching and kicking, so he sat up with difficulty and said to a tall young man with a Japanese-style black beard and a large black mole next to his nose. Brother Hu gave him a kick on the butt, "You are so stupid, didn't you say that your girlfriend can't get money from cheating anymore? If you don't have money, what the hell are you doing if you don't have money? Why are you here looking for a karaoke girl? You Do you believe it? Well, do you believe it or not? Don’t you just want to waste time and run away? Brother Hu, I have seen this kind of thing too many times." Zhou Lan felt that her arm was being grabbed tightly by Liu Fei beside her, and the grasp was getting tighter and tighter. Zhou Lan felt something strange, and when she looked sideways, she was startled. Shouting: "What's wrong with you?" Liu Fei covered her mouth with her left hand, with tears in her eyes. She grabbed Zhou Lan's arm with her right hand and sat down on the ground. Yuxing turned around and saw Liu Fei sitting on the ground with her hands covering her mouth and her shoulders shaking violently. "Let me go, what's going on?" Yuxing knelt down, picked up Liu Fei and placed her on the sofa. The other five people also followed and gathered around. "Which of you saw it, what happened? Everyone shook their heads together. No one knows what just happened. "Liu Fei, what's wrong with you?" Wang Yinan sat next to Liu Fei, put his arm around her shoulders, and asked Liu Fei anxiously. Liu Fei covered her mouth and tried desperately to stop crying, but tears came flooding back. She shook her head vigorously, choked with sobs and unable to speak. Her heartbroken and painful look made the six people in the room suffer. The four boys clenched their fists and had nowhere to use their strength, and they had nowhere to vent their anger. "Brother Hu, don't be like this, don't be like this, I'm going to call now and ask my girlfriend to wire the money, just call now, don't call, I'm going to call now." The voice of the beaten young man came again from the crack in the private room's open door. Less than five minutes after the sounds outside stopped, the phone in Liu Fei's COCO bag rang. She seemed to have anticipated the call, and did not react at all to the ringing sound of the phone. She just lowered her head and cried silently. Yuxing looked outside the door and seemed to realize something. He asked Liu Fei, "Is it him?". Liu Fei still covered her mouth and shook her head. Crying silently, just not speaking. Yu Xing was so angry that he had the tendency to go berserk. "Zhou Lan, help me take out her phone." There should be a lot of private things in a girl's bag. It was difficult for Yuxing to go through a girl's bag, so he had to find a girl to do it for him. Zhou Lan went to get Liu Fei's COCO bag, but Liu Fei hugged the bag and refused to let go. Zhou Lan couldn't use force, so she looked at Yu Xing helplessly, saying that she was powerless. Yuxing squatted in front of Liu Fei, patted her hand tightly holding the COCO bag, and said gently: "Some things need to be faced bravely. You should be an independent and strong girl, not afraid of anything." Frustration. I trust you." Liu Fei's tense muscles relaxed. Yuxing opened his handbag and took out his mobile phone. At this time, it was no longer suitable to give it to others. The ringtone of the cell phone is still ringing tenaciously, as if it will never give up until it achieves its goal. Yuxing glanced at the name displayed on the screen, pressed the speakerphone, and blocked the microphone with his thumb. "Feifei, where are you now? I have an emergency here. I need 50,000 yuan. Can you lend me money first? I will find a way to pay you back as soon as possible. Did you hear this, Feifei? One of my fellow villagers is sick and needs Emergency surgery. You put the money on my card. You know the card number. Hey Feifei, Feifei, are you listening? I need it urgently. Pay me 50,000 yuan immediately and put it on my card, okay? Hey, hey - --". Liu Fei's shoulders shrugged even more. Wang Yinan was overflowing with sympathy and her eyes were red. She hugged Liu Fei and hugged her tightly. Zhou Lan's tears had already fallen. "Son of a bitch." "No, you scum." "I almost want to beat him up again." Yuxing gently held Liu Fei's hand and said, "Let go of what you have to let go. Such a person is not worth your sadness for him." After that, he stood up and walked out the door with the phone still shouting "Hey, hey". Liu Fei let go of her hand covering her mouth and hugged Yuxing's legs with both hands. "No, no." Yuxing rubbed Liu Fei's head with his hand and said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine. Be good, it's okay." Liu Fei let go of her hands holding Yu Xing as if possessed. Cheng Peng and the other five looked at all this with their mouths open, feeling incredible that Yuxing had such great magic power. Liu Fei was even more confused and didn't know what to say. Yuxing walked out of the private room and saw that the young man who had been beaten had stood up and was still shouting into the phone. Five gangsters gathered around him. Monitor his calls. "Hey, Feifei, are you here? Let's talk." The five gangsters put on black suits, which looked more fierce than the tattoos on their arms. They heard the voice of the beaten young man coming from the phone in Yuxing's hand, and they all looked at Yuxing in surprise, wondering what was going on. "Why is Feifei's cell phone in your hand?" The young man who was beaten noticed something strange about the people around him, and at the same time he heard his own voice coming from the cell phone Yuxing was holding. He asked, staring at Yuxing with vigilant eyes. "May I have your name?" Yuxing turned off his phone and asked the young man. Wei Dong changed his attitude of not having anything to do with it and stood next to Yu Xing majestically. "Who are you? What is your relationship with Feifei?" As soon as the young man finished speaking, he saw six people, including Liu Fei and Cheng Peng, walking out of the private room. "Feifei, who is he?" Liu Fei, who had stopped crying, ignored him and said to Yu Xing, "You don't have to worry about this." Yuxing waved his hand to Liu Fei, but did not listen to Liu Fei's words. Instead, he faced the young man again and asked. "Your name is Li Fusheng, right?" That was the name Yuxing saw on the caller ID. Yuxing faced Brother Hu again, "Brother Hu, right?" Brother Hu nodded reluctantly. He was restrained by Yuxing's momentum and the tall Wei Dong. Cheng Peng and other three men came out of the private room, but he ignored them. "Why does Li Fusheng owe you money, and how much does he owe you?" "He often goes to our place to play cards and borrowed 30,000 yuan from our company. It's been half a year now. Plus interest, he still owes our company 50,000 yuan," Brother Hu said. "I've already paid back 30,000 yuan, how can I still owe 50,000 yuan?" Li Fusheng privately believed that Yuxing, a strong person, should be his savior since he was Feifei's friend, so he boldly replied to Brother Hu. "Mala Gobi, why are you talking to Brother Tiger?" A little scoundrel next to Brother Hu raised his palm and hit Li Fusheng in the face. Wei Dong flashed to Li Fusheng's side, grabbed the little man's hand with his left hand, and instantly pinched the little man's neck with his right hand, lifted him a foot off the ground, and pressed him against the wall of the corridor. "Crack" the sound of the little man's right wrist breaking also came over.
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