Endless coincidences

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Manager Li put down the magnifying glass and said to the three of them: "You three, there are people coming and going here. This is not a place for talking. Please go to the VIP room and sit down for a while. Our company's appraisal experts will be here soon. What do you three think?" How could Minister Zhao and the other two not agree? The three of them sat in the VIP room for less than ten minutes when an elderly man in his late seventies walked into the VIP room. The manager introduced the three people: "This is Mr. Lu Yiren, our company's consultant and a special appraiser of jewelry and jade. He is a former professor at the Huaguo University of Geosciences. He has many years of experience in jade appraisal and is a hardcore jade collector." "I've admired it for a long time, I've admired it for a long time. Professor Lu is a master in this field. Please take care of this small object." Minister Zhao held his hand in a gesture of courtesy, showing his elegant demeanor. "Mr. Zhao, you are very polite. I have some experience with jade, so I hope you will live up to your expectations. Please." Minister Zhao took the handkerchief from his daughter's hand, opened it, and placed it flatly on the table. As expected by Manager Li, Professor Lu was still shocked by this top-quality jade pendant. He stayed for a moment before coming back to his senses. Put on your white gloves, take out a magnifying glass and carefully observe the jade pendant. "Okay, okay. It's so beautiful. Laokeng glass species, long water head, full of imperial green." The old man nodded while looking at it. "The carving skills are exquisite. There is no other masterpiece by a famous artist. This dragon is lifelike. The scales on its body are even in size and have the same depth. It is a unique skill." Could it not be a stunt? Products of alien technology. Professor Lu measured the pendant with a caliper. "It's just a little smaller, 15 mm by 10 mm." Professor Lu said with a little regret. This pendant is a bit small, but no wonder Yu Xing, how could he know this? He thinks smaller pendants are more exquisite. "Mr. Zhao, to be honest with you, this is a good thing. You quote a price, and I will accept it no matter how much it is. What do you think?" Professor Lu was selfish and deceived Minister Zhao and the other three because they didn't know how to do it. Professor Lu looked back at the dissatisfied and angry Manager Li and said, "Don't worry, Manager Li, I won't pay you any less of the handling fee." Manager Li calmed down a little. In so many years, this is the first time that Professor Lu has stopped halfway, which shows the old man's love for this work. Minister Zhao was thinking about how to bid, but Minister Zhao's daughter was the first to react. Now is definitely not the time to bid for this jadeite. She said to Professor Lu and Manager Li: "We came to the auction company to entrust your company to auction it on our behalf." , private transactions are unnecessary. You give us an auction reserve price and expected transaction price, and we will decide whether to auction it after weighing it." Minister Zhao and his son-in-law nodded in agreement with this statement. Professor Lu looked disappointed. But the eyes looking at Minister Zhao's daughter were full of appreciation and admiration. "The imperial green jade from Laokeng glass has not appeared on the market for many years, and this kind of full green jade with pure green color can be called the best of jade. There are only a small number of them in the world, so I think its auction reserve price should not be less than 2 million, and the transaction price should be between 2.6 million and 3 million. If you meet someone who likes it, it may reach 5 million. Professor Lu kept talking without paying any attention to the three people who were already dumbfounded. After the three of them heard Professor Lu's words and quotation, they no longer had the intention to sit here anymore. They were in a hurry to go home and discuss countermeasures. Minister Zhao was still trying to save face, so he excused himself, saying that he would go home and study whether the price was appropriate. After thinking carefully, he would give an answer to the auction company. Manager Li tried his best to persuade the three people to stay and promised to actively promote the lot and strive to get a price that satisfies the three people. But Minister Zhao had already decided to leave, so Manager Li had no choice but to leave Minister Zhao’s phone number. see you tomorrow. Minister Zhao and the other two hurriedly left the auction company and returned home. The daughter has great doubts in her heart. How can an ordinary civil servant whose family is not wealthy give such an expensive gift? This will make the recipient feel uncertain and do not know that the gift giver has to exchange this expensive item for the gift. What? "Dad, why did he give you such an expensive thing?" the daughter asked. "How do I know? He said it was a wedding gift for you and that it could be auctioned. Does he really not know the value of this jade or is he doing it on purpose?" Minister Zhao's tone lowered and he finally muttered to himself. Old Man Zhao has really become an old man, and his frown makes the wrinkles on his forehead more obvious. "I'm going to ask him how much he paid for it later. It was really confusing just now. Professor Lu wanted to buy it, and I almost gave him an offer of 100,000." Minister Zhao broke out in a cold sweat when he thought of what just happened. He also has lingering fears about his performance. "The same goes for me. Although I knew this thing was valuable, I didn't expect it to be so expensive." The son-in-law echoed his father-in-law. "Dad, go and ask. We will study it when you come back after asking." Although Old Man Zhao didn't sleep well at noon, he was more energetic than usual and didn't feel sleepy at all. When he hurried to the office, Yuxing was crossing his legs, holding up the phone and chatting with his friends. Old man Zhao sat down silently, lit a cigarette, and turned on his computer to browse the news. However, although his eyes were fixed on the computer screen, he did not read a word. "Chengzi, don't you know how to speak human language? That's why you will be destroyed by humanity. I have told you several times that my mobile phone is out of battery and I don't have time to charge it." Yuxing nodded to Minister Zhao and put his phone on the table. The upper legs were lowered. "Okay, isn't it just a karaoke song? I'll invite you to find a place tonight and call a few brothers. What? You are so kind, so you don't have to worry about it. You can find the best place for me. Well, that's it. , call me to book a place. Yuxing put down the phone and looked at Old Zhao, who was staring at the computer screen with a dull expression and seemed to be worried, "Minister, what's the matter?" Minister Zhao composed himself and appeared normal. "Yuxing, isn't that pendant of yours too expensive?" Yuxing grinned and said: "Minister, don't care too much about the value. I have received so much care from you in the past four years, and I have always wanted to find an opportunity to repay you. It happened that a friend from Yunnan gave me this pendant. I also borrowed flowers to offer to Buddha, a little bit. To show your love. This thing is dangerous for ordinary people to wear. You might as well auction it off and buy a house and a car for your daughter." Yuxing didn't want his kindness and good intentions to be regarded as a fool and ignorance. He was not a big head. Since the beneficiary asked about it, he couldn't pretend to be stupid. He would still say what he should say. Old man Zhao finally let go of his worries and worries. After confirming that this baby belonged to him, he felt much better. He said a lot of thanks, but he didn't tell Yuxing the exact value. Mr. Zhao, who is almost sixty years old, did not expect that such a large amount of wealth would fall from the sky and hit him on the head when he was about to retire. He understood that this was Yuxing's intention and knew that Yuxing understood the value of this pendant. It's just that he couldn't understand how Yu Xing's family was not very wealthy, so how could he not take this huge wealth seriously. Mr. Zhao stopped reading the news and didn't go to class in the afternoon. He went home excitedly to discuss the next step with his daughter. Before getting off work, Yuxing received a call from his mother, informing him that he had received a reply about meeting the girl last night, and the girl had agreed to meet today. The meeting place was arranged at the Starbucks coffee shop on the first floor of Hanking Department Store 0101 Fashion Hall, and the time was 6.30. The girl’s name is Liu Fei, and her phone number is 136*******. Yuxing secretly screamed, "Bitter." Just now, Cheng Peng called and told him that the evening activities had been arranged. They would meet at the Starbucks cafe of Hanking Department Store at 6 o'clock, have a cup of coffee and chat, and then go upstairs to sing karaoke. Coincidence, definitely a coincidence. Yuxing discovered that since his trip to Lijiang, various coincidences had happened one after another. He didn't know whether he was lucky or not. There will be a lot of ridicule from classmates and friends tonight. I hope this portrait of Liu Fei is not bad and will not affect the appearance of the city too much, otherwise it will stink.
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