The Plan

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After Yuxing had a heart-to-heart exchange with Minister Zhao, he gained a deeper understanding of the current situation of the agency. He has two strong competitors. Not only are they closer to the leader than Yuxing, but they have also served at the department level for a longer period of time. More than Yuxing has met the most basic conditions for promotion. If Yuxing wants to take a further step in his official career, he still has a lot of work to do. But Yuxing also has advantages that the other two cannot match, and the existence of the alien comprehensive ship is Yuxing's biggest reliance. Yuxing is determined to win this promotion. Only with this deputy director level can he find an opportunity to work as an administrative deputy in a district or county, where he will truly enter the political arena. Being in a party organization, it is difficult to achieve impressive and outstanding achievements. How to find an entry point? This is where Yuxing is troubled. Making special promotions is not a simple proposition. Without a strong background and background, it is almost impossible to solve. Yuxing wants to achieve his goal but does not want to use abnormal means. So where is the way out? The kind and upright Yu Xing invisibly set up a fence for himself, restricting his hands and feet from using his powerful abilities, creating difficulties and increasing obstacles for him to successfully achieve his goals. After lunch at noon, Mr. Zhao went home for a lunch break. Yuxing, who was so bored with chatting, read news on the Internet. While Du Niang was searching for hot topics, Yuxing discovered an important piece of news that he had ignored. . Five days ago, when a Chinese fishing boat was operating normally near Huangyan Island, it was detained by the Philippine warship "Del Pilar" on the grounds of "illegal fishing" and the Chinese fishing boat was arrested on this ground. three fishermen on board. The South Philippine government announced that it would conduct a public trial on the illegal fishing case by Chinese fishermen. Legal experts predict that if convicted of this crime, the three fishermen may be sentenced to more than 20 years in prison. The Chinese government has made serious representations to the Philippines on this matter, saying that Huangyan Island has been China's inherent territory since ancient times and that Chinese fishing boats are operating normally within my country's exclusive economic zone. The Philippines is required to ensure the safety and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese fishermen and handle the matter fairly and properly as soon as possible. Huangyan Island is 550 nautical miles away from Qiongdao. When taking a boat through the waters of Huangyan Island, from a distance, it looks like a patch of light blue in the deep blue water. The waves hit the outer rocks and turn out white waves, which is really magnificent. Before 1997, the South Philippines had never raised any objection to the Chinese government's exercise of sovereign jurisdiction and development and utilization of Huangyan Island. However, in the past ten years or so, the Southern Philippines has been making "small moves" on Huangyan Island, stirring up troubles from time to time, and its ambition to covet the sovereignty of Huangyan Island is clearly revealed. So far, China has always exercised self-restraint on the Huangyan Island dispute and does not advocate military intervention. In the short term, in addition to diplomatic efforts, China's main strategy is to dispatch maritime surveillance ships and fishery administration ships. When Yuxing saw the news, he was extremely confused. A large country with more than a billion people has repeatedly had its territory invaded and occupied by small neighboring countries, but it only made verbal protests without any substantive actions. This not only fueled the arrogance of these countries, but also caused our country's territory to be actually occupied by them. On occupation. Yuxing sent a message to Niu Niu: "Niu Niu, build a similar submarine based on the Earth submarine as a template. I want to go to Huangyan Island to have a look. You can figure out the specific protection and attack systems. How long will it take?" "Boss, please wait ten seconds." Ten seconds later. Niuniu design is completed. "Boss, the submarine design parameters have been sent to your communicator. Based on the analysis of the actual situation on earth and the technical level, the submarine cannot be destroyed. Please check it and make it after confirmation." Yuxing took out a communicator similar to a Samsung smartphone and checked the parameters of the submarine that Niuniu had sent. "City-class hunting submarine, which can attack surface and underwater targets, is 157 meters long, 15.5 meters wide, whale-shaped, with an underwater displacement of 35,000 tons; an underwater cruising speed of 90 knots, a maximum speed of 150 knots; a maximum surface speed of 180 knots, a maximum The diving depth is 2,300 meters; the energy used by the power system is 223 element blocks per cubic meter, and the range is 35 years of uninterrupted navigation with full power. Underwater noise is 0-11, earth sonar detection probability is 0; proton wave active underwater radar System, underwater detection range of 300 kilometers; weapon system: one C-class particle cannon, set on the top of the boat, 360-degree viewing angle, underwater range of 150 kilometers, surface range of 500 kilometers; Earth-like A-type torpedo launch tube, front Six tubes, four tubes at the tail, 120 A-type torpedoes, the torpedo navigation is the Explorer navigation system; 80 201 energy element mines. Protection: optical and electromagnetic stealth system, energy cover protection system, which can offset the primary energy of the C-class particle cannon freed." After seeing the submarine parameters sent by Niuniu, Yuxing immediately went online to search for the most advanced submarine parameters of major military powers in the world. At this stage, the submarines of the United States and North Russia are the most advanced, with deep dive, low noise and strong endurance. But compared with the submarines designed by Niu Niu, their technological level is at least two orders of magnitude different. If we compare it from the perspective of weapon systems, a submarine made by Niu Niu can overwhelm all submarines in the world and dominate the underwater world. Yuxing is especially satisfied with Niu Niu's conclusion that "the submarine cannot be destroyed". "Niuniu, let's produce two submarines according to these parameters. The number of the submarine deployed near Taiping Island will be 'Chen's 02', and 'Chen's 01' will follow me. How long will it take to manufacture?" Yuxing asked Niu Niu gave the order. "Boss, it takes three hours and twenty minutes. The task has been carried out." Niu Niu gave Yuxing a precise time. "Boss, there is actually no need to build such a technologically backward submarine. Whether it is an underwater target or a surface target, the shuttle can easily complete the strike mission. Take the US' Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Stennis as an example. The shuttle's C-class particle cannon can be sunk with one shot at full energy. When a U.S. nuclear-powered submarine dives to a depth of 500 meters, 10% of the shuttle's energy can send it to the bottom of the sea. With the current level of technology on earth, it is impossible to defend against particle cannons s attack." Yuxing said angrily: "What do you know? I just want to use a submarine to sink their ships with torpedoes, make them chaotic, and make them miserable. Besides, I want to have fun playing with submarines, don't you? .” Niu Niu lost his voice. If he were a thoughtful and interesting human being, he would have black lines all over his forehead, and he would be eager to kick this shameless boss. Yuxing was not acting out of loyalty, he really wanted to attack them with weapons that were more advanced than theirs, which made him feel itchy and uncomfortable, and he had no idea how to start. They just can't be made to think that the force attacking them is invincible, that wouldn't be fun. Yuxing sat bored for a while, temporarily gave up on the promotion of professional titles, and began to plan his actions against the South Philippines in the next few days. Minister Zhao didn't return to the office until he was about to get off work. Yuxing told Minister Zhao that he might not be able to come to work tomorrow due to some personal matters. Minister Zhao did not take Yuxing's request for leave seriously and told Yuxing to see a doctor if he was sick and not to let a minor illness turn into a serious one. And asked not to forget the auction on Sunday. Yuxing smiled secretly in his heart, and Old Man Zhao found another reason for him to take leave. He also happily promised that he would never forget the auction. After get off work, Yuxing returned directly to the villa. This is Yuxing's first time in his new home. The decoration of the three villas has its own style. The main villa is in a modern European style, with gorgeous decorations, strong colors, and exquisite shapes, showing elegance, luxury and elegance, much the same as Yuxing's lounge on the comprehensive ship. One of the two annexed villas is in Chinese retro style; the other is in post-modern style dominated by modern popular elements. Yuxing was very satisfied with this and praised Wei Dong a few words. Yuxing called his mother to tell his mother that he and his boss would go to another city for research tonight, which would probably take two to three days. Zhang Rongrong was inevitably nagging again. Yuxing said "hum haha" until he made his mother happy before hanging up the phone. After eating the dinner prepared by Ami, Yuxing took Wei Dong, Chen Han and Chen Leng to board the 01 ship and returned to the comprehensive ship.
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